Flip the Script
At the CEC, the body discusses ways to reimagine the district discussion meeting and make it more engaging to youth.
From the world’s most diverse lay Buddhist organization.
On Sept. 5, 1956, I was conferring with second Soka Gakkai President Josei Toda about the future of kosen-rufu. The focus of our discussion was Yamaguchi Prefecture in the Chugoku region of Japan. At the time, we had only a little more than 400 households practicing Buddhism there. Yamaguchi was the starting point of events
Reminded of my mission, I overcome grief and loss by deciding to win for myself and others.
“One actual discussion meeting is far more effective in turning the wheels of kosen-rufu than a million fine-sounding words of theory.” —Ikeda Sensei (Jan. 17, 2025, World Tribune, p. 3) Across the globe, districts are experimenting with new approaches, drawing on the creativity and wisdom of youth to ensure discussion meetings are even fresher and
This new study series will cover Soka Spirit topics to be presented by a youth or student division member at Soka 2030 meetings on the last Sunday of each month. What is the purpose of religion? Does it support people’s growth or attempt to control them? At this time, when many might view the idea
ALISO VIEJO, Calif.—What do you get when you combine the mission of Soka University of America with the spirit of the Olympics? Sokalympics—a daylong event held March 9, 2025, and organized by the university’s Student Leaders Assembly (SLA) to create opportunities for students to foster meaningful bonds within and across different classes and communities. The
How a gift of cherry trees from Japan to the U.S. became an enduring symbol of peace, friendship and
cultural exchange.
A digital flipbook the World Tribune and Living Buddhism.
This section features Ikeda Sensei’s seminal guidance to the members of the United States. The following is an excerpt of his speech given at the First SGI-USA Women’s Division Meeting, held at Soka University of Los Angeles, Calabasas, California, February 27, 1990. The full speech can be found in My Dear Friends in America, fourth
Stories from literature on why good friends are life’s greatest treasure.
Encountering Buddhism after my father’s passing, I make the most of the promise I made him. I am Sumedh Kaul, of Boston.
The May Commemorative Contribution Activity embodies our vow to practice and spread the Mystic Law, expressing gratitude for the profound benefits we have received through Buddhist practice. Beyond personal appreciation, it serves as a means to financially sustain and expand the kosen-rufu movement, ensuring that future generations have access to the transformative teachings of Nichiren
Find your monthly district material here.
With the SGI-USA’s 2025 focus on fostering friendship, building community and raising successors, the World Tribune sat down with Tanushree Salvi-Young, the Northwest Mountain Region young women’s leader, to hear about how members in Boise are building friendship and community. World Tribune:Tanushree, thank you for talking with us. Please tell us a little about your
With the SGI-USA’s focus on friendship, community and raising successors, the World Tribune sat down with Renee Benson, the Louisiana-Mississippi Region women’s leader, to hear about their united effort as a Soka community to support youth. World Tribune: Thank you for speaking with us, Renee, on behalf of the members of Louisiana-Mississippi Region. To start,
Starting this year, the student division is now a stand-alone division that encompasses youth between the ages of 18–25 attending college. Alongside this change, the SGI-USA appointed new student division leaders, Dee Gopi and Koichi Onogi. The World Tribune spoke with the two to hear about the significance of the student division and their vision
Frontline News
Youth territory leaders share their personal reasons for advancing full throttle toward the March youth-led discussion meetings.
Ikeda Sensei
Ikeda Sensei gave the following speech on Aug. 1, 2008, at the Soka Gakkai Youth Division Representatives Conference. This guidance first appeared in the Aug. 6, 2008, issue of the Soka Gakkai’s daily newspaper, Seikyo Shimbun. Part one appears in the March 7, World Tribune, pp. 2–3. No matter what storms may assail the Soka
Fighting for my friends, I learn that a lion’s prayers are always answered.
Frontline News
March is a time to find new ways to revolutionize our discussion meetings.
In the wake of my son’s passing, I rise above my pain and discover the beauty of life within.