TOKYO, Aug. 2—The Brazilian university Federal University of Sergipe conferred an honorary doctorate on SGI President Ikeda for his efforts to foster global citizens and his contributions to peace. Federal University of Sergipe President Angelo Roberto Antoniolli attended the ceremony, held at Soka University.
To date, President Ikeda’s honorary doctorates and professorships number over 386 from institutions of higher learning worldwide. On accepting such awards, he once wrote: “I’m a graduate of ‘Toda University.’ [Second Soka Gakkai President Josei] Toda gave me personal instruction in a broad range of subjects. As such, every award presented to me is an honor that I automatically dedicate to my mentor. I also want you to know that every time I am given such an award, I accept it as your representative and share it with all our members working tirelessly for peace, culture and education everywhere” (April 3, 2009, World Tribune, p. 5).
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