SGI President Ikeda’s dialogue partner and president/founder of the Nuclear Age Peace Foundation, David Krieger, was presented the Soka Gakkai Award of Honor on Oct. 20 at the peace foundation’s 36th annual “Evening for Peace” in Santa Barbara, California.
The award, signed by President Ikeda and Soka Gakkai President Minoru Harada, states, “Sharing the aims and ideals of the Soka Gakkai’s movement for human happiness and peace, you have made significant contributions to the promotion of peace, culture and education.”
Anna Ikeda, of the SGI Office for United Nations Affairs, presented the Soka Gakkai award to Dr. Krieger at “Evening for Peace,” where participants gathered to inspire new action for the disarmament of nuclear weapons.
Dr. Krieger founded the Nuclear Age Peace Foundation 37 years ago and is set to retire at the end of the year. His dialogue with President Ikeda was published under the title Choose Hope.
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