by Dion Moore
26 years old
Washington, D.C.
The first time I went to nursing school, I was just seeking a career to sustain myself. Because I was struggling financially and wasn’t serious, I flunked out. The second time, about one year later, I realized that the only way to graduate from my program was to understand my mission for kosen-rufu as a nurse and accumulate the treasures of the heart by fighting for the happiness of others.
After chanting Nam-myoho-renge-kyo every day, I would go to school, ready to learn. I also shared Buddhism for the first time with my classmates and helped two of them receive the Gohonzon.
When I really started to harness my greater self, I felt appreciation for the craft and the science behind nursing and became even more serious about learning. Four years after the start of this journey, I finally graduated from nursing school and passed the board in 2015.
Right now, I work as a licensed practical nurse for a pediatric at-home agency. The parents I work with have no means of financial income to take care of their sick children. Chanting gives me the confidence to be the best nurse I can be for them. More than ever, I’m also reaching out to young men as an SGI-USA chapter leader.
Recently, I found out that one of my patients had contracted COVID-19, and that I had been exposed. I was afraid that I had given it to others, including my mom, who has diabetes. After chanting about it like crazy, my test results came back negative. I’m confident that this protection is a result of my Buddhist practice.
To me, “One Youth. Infinite Hope.” means that when one courageous fighter, one lion, really stands up and stays firm in their resolve and vow for kosen-rufu, they are bound to affect everyone around them. All it takes is one person.
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