Aug. 6 World Tribune: Humanistic Leaders With the ‘Vast Heart’ of Soka
Professionals, students and retirees in the fields of education, academia, health care, law and medicine gather virtually on July 10 for the SGI-USA Culture Department Conference.
Aug. 13 World Tribune: Messages Mark the 70th Anniversaries of the Young Men’s and Young Women’s Divisions
Sensei sends congratulatory messages to the nationwide young men’s division and young women’s division meetings broadcast across Japan on July 13 and 18, respectively, calling on youth to “usher in the dawn of a decade of human triumph as you forge ahead to realize Nichiren’s ideal of establishing the correct teaching for the peace of the land and the entire world.”
Aug. 13 World Tribune: Advancing One Step Forward Together—Raising Successors Through the July Youth Meetings

Celebrating the 70th anniversary of the young men’s division’s founding on July 11, 1951, 201 Young Men’s Division General Meetings are held across the SGI-USA at the chapter and region level under the banner “Ceaseless Challenge! Infinite Growth!” The young women’s division celebrates 70 years since the division’s founding on July 19, 1951, holding a virtual conference on July 24, themed “A New Kind of Revolution: Buddhism and Society.”
Aug. 20 World Tribune: Soka International School Malaysia to Open in 2023

The combined junior high and senior high school will welcome students from around the world to its campus in the outskirts of the Malaysian capital in the state of Negeri Sembilan.
Sept. 5 World Tribune: Trailblazers of Hope
On Aug. 14, over 1,500 SGI-USA elementary school division members gather together to celebrate the second virtual National Elementary School Division Conference, themed “Trailblazers of Hope: My Adventure Toward 2030.”
In a moving message to the meeting, Sensei writes: “This Buddhism, which you have encountered at such a young age, is your ‘invincible sword.’ It is the greatest power for breaking through the darkness of all hardships and opening up a marvelous and victorious springtime of youth. No matter what happens, do not be discouraged and decide to never give up as you chant Nam-myoho-renge-kyo like a roaring lion.”
Sept. 10 World Tribune: Vol. 30 of NHR Out Now

The long-anticipated volume 30 of The New Human Revolution is released as an e-book (for $11.99) and in print (for $18).
Sept. 10 World Tribune: The Future Begins With America

To mark the 20th anniversary of the tragic events of Sept. 11, 2001, the World Tribune republishes the message Sensei sent to the members of SGI-USA on its one-year anniversary. In it, Sensei conveys the important role that America plays in securing peace for all humanity, saying: “It is my unchanging belief that the happiness and future of humanity depends on the United States. By the United States, I mean each of you, the members of the SGI-USA.”
Sept. 17 World Tribune: A Homecoming to Remember

After an 18-month hiatus, the reopening of SGI-USA Buddhist Centers sees hybrid September kosen-rufu gongyo meetings held in person and by Zoom, with more centers opening throughout the year.
Sept. 17 World Tribune: Standing at the Vanguard as Bodhisattvas With Pride

Over 1,000 members, guests and friends of the LGBTQ+ community gather for a live webinar hosted by the SGI-USA Courageous Freedom Group under the banner “Buddhahood of Pride.”
Oct. 1 World Tribune: ‘Motor City’ Castle Opens

The new SGI-USA Detroit Buddhist Center opens on Sept. 12 with 150 members from Michigan Region attending the grand opening and 200 joining the celebration by Zoom. The new center is nestled in the heart of Detroit.
Oct. 8 World Tribune: The District Is the Core
The Central Executive Committee (CEC) holds its final quarterly conference of the year and reaffirms that the heart of our kosen-rufu movement is treasuring each person in the district. Furthermore, the CEC announces a “propagation renaissance” in which we focus on supporting guests to understand the profound power of the Mystic Law, receive benefits in faith and experience the care and support of the members of their district.
Oct. 15 World Tribune: Be Wise Individuals Who Protect the People!

Commemorating Sept. 26, 1991, the day Sensei delivered his first lecture at Harvard University, over 500 student division members, guests and high school seniors gather virtually for their biannual student division lecture themed “Be Individuals of Wisdom and Intelligence Who Protect the People!”
Nov. 5 World Tribune: Castle of Seattle Kosen-rufu Opens

The Greater Seattle and East King County regions of Pacific Northwest Zone open the new SGI-USA Seattle Buddhist Center on Oct. 3, 61 years after Sensei’s first visit to the city on Oct. 6, 1960.
Nov. 12 World Tribune: El Monte Buddhist Center Opens

The members of La Puente and East Los Angeles San Gabriel Valley regions celebrate the grand opening of the SGI-USA El Monte Buddhist Center with over 220 members gathering in person for the event.
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