Women: Ages 35 and over
- The women will unite four-divisionally in the effort to make the districts the core by: 1) conveying heartfelt encouragement to members and guests so that their monthly discussion meetings overflow with joyful experiences; 2) making the chanting of Nam-myoho-renge-kyo a top priority; 3) planting lots of seeds so each woman can have one friend begin their Buddhist practice; and 4) encouraging and raising young women’s division members.
- From Feb. 25 to 27, introductory Buddhist meetings will be held at the group- or district-level (decided by location) to commemorate SGI-USA Women’s Day on Feb. 27 (open to all women, young women and nonbinary members and guests).
- On Friday, June 10, the 71st anniversary of the women’s division, the women will participate in a relay prayer campaign for the happiness and peace of the land, with each person challenging themselves to do gongyo and chant Nam-myoho-renge-kyo for one hour from their own homes.

Photo by Kevin Lyden
Men: Ages 35 and over
- The men will unite with the other divisions and provide valuable support to front-line district activities; plant seeds so that each man can have one friend begin their Buddhist practice this year; foster genuine bonds of friendship by reaching out to men’s division members, based on sincere daimoku; and visit and encourage young men’s division members, and support their efforts to take the lead in propagation.
- The Kings of Soka encouragement meetings will continue to be held monthly on the region or zone-level. All hybrid, in-person Kings of Soka meetings are held on the last Saturday of each month (at reopened centers only). For areas without a reopened center, the monthly meetings will be held by Zoom, either on the 2nd Saturday or the last Saturday/Sunday of the month.
- The men will celebrate SGI-USA Men’s Month in August with “Leave No Man Behind Commemorative Men’s Division Meetings.”
- The Security and Safety Group will be relaunched to support the young men’s division Gajokai group in serving the members behind the scenes at SGI-USA centers.

Photo by Michelle Riofrio
Young Women: Ages 18–35
- Determined to support the continued growth of our districts and engage in a propagation renaissance, the young women will have three main focuses in 2022: 1) making the district the core of our activities; 2) supporting new members; and 3) engaging in young women’s training groups.
- The young women will hold quarterly Kayo-kai meetings open to all young women and nonbinary members and guests. This year’s rhythm is as follows:
- February: join local introductory Buddhist meetings celebrating Women’s Month (together with the women’s division)
- May: held locally
- July: held nationally (young women’s conference)
- September: held locally
- Two classes of the Kayo-kai Core training group will be conducted from 1) January to June and 2) July to December. Further details will be shared locally.

Photo by Bob Nardi
Young Men: Ages 18–35
- The young men will continue the flywheel of: 1) promoting discussion meeting attendance; 2) holding monthly zone- and region-level young men’s general meetings; 3) holding chapter level young men’s Citadel meetings; 4) holding region level YMD Academy training meetings; 5) holding Soka Group and Gajokai activities at open SGI-USA centers; and 6) appointing district and chapter young men’s leaders. Significant activities throughout the year include:
- January: chapter kickoffs
- February: YMD Academy graduation and induction
- July: chapter-level general meetings

Photo by Dixon Hamby
Future Division: Comprising all members in elementary, junior high and high school
- Future division members are encouraged to join and invite their friends to their discussion meetings where they can participate in the presentations and discussions, and share their experiences in faith. June discussion meetings will commemorate the 11th annual Future Division Month with an emphasis on including future division members in planning and attendance.
- Resuming in February 2022, Soka Family Day activities will be held on the second Sunday of each month.
- Nationwide conferences will be held in June (for the junior high and high school division) and in August (for the elementary school division).
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