To usher in the Year of Fresh Departure for a Youthful Soka Gakkai Worldwide, the SGI-USA on Dec. 3, 2023, announced the formation of a new four-territory structure to better support the membership at the grassroots level.
They are: East Territory, Central Territory, West Territory and the newly formed SoCal-Pacific Territory (see map), with the stars indicating the locations of the territory offices. Alongside this change, new leadership appointments were made, reflecting a new era for the SGI-USA.
East Territory

4D Leader

Women’s Leader

Men’s Leader

Young Women’s Leader

Young Men’s Leader

Vice Women’s Leader

Vice Women’s Leader

Vice Men’s Leader

Vice Men’s Leader
Central Territory

4D Leader

Women’s Leader

Men’s Leader

Young Women’s Leader

Young Men’s Leader

Vice Women’s Leader

Vice Men’s Leader

Vice Men’s Leader

Vice Young Women’s Leader
West Territory

4D Leader

Women’s Leader

Men’s Leader

Young Women’s Leader

Young Men’s Leader

Vice Women’s Leader

Vice Young Women’s Leader
SoCal-Pacific Territory

4D Leader

Women’s Leader

Men’s Leader

Young Women’s Leader

Young Men’s Leader

Vice Women’s Leader

Vice Men’s Leader

Vice Young Women’s Leader
Let’s Hold Nothing Back, Starting Today

by Adin Strauss
SGI-USA General Director
Thanks to everyone for your great efforts and unstinting support in this momentous year of 2023.
We have emerged from the COVID-19 era, and we now see a rising tide of propagation, accompanied by joy in faith and benefit, sweeping around our SGI community.
At the same time, with the news of Ikeda Sensei’s passing on Nov. 15, 2023, we can grasp more than ever the poignancy of his 2020 guidance that the 10 years toward the Soka Gakkai’s centennial on Nov. 18, 2030, would be crucial for the destiny of humankind.
Plans to implement the new four-territory structure of the SGI-USA were in the works for months. Our goal was to enable more responsive administration, smoother communication to respond to members’ needs, and shorter travel so we can strengthen member care.
I do feel that the kickoff of this new structure marks a great new jumping-off point for us, a fresh start following the sadness of Sensei’s passing.
With this change in place, then, the question we need to ask ourselves is: What action is needed at this moment to further invigorate our kosen-rufu movement, transforming society and our own personal destiny at the same time?
In 2024, we would like to keep a laser focus on the four pillars of our practice:
• Discussion meetings
• Home visits
• Propagating the teachings
• Study
Preparing for the new year, let’s use this month of December to chant to our hearts’ content and create plans for 2024 and onward to 2030 in our respective organizations and in our lives. The amount of daimoku we chant, the time we set aside for study, the number of people we will share Buddhism with—the more concrete our goals, the more we can focus our time and the more motivated we’ll be.
Nichiren Daishonin declares: “Thus within the tents of command they were able to devise strategies that assured victory a thousand miles away” (“The Day before Yesterday,” The Writings of Nichiren Daishonin, vol. 2, p. 391). Excellent planning, for the short and long term, is a great cause for victory.
The Soka Gakkai’s 100th anniversary date is still almost seven years away, which seems quite a long time from now.
But our practice teaches the principle of “consistency from beginning to end” (Nyo ze honmak kukyo to).
In The Heart of the Lotus Sutra, Ikeda Sensei explains that although we may have differing characters or physical appearances, they are consistent throughout every aspect of our lives (see p. 105).
It was the genius of the founding presidents of Soka to clarify that the same principle of “consistency from beginning to end” applies to every task in daily life.
I remember seeking guidance from a senior in faith upon having found a new and better job. He encouraged me to be sure to finish up my current work with full-on effort, emphasizing that this was the best possible cause for success at my next job based on “consistency from beginning to end.”
Similarly, our first steps, our initial actions toward achieving a great goal, are crucial, even if the “finish line” may be years away.
In volume 2 of The New Human Revolution, Sensei says:
Now is the most important time. Eternity, after all, is just the unending succession of single moments. If you don’t fight now, then how many years from now do you plan on starting? The Daishonin states, “Now is the last moment of one’s life”(“The Heritage of the Ultimate Law of Life,” The Writings of Nichiren Daishonin, vol. 1, p. 216). He stresses the importance of exerting ourselves earnestly in faith at this present moment. Therefore, please strive with all your might now, at this moment—today—turning each page of your life so that you will have no regrets. (revised edition, p. 30)
Now it is our time to step forward and truly take full responsibility.
Looking back over the past decade or so, it’s clear that Sensei was training us, giving us ever greater autonomy and relying on us to spontaneously and joyfully take dynamic action.
So let’s move forward, holding nothing back, starting today.
Thank you again!
East Territory
Shining as Our True Selves

Simone Obidah
East Territory Young Women’s Leader
I grew up in this practice but struggled with the concept of mentor and disciple. I compared myself to others, wondering if I could truly be a disciple of Ikeda Sensei as I was.
Through deepening my faith, studying and seeking, I learned that my mentor-disciple relationship already exists. It’s up to me to unveil it from the depths of my life.
I recently had the opportunity to attend the Summer Youth Training Course in Japan. There, I heard a story from members who constantly asked themselves, How can we bring joy to Sensei?
I reported to Sensei that I was chanting about how I could bring him joy. Days later, he sent a message to everyone that said, “Nothing brings me greater joy than to know that you are in high spirits, truly happy and victorious. Remember, your victory is my victory.”
I don’t have to change to be a disciple of Sensei; it is because I am a disciple of Sensei that I can fully embrace myself as I am.
The young women’s division of East Territory is so diverse; each member has their own strengths. Fusing our diverse qualities with our Buddhahood, as disciples of Sensei, we are together tackling every facet of the world, each in our own unique way. By helping one person after another become happy through embracing the Gohonzon, the YWD of East Territory will shine as our true selves in response to our mentor!
Sensei, the East Territory YWD will dedicate our lives to showing your greatness, demonstrate undeniable actual proof, work tirelessly for our and others’ happiness and shift the tides of society!
A Force That Breaks Through the Negativity

Grady Tesch
East Territory Young Men’s Leader
As a 19-year-old aspiring musician struggling and searching for a way of life, I was moved by Wayne Shorter’s fighting spirit. And as I searched for the source of his fighting spirit, I encountered his mentor, Ikeda Sensei.
I immediately saw the power of Buddhism and chanting. It put into words and practice what I long believed in my heart. And through reading Sensei’s Discussions on Youth and The Human Revolution, I realized that this—a life dedicated to kosen-rufu—was the way I wanted to live.
My seniors in faith were so generous with their time to support me. When I felt I could barely take care of my own life, they brought me along to visit other young men, opened their homes for me to chant and took me out to eat after a day of activities.
To repay this debt of gratitude to Sensei and the SGI, I’m determined to strive together with the young men’s division in East Territory—with pride and a sense of exhilarating adventure in our struggles for kosen-rufu. This is our direct attack on the loneliness and negativity pervading young people today. We will be a force stronger than those.
East Territory is filled with cities that are leading the way in thought and culture. With this massive blend of cultures as our strength, we will contemplate deeply the issues in our world and lead with fresh ideas that can break through any stagnation.
Kosen-rufu is our responsibility. Sensei, there’s no need to worry; we’ll get it done!
Central Territory
Becoming the Engines of Kosen-rufu

Josef Gaudiesus
Central Territory Young Men’s Leader
Before heading to college, I got in trouble with the law. During that time, I was set on not practicing Buddhism, but somehow, I knew I had to chant Nam-myoho-renge-kyo.
Shortly after connecting with my local SGI organization, my young men’s leaders began entrusting me with various responsibilities. Many times, I didn’t understand why I had to do these things, but I slowly came to understand they were challenging me on behalf of Ikeda Sensei.
Through it all, I learned that I had it in me to win with everything. And it’s thanks to this training that I’m now in my fifth year as a high school science teacher and football coach in Dallas.
In coaching, we build our team by knowing the strengths of each player. I see parallels between building a successful football team and building an engine of young men to propel kosen-rufu forward.
I’ve held in my heart these words from Ikeda Sensei to the student division: “Stand up with energy and joy, proudly waving your own individual banners! Advance victoriously, filled with exuberance and courage! Live each day of your youth fully, without regrets!” (Kosen-rufu: Our Mission, vol. 1, p. 230).
The vastness of Central Territory is not a struggle—it’s our strength. Why? Because each place has to wave its own banner and stand as its own engine, and each young man has to impress in the depths of his life the significance of his unique mission.
Starting with winning in the morning, I will accomplish everything and then some—not just by maintaining but by always growing.
Sensei, Central Territory—with its numerous engines in the young men’s division—will proudly power kosen-rufu in America!
Becoming the Sun That Illuminates All

Toko Itaya
Central Territory Young Women’s Leader
I had the great fortune to encounter Ikeda Sensei and Mrs. Ikeda as a Kansai Soka High School student. On a trip to Soka University in Tokyo, more than 300 students lined up shoulder to shoulder in front of Ikeda Auditorium. As Sensei drove past us, acknowledging each of us, we passionately called out our determinations to him.
“I am definitely going to attend Soka University of America and contribute to world peace!” That was my vow.
Fighting to fulfill it caused me to blossom in ways I could never have imagined—from graduating from SUA in 2015 to pursuing a Ph.D. in Chicago today. And through sharing Buddhism with others and encouraging other young women’s division members, I’m absolutely confident that I am directly contributing to world peace.
Without personal struggles or worries, I wouldn’t have the fuel to burn brightly and encourage others. With that conviction, I want to visit as many young women as possible and help them move one step closer to Sensei and the Gohonzon. I am determined to be the sun that illuminates everything in my environment, wherever I go.
Sensei says, “How wondrous that you, the youth of Soka who share my spirit and are connected by profound karmic ties, have chosen to be here at this time of fresh departure” (Nov. 18, 2023, World Tribune, p. 3). I truly feel that Sensei is always warmly watching us grow.
I will take full responsibility for raising the happiest young women’s division members, and I will proudly report to Sensei that the Central Territory YWD have become champions of happiness, carrying the baton of kosen-rufu toward 2030 and beyond!
West Territory
Joyful, Strong and Pure-hearted

Apoorvee Sawhney
West Territory Young Women’s Leader
Now more than ever, united with my mentor, I am determined to create the most joyful, strong and pure-hearted young women’s division in West Territory!
When I began practicing Buddhism in India in high school, I was the only person in my family to do so and quickly learned the importance of showing actual proof to my family through my behavior.
I struggled with my mental health, but through studying Ikeda Sensei’s guidance, I developed conviction that I would be victorious if I based my life on the Mystic Law. Through daily study of Nichiren Daishonin’s writing, “On Attaining Buddhahood in this Lifetime” with a senior in faith, I came to understand that I am a Buddha despite all my challenges and determined each day to perceive the true aspect of my life. This was a turning point in my life!
I also used each SGI campaign as a cause for victory, helping many friends receive the Gohonzon and sharing Buddhism with many others. In the process, I transformed my life state of helplessness and hopelessness into confidence, stability, joy and courage. It was through this human revolution that many of my family members took faith.
Toward 2030, united in prayer and as champions of study, the young women will make home visits, one-to-one dialogues and member care the foundation of our fresh departure. I am also determined to win where I am with the motto “faith equals daily life,” which also means daily life equals faith.
Sensei, rest assured: The West Territory young women will lead the way with monumental victories!
We Will Stand Strong!

Jiwoo Kim
West Territory Young Men’s Leader
Before starting college, I had the opportunity to attend the Student Division Conference at the SGI-USA Florida Nature and Culture Center. It was there that I finally opened up about my struggles with depression and was encouraged to seriously chant for my happiness.
After graduating college, I struggled to land my first job. I was still extremely shy and had difficulty speaking with others. During this time, a senior in faith pointed me to Discussions on Youth, where Ikeda Sensei says, “Each of you has a mission that only you can fulfill” (p. 9). I felt, This is Sensei’s personal encouragement to me. I determined to show actual proof—that even someone like me can be victorious.
Who I am today is thanks to Sensei and my training in the young men’s division. My dream is to own a soccer team. It’s a big dream, and the new West Territory is big, too. I’m determined to advance one step at a time and awaken one person at a time, building a strong foundation rooted in the oneness of mentor and disciple.
As Sensei writes: “No distance could separate the hearts of mentor and disciple dedicated to advancing kosen-rufu. Vast oceans and towering mountains would not come between them. If anything, distance only made their bond grow stronger and deeper” (The New Human Revolution, vol. 30, p. 204).
Regardless of the distance between us, the young men’s division of West Territory will strive toward victory, connected in our hearts.
While always engaging in an inner dialogue with you, Sensei, we still stand strong no matter what!
SoCal-Pacific Territory
Sending Ripples of Victory Out Into the World

Kenichi Hackman
SoCal-Pacific Territory Young Men’s Leader
Last year, in a moment of hopelessness, I recalled Ikeda Sensei’s own struggle as a youth. As I thought about his life, my own struggles took on a new meaning. I vowed to Sensei that I would never give up, that I would give my life for our movement for peace. Since then, I chant every day with the determination: Today, again, I will fight alongside Sensei.
SoCal-Pacific Territory—encompassing Southern California, Hawaii and the Mariana Islands—has a rich history with Sensei. He visited our area the most outside of Japan, and it is here that he established the Soka Gakkai International, Soka University of America and the SGI-USA headquarters.
With this great responsibility, my determination is for the young men’s division here to become the nucleus of the SGI-USA and the world. While this expectation may seem daunting, I see it in this way: Because Sensei believes in each of us, we too have to believe in ourselves. If we win here, we can send ripples of victory out into the world.
So I am determined to lead by example—starting with the fundamentals of gongyo and daimoku, becoming a champion of shakubuku and member care, seeking from Sensei in The New Human Revolution, and always running in the frontlines, together with the young men.
With each heart-to-heart connection I make, the deeper I feel my roots sink and my love grow for my community. Sensei, as you wrote in “The Sun of Jiyu Over a New Land,” SoCal-Pacific Territory will transform our land into the place of your dreams!
Becoming the Happiest Young Women

Mao Izumi Ross
SoCal-Pacific Territory Young Women’s Leader
I had the fortune of growing up in the garden of Soka thanks to my mother’s faith. If she hadn’t had Ikeda Sensei as her mentor, our lives would have been entirely different. I owe my life to Sensei and the SGI.
Early this year, following the birth of my daughter in December 2022, I experienced an intense anxiety that I had never felt before. I felt extremely incapable of fulfilling any of the responsibilities I had. In those moments, I thought about Sensei, chanted with Sensei in my heart and sought Sensei in his writings. Every moment, I felt empowered to fight another day, and it gave me the courage to reach out to others and encourage them with my life. Those precious moments became another prime point with my mentor, who would never give up on me or anyone under any circumstances.
I am determined that the young women of SoCal-Pacific Territory will become the happiest through strengthening their faith—the kind of happiness that is not attached to anything external. In October, I started a personal home visit campaign that I will carry through to the end of 2024! Through these one-to-one visits, I am determined to awaken the person in front of me to their mission with Sensei.
I am ready to do anything and everything for the sake of the members and to protect the SGI!
Sensei, I will lay down my roots deep here in SoCal-Pacific Territory and repay my debt of gratitude to you!
December 15, 2023, World Tribune, pp. 6–10
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