In the wake of the disaster left behind by Hurricane Katrina, SGI President and Mrs. Ikeda have continuously sent messages to encourage those affected. On the evening the hurricane hit Mississippi and Louisiana, Aug. 29, President Ikeda immediately sent his first message.
A message from Mrs. Ikeda followed, in which she said: “I am truly concerned about the well-being of everyone, especially all the women. Please convey my sincerest regards to all the women.”
Subsequent messages were sent on Aug. 30 and Sept. 1. The following message was sent on Sept. 4.
I have been following the TV coverage of the destruction caused by Hurricane Katrina. The entire world is watching with great concern. Please extend your sincerest encouragement to every single member. Please support, encourage and aid them.
I am praying that you will all accumulate great good fortune and experience the lessening of karmic retribution. With courage, please rise again.
Do not be defeated. Rather, stand up with magnificent faith. My prayer is that all of you will rise up with this spirit to never be defeated. America, never give up! You must absolutely change poison into medicine. Let each of us stand up with this conviction that we will change poison into medicine.
With our deepest sympathy, my wife and I are chanting for you.
Daisaku Ikeda
Sept. 4, 2005
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