by Maya Gunaseharan, Shota Okajima, Amelia Gonzalez and Martin Saito
SGI-USA Youth Leaders
Happy New Year to the noble members of the SGI-USA!
Thank you very much for your incredible efforts in 2022 and your continued support of the youth division!
In his 2023 New Year’s message, Ikeda Sensei says: “Now more than ever, let us chant powerfully for world peace and, with youth in the lead, expand our gathering of Bodhisattvas of the Earth in the places of our mission” (Jan. 1, 2023, World Tribune, p. 2).
Moved by our mentor’s call, and united with our four-divisional family, we are determined to respond this year with unstoppable propagation momentum, starting right where we are!
In the last nearly three years, we faced unprecedented challenges as a country and world. Now, we find ourselves in a period of transition, preparing for the next phase of SGI-USA’s reopening and the rebuilding of our foundation for kosen-rufu in America. Sensei reminds us that our practice based on the Lotus Sutra shows its “true brilliance in just such periods of great transition” (The Wisdom of the Lotus Sutra, vol. 1, p. 11). With that in mind, we will unhesitatingly share this practice with those around us!
At the same time, we are celebrating three historic milestones:
1) 10 years since the opening of the Hall of the Great Vow for Kosen-rufu in Shinanomachi, Tokyo;
2) 10 years since the start of Ikeda Wisdom Academy, the youth study program for all youth leaders; and
3) 10 years since our historic youth propagation campaign, during which a remarkable starburst of more than 3,000 youth joined the SGI-USA.
Recognizing the district as the oasis where members are truly cared for to become strong in faith, we ask each of you to join us in our determination that every district throughout the SGI-USA will help one precious youth begin their Buddhist practice this year and foster them to become someone who will contribute to world peace.
We will refresh our personal efforts in propagation so the spirit of joyfully sharing Buddhism permeates every corner of the SGI-USA, and we can proudly report to Sensei that another starburst of youthful successors has emerged to fight for world peace while reaching for their dreams!
Thank you again, and let’s have an incredible Year of Youth and Triumph!
Jan.13, 2023, World Tribune, pp.6–7

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