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A Checklist for Our New Members


Congratulations on joining the SGI-USA and starting your journey of human revolution and happiness!

Starting something new isn’t always easy, and jumping into the mix of establishing a daily practice of chanting, learning gongyo, attending your local SGI meetings and studying Buddhism can seem overwhelming at first.

So, to help you get organized and develop a foundation in your Buddhist practice, here are some resources and tips.

Nichiren Daishonin embodied in the Gohonzon his enlightened state of life, which he stressed also exists in all people. When we take action to care for and protect the Gohonzon, we are doing so out of a commitment to strengthen our Buddha nature and out of sincere appreciation for all life.


  • Decide on a spot for your altar at home that is safe and secure, has ample lighting and is easy to focus.
  • Reach out to your sponsor/friend and local leaders, and set a date to enshrine the Gohonzon.
  • Do you need items for your altar: bell, candles, incense, greenery, water cup? If so, check out your local SGI-USA bookstore or shop online at for Buddhist goods.

See the “How to Enshrine the Gohonzon and Care for Your Buddhist Altar” pamphlet you received when joining for more information. If you’ve misplaced the pamphlet, please ask your local leaders for a copy.

Gongyo—which includes reciting portions of the “Expedient Means” and “Life Span of the Thus Come One” chapters of the Lotus Sutra—is the supporting practice that enhances our primary practice of chanting Nam-myoho-renge-kyo. In reciting gongyo twice daily, we reaffirm that each person inherently possesses Buddhahood and that this Buddha nature exists eternally within us.


  • Check out the SGI-USA app (available on both the App Store and Google Play). You can chant and recite the liturgy along with a recording, adjust the playback speed and note your chanting goals.

Studying Buddhism is an essential part of developing our faith. It helps us understand our circumstances from the perspective of Buddhism and effect change in our personal lives and within our families, workplaces and communities. It also helps us more confidently share Buddhist philosophy with others.


  • Pick up The Basics of Nichiren Buddhism. It contains the history of Buddhism and explanations of key concepts. You can purchase a copy at your local SGI-USA bookstore, online at or download for free at
  • Register for the October introductory exam. While the thought of an exam might sound stressful, its emphasis is not on passing but rather on encouraging members to engage in the vital aspect of Buddhist study. Please ask your sponsor or local leaders for more information.

The various SGI activities held at your local Buddhist center or members’ homes serve as opportunities to connect, encourage and learn with one another as a community on our path of human revolution. 


  • Check the date and time of your upcoming district discussion meeting.
  • Make time to attend your monthly kosen-rufu gongyo meeting, where members throughout the local area come together to pray for world peace.
  • Set up your SGI-USA portal account at Go there to update your profile, manage your subscriptions, register for upcoming conferences at the Florida Nature and Culture Center and access other resources.

For more info on other divisional or auxiliary activities, please ask your local leaders.

In the course of our Buddhist practice, we will encounter various obstacles, or we may confront an area of our life that needs to transform. At these times, it’s quite natural to have doubts about whether you can break through. That’s why, in addition to our one-to-one support, the SGI-USA provides various forms of encouragement to help us never give up. 


  • The weekly newspaper World Tribune and monthly study magazine Living Buddhism are your main resources for staying connected to the Buddhist community. Visit and download the World Tribune app (available on both the App Store and Google Play) to have encouragement at your fingertips.
  • Visit your local SGI-USA bookstore or There will be something that piques your interest, whether it’s study lectures on Nichiren Daishonin’s writings on how to live a victorious life, guidance for young people or dialogues exploring the universality of Buddhism.

September 13, 2024, World Tribune, p. 9

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