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Efforts Made Before Discussion Meetings Are Key to Its Success

Illustration by ladyastronaut / Fiverr.

Ikeda Sensei: Nichiren Buddhism exists so that everyone can become happy, and the purpose of discussion meetings is to inspire each person in faith. The main focus of the discussion meeting should be on every single one of the participants. Therefore, the determination and commitment of the central figures and attending leaders are crucial. In the lead-up to the meeting, they need to chant earnestly for the happiness of the members and make thorough preparations. It is important that leaders show sincere respect and appreciation to each person participating, especially praising those who have worked hard behind the scenes. …

Our discussion meetings are open forums where we can bring friends from our local community. I said to the members at the meeting in Otoshi Chapter: “Members attending discussion meetings mustn’t forget to do their utmost to support one another in deepening their faith and to contribute to the betterment of their communities.”

We need to focus on how we can translate the energy and inspiration we derive from our discussion meetings into positive achievements and victory in society. We need to turn our attention to how much we can progress and win in our lives as practitioners of Nichiren Buddhism from one discussion meeting to the next.


Crucial is not just the success of the meeting, but the earnest day-to-day efforts we make beforehand. The essence of our great discussion meeting movement is found in the dynamic rhythm of happiness and victory centering on the discussion meeting—that is, encouraging members, reaching out to talk to our friends about Buddhism, showing actual proof in our local communities and society, and working to make the content of the meeting inspiring. 

It is through this ongoing process of polishing and forging our lives that we solidly
establish in our hearts the SGI’s eternal guidelines of faith for each person to become happy, faith for surmounting obstacles and faith for absolute victory. (May 2016 Living Buddhism, pp. 16–17)

From the September 2024 Living Buddhism

Devotion to the Gohonzon Opens Your Life to the Entire Universe

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