Ikeda Sensei’s 95 Years
How far can one person go to change the world? Learn about Daisaku Ikeda’s contributions to creating a harmonious world, fostering friendship among nations, spreading Nichiren Buddhism around the globe and encouraging young people to stand up to fulfill their unique missions. Even more important, discover your own
power to make a difference. $12.95 (Coming soon)

Memories of My Youth
From these touching personal essays by Ikeda Sensei, written some 50 years ago, we gain not only new insights into his opposition to war but also a new appreciation for a man of humble beginnings whose commitment to peace remained unbending to the very last. $12.95 (Coming soon)

The New Human Revolution, vol. 28
In the long-anticipated English translation of volume 28 of The New Human Revolution, Ikeda Sensei chronicles his enduring efforts to open a new era of the people, with chapters titled “Songs of Kosen-rufu,” “Great Path,” “Inner Change” and “Victory Isles.” $15.95
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