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Daily Life

Planting Seeds That Take Root

Illustration by arearea / Imazins/ Getty Images.

Propagation must always take place in the context of deepening friendship and earning the trust of others. Today we live in an age in which there are superficial discussions, but true dialogue is lacking. Propagating Nichiren Buddhism, however, is a true dialogue: a stimulating exchange, based on consideration and concern for our friends, as we invite them to walk with us on the path of true and complete happiness.

Genuine Buddhist dialogue is discussing such crucial matters as the true value of life and what is right and wrong, based on our daily lives and personal
experiences. This is the ultimate practice of humanism, and this is propagating Buddhism. At the same time, propagating Nichiren Buddhism, which involves teaching others the most fundamental solution to sufferings, is the ultimate act of altruism, as well as the fastest way for us to do our human revolution and break out of the shell of our own ego. (August 2016 Living Buddhism, p. 17)

July 19, 2024, World Tribune, p. 11

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