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The Joy of Sharing Buddhism

Illustration by: ladyastronaut / Fiverr

Ikeda Sensei: “The purpose of faith is to attain Buddhahood, to become happy. … The only way to do so is to have faith in the Gohonzon, which is the essence of Buddhism and the purpose of Nichiren Daishonin’s appearance in the world. The Soka Gakkai has been introducing people to the Gohonzon and contributing to the realization of people’s happiness in a practical way. Our goal of kosen-rufu means enabling each person to become happy; it is a religious revolution dedicated to achieving that end. …

“Some of you may feel you couldn’t possibly introduce others to Nichiren Buddhism and successfully have them start practicing. That’s OK. Even in President Makiguchi’s and President Toda’s day, the Soka Gakkai never once pleaded with its members to introduce Buddhism to others. The Daishonin promises that if we teach the correct Law to others, we can change our destiny and attain Buddhahood. We therefore undertake propagation activities to transform our own destiny and become happy. Such efforts also contribute to our friends’ happiness and to a peaceful and prosperous society. No task is more sublime or sacred.

“Sometimes, you may earnestly share this Buddhism with others but find it difficult to actually persuade them to start practicing. … There’s absolutely no need to be impatient or worry about results. Spreading the Daishonin’s teachings is the most compassionate practice we can undertake as human beings—a practice that simultaneously enables us to develop ourselves. Moreover, because it guides people to happiness and peace, it is the ultimate expression of friendship.

“What is important is to have the feeling ‘That person is suffering; I want him or her to be happy’ and to discuss Buddhism with those around you from time to time. Even if the person with whom you’ve been talking doesn’t take faith right away, as long as your inner determination is strong and you remain friends, in time, he or she definitely will awaken to Buddhism.” …

Those who share Nichiren Buddhism enthusiastically with others know great joy, for therein pulses the life of a Bodhisattva of the Earth. (The New Human Revolution, vol. 2, revised edition, pp. 250–51)

From the August 2024 Living Buddhism

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