In the DC Universe, the iconic “S shield” worn by Superman, Supergirl and other members of the House of El represents the Kryptonian symbol for “hope.”
In the SGI-USA, the recently introduced “S pin” honors another type of hero: those who compassionately introduce, or “shakubuku” another person to start their Buddhist practice and join the SGI community.
The “S pin,” as well as a commemorative Hall of the Great Vow for Kosen-rufu booklet with frameable photos, will be presented to sponsors monthly at local Soka 2030 meetings that fall after the date when their guest joins.
Adin Strauss, SGI-USA general director, said that while the act of shakubuku brings limitless benefit to everyone involved, “Still, we as a community want to express appreciation for each person’s actions to expand our kosen-rufu movement at a time when it’s needed the most.”

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