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Ikeda Sensei

Upholding the Highest Good of the Mystic Law

The benefits we accrue from working for kosen-rufu are eternal and indestructible across the three existences of past, present and future.

Nichiren Daishonin says with regard to benefit (Jpn kudoku): “The element ku in the word kudoku … refers to the merit achieved by wiping out evil, while the element toku or doku refers to the virtue one acquires by bringing about good” (The Record of the Orally Transmitted Teachings, p. 148). One aspect of benefit lies in eliminating evil. Unless we eradicate the impurities and negative, destructive tendencies that exist within us, we cannot obtain true happiness. That is why we must fight those harmful tendencies.

Now, all of you are leading a great movement for peace and justice throughout the world. In light of the Buddhist scriptures and the writings of Nichiren Daishonin, there is absolutely no doubt that infinite benefit will well forth from your noble youthful efforts.

The human heart is unfathomable. It is fickle and constantly changing. From moment to moment, our inner state of mind changes. We experience various emotions—joy, sorrow, anger, pain. Life, too, is full of changes. That is why, for countless centuries and millennia, humanity has pondered the fundamental question of what constitutes the best and surest way to lasting happiness.

Nichiren Daishonin revealed a fundamental solution to this ultimate problem of human existence. He taught that through chanting Nam-myoho-renge-kyo to the Gohonzon, we could break through any karma and establish an inner state of absolute happiness.

The Daishonin states, “Now when Nichiren and his followers believe in and accept Nam-myoho-renge-kyo [as the fundamental means for the enlightenment of all people], they are gaining possession of a great precious jewel; in the words of the ‘Belief and Understanding’ chapter [of the Lotus Sutra], ‘This cluster of unsurpassed jewels has come to us unsought’ (The Lotus Sutra and Its Opening and Closing Sutras, p. 124)” (OTT, 55). The “great precious jewel” of the Mystic Law is the most valuable of treasures.

I sincerely respect all of you, lofty emissaries of the Buddha who possess this “great precious jewel.”

Although our time together today is limited, I would like to answer any questions you may have, since you have traveled such a long way. If you have anything you’d like to ask, please don’t hesitate.

SGI-USA young men’s division member: How can we tell the difference between good and evil?

Ikeda Sensei: This is a very difficult question. In the realm of international affairs and in personal and family relations—indeed, in many areas of life—we see disputes, confrontation and conflicting interests. And there are all too many cases where we cannot clearly determine which side is right and which is wrong.

What, then, is good? And what is evil? This is and will always remain a vital, eternal question for human beings. Therefore, all we can say unequivocally is that Nam-myoho-renge-kyo represents the highest good. Nam-myoho-renge-kyo is the great Law, eternal and unchanging, that pervades the entire universe. Because it is a universal law, it is not something that has been created by someone. Nor is it something that can be changed. It is the truth.

All life possesses the Ten Worlds. Our lives, therefore, are endowed with the world of Buddhahood. This life state of Buddhahood is not something that we create. It is something that we bring forth from within us. And the Gohonzon is the means by which we can do this.

In addition, the lives of those who embrace the Mystic Law and dedicate themselves to kosen-rufu represent supreme good—ultimate good.

I must also add that it is absolutely wrong to take human life. No matter what the circumstances, we must never take another’s life.

Conversely, it is right and good to take action with the spirit to enable others to become happy and to steer the world in the direction of peace. 

SGI-Australia young women’s division member: Please share with us some points we should bear in mind when telling other young people our age about the greatness of Nichiren Buddhism. 

Sensei: Talk to them confidently about the greatness of Buddhism and faith. It all comes down to you proudly sharing your conviction and experience in faith. Doing so plants the seeds of happiness and hope in your friends’ lives. These seeds will undoubtedly take root, bud and eventually flower. Until then, it’s enough that you continue chanting and wait for that time to come.

The realities that await us in the 21st century are not all bright and positive. There will be countries and communities that face various hardships, trials and tumults. As practitioners of the Mystic Law, however, let us each build a strong self so that, no matter what times may lie ahead, we can live with buoyant optimism and joy.

I also hope you will work together to make your communities and your countries places where people can lead happy, fulfilled lives.

That is the reason we are striving for kosen-rufu. There is no higher path or nobler way of life than one dedicated to kosen-rufu.

Once again, I deeply thank you for traveling such long, long distances to come to Japan. I fervently pray that all of you, without exception, will create wonderful lives and wonderful families for yourselves. Your lives are so important and precious. May each of you lead the most valuable, memorable and victorious lives possible!

August 2, 2024, World Tribune, p. 9

Standing Up as One World, With Sensei

Nurturing the Youth Toward a Century of Peace