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The New Human Revolution

Victory Isles—Volume 28, Chapter 4

Illustration by Seikyo Press.

Installment 10

A resolute spirit gives rise to resolute action.

As wave upon wave eventually erodes rock, persistent, tireless effort makes history.

The Russian author Leo Tolstoy (1828–1910) wrote: “All our actions proceed from faith.”[1]

The flame of joy burns bright and proud in the hearts of those who are aware of their mission and work courageously to realize it, their days full of vitality and satisfaction.

Shin’ichi Yamamoto kept working, striving and fighting.

He returned from his fourth visit to China on the evening of September 20, 1978. On September 21, he gave interviews about his trip to several media outlets and busied himself writing articles that some newspapers and magazines had requested.

On the 22nd, he took a break from writing to meet with the newly assigned chief priest of a Nichiren Shoshu temple in Ikebukuro, Tokyo. To protect the Soka Gakkai members, Shin’ichi always treated members of the priesthood with utmost sincerity and respect.

On September 23, he attended and offered guidance at a headquarters leaders meeting at the Tachikawa Culture Center in Tokyo. The following day, he traveled to Shizuoka Prefecture, where he reported to Nichiren Shoshu High Priest Nittatsu on his visit to China. He then held an informal meeting with members from the local Fujinomiya area.

It was not unusual for Shin’ichi to attend four or five meetings a day to encourage members. For example, on September 25, he spoke with members he encountered around the headquarters in Shinanomachi, Tokyo, including visitors to the nearby Seikyo Shimbun Building. That evening, he attended meetings for members from Tokyo’s Shinjuku, Setagaya and Shibuya Wards (held respectively at the Shinjuku Culture Center, the Soka Culture Center Kosen-rufu Hall and the Soka Culture Center Bodhisattvas of the Earth Hall). He also attended a Shinjuku young women’s division gongyo session (at the Soka Gakkai No. 2 Annex). At each of these events, he gave his all to encouraging the participants.

With kosen-rufu steadily advancing, the sun of Soka was beginning to shine around the world. As a result, devilish functions had gathered like dark clouds and repeatedly attacked the Soka Gakkai. Shin’ichi vowed to protect the members at all costs.

Shin’ichi was keenly aware that creating a solid trend toward world peace was part of his mission in this lifetime. So he continued to engage in dialogues with world thinkers and leaders.

On September 27, he met with a delegation from the Chinese Academy of Sciences, which included Zhou Peiyuan, the president of Peking University. And on the 28th, he met with Britain’s ambassador to Japan, Michael Wilford, and his wife, Joan Law. On the 29th, he met with Gerhard Olschowy, a University of Bonn professor emeritus.

As the founder of Soka University and the Soka schools, Shin’ichi also attended as many of their events as he could.

At the opening ceremony for the Soka University Sports Day on September 30, he encouraged the students to forge wisdom as bright as the sun and bodies as strong as steel. At the closing ceremony, he urged them to hone their wisdom and build their character. He also played table tennis with exchange students from China, after which he talked to them about the best way to live, saying that a person’s humble character reveals their greatness. The following day, October 1, Shin’ichi attended Tokyo Soka Elementary School’s first sports day.

Each day was packed, yet still he asked the top Soka Gakkai leaders: “Are there any other meetings today? Is there anyone I should meet and encourage? Please let me know!”

Constantly in action, he always asked, “What’s next?” “What’s next?” and did everything he could to encourage and guide the members.

At the national prefecture leaders conference on October 5, he said: “Having been born human, what is the greatest happiness we can experience? It is teaching others about the Mystic Law. Those who share Nichiren Buddhism with many others gain immense benefit. There truly is no greater happiness. That’s why I will continue to strive with joy and gratitude as long as I live. I hope that you, too, will have this confidence and conviction.”

He went on to discuss the way of life of those dedicated to kosen-rufu: “The arena for our activities for kosen-rufu is always the real world. Buddhism does not exist apart from society. That’s why we must win in society.

“Toward that end, I hope you will first become people of outstanding character admired by all. With your clear actual proof of human revolution—becoming people everyone likes and trusts—comes the solid development of kosen-rufu. Please keep in mind that we live in a time when character counts most.

“Our deepening faith will reveal itself in our humanity, expressed in words and actions rich in warm care for others. Such humanity will determine the future of kosen-rufu.”

How do we demonstrate the great power of Buddhism? With actual proof. Overcoming illness, financial hardship or problems with human relationships are all wonderful examples of proof. At the same time, only our personal transformation and growth through human revolution can fully prove the validity of Nichiren Buddhism.

Shin’ichi committed himself to fostering new capable people who would shoulder the new age. After the national prefecture leaders conference, he met with men’s and women’s division representatives and spoke at length about the attitude needed to become leaders whose character shines.

“It may seem like a minor detail, but leaders should always be punctual. Never think it’s okay for you to be a little late because you are busy. That’s a form of arrogance and self-indulgence. It will destroy not only your own credibility, but the trust people have in Soka Gakkai leaders.

“You cannot foster capable people from a position of superiority. You can do so only by striving sincerely and sparing no effort to serve the children of the Buddha, the treasures of kosen-rufu. Please always remember this.

“Help members develop in this way and let them participate joyfully in activities, while you ultimately take full responsibility for everything. This is what it means to be a genuine leader.”

In his travels throughout Japan, Shin’ichi had many opportunities to speak with women and others who were the only ones in their families practicing Nichiren Buddhism. One woman told him that her husband had once practiced strongly but no longer participated in activities. 

When Shin’ichi asked why, she said it was because of a problem with another member: “He says that during his time in the young men’s division, he was disgusted by the arrogance of one of his leaders.”

Perhaps that person mistakenly believed that his leadership position made him more important than others and thought of his members as subordinates.

The French philosopher Voltaire (1694–1778) observed that arrogance and violence cannot win the hearts of others.[2]

The role of Soka Gakkai leaders is to serve the members, the children of the Buddha, supporting and helping them become happy and attain Buddhahood in this lifetime. This must always be how we think of leadership in the Soka Gakkai. Because leaders work hard and take responsibility for kosen-rufu, the benefit and good fortune they gain through their efforts and Buddhist practice are immense.

Another member, troubled because her daughter had stopped doing activities, told Shin’ichi, “She says she stopped because she disliked being told to do activities like introducing others to Nichiren Buddhism when she didn’t understand their point.”

Just being told to take part in Soka Gakkai activities without understanding their purpose can be distressing. That is why we need to take time to talk with people and help them understand. We should explain to them the importance of sharing Nichiren Buddhism with others and what kind of benefits we have gained by doing so. 

Once they are satisfied, we should do activities with them, carefully showing how and supporting them so they can accumulate benefits. As they strive in their practice and experience the power of faith, they will be motivated to participate earnestly.

It is important that leaders of kosen-rufu be resolved to enable all members they are responsible for to become happy without fail. They must also interact with them sincerely, one human being to another, and form ties of deep trust. Only with such a foundation will leaders’ encouragement and guidance impact and resonate with members’ hearts.

This holds true not just with Soka Gakkai members but in all human relationships. Only through regular interaction can we build trust and have open dialogue.

When leaders do their utmost to forge beautiful human relationships, kosen-rufu is sure to expand steadily.

In addition, behind every individual who stands up and begins to practice sincerely there are always seniors in faith and fellow members who have consistently encouraged and cared for them. 

Countless members attest that they owe who they are today to someone’s sincere encouragement or that a member’s character inspired them to start practicing Nichiren Buddhism.  

There is nothing more noble and beautiful than the bonds shared by Soka Gakkai members. Whenever someone suffers from illness or has troubles at work, we offer encouragement, listen to them and pray they will recover or overcome their problems. Our actions arise from our empathy and concern for our friends’ happiness. 

Moreover, we don’t reserve our sincere care and concern only for members; we extend it to our neighbors, friends and others in our lives. Indeed, the human solidarity we are creating is becoming a precious treasure for society.

For this reason, it pained Shin’ichi deeply whenever he heard about someone who had stopped practicing because of issues with a leader. So he continued to offer guidance on leaders’ behavior and attitude from various perspectives.

The sun shone through a break in the clouds.

People gathered joyfully at the Soka Gakkai Headquarters in Shinanomachi, Tokyo. Many of the men were tanned and muscular, exuding strength and vitality. 

This was the first time most of them had visited the Soka Gakkai Headquarters. Standing at the gate, they looked up at the marble facade of the Soka Culture Center glistening in the sunlight, their smiles dazzling.

The first general meeting of the Outlying Islands Department (present-day Victory Isles Division) would take place in the Kosen-rufu Hall of the Soka Culture Center from 6 p.m., October 7, 1978. The long-awaited general meeting would bring together representatives from about 120 islands, from those in the seas around Hokkaido in the north to the islands of Okinawa in the south.

The first to arrive were 22 members from Naoshima Island in the Seto Inland Sea. They had started their journey the night before, taking a ferry and a special express sleeper train to arrive in Tokyo in the morning. They toured the area around the Headquarters while waiting for the meeting to begin. 

Two members from Rebun Island off the coast of Hokkaido had departed before noon on October 6, traveling two and a half hours by boat to arrive at Wakkanai on Hokkaido’s northern end, where the season’s first snow was falling. There, they joined three members from Rishiri Island[3] and together took a 9 p.m. express train to Sapporo, which they reached at 6 a.m. on October 7. From there, they boarded a plane to Tokyo, arriving in Shinanomachi around noon. 

One woman from Japan’s westernmost island, Yonaguni in Okinawa, attended. The island is only 69 miles from Taiwan, but 319 miles from Naha, Okinawa’s capital. On a clear day, the mountains of Taiwan are visible from the island. Even in October, its weather is tropical with temperatures reaching more than 77 degrees Fahrenheit. 

To travel to Tokyo from Yonaguni Island first requires a six-hour ferry ride to Ishigaki Island. There is only one ferry service every four days, and if the seas are rough, the run is canceled. Next is a 75-minute flight to Naha. And then from there, a plane is the fastest way to Tokyo.

Members from these various outlying islands had crossed the sea, filled with eager seeking spirit, and gathered at the Soka Gakkai Headquarters in high spirits. 

Nichiren Daishonin writes, “The great distances these persons traveled are indicative of their devotion” (“Letter to the Mother of Oto,” The Writings of Nichiren Daishonin, vol. 2, p. 1030).

Also on October 7, before the Outlying Islands Department meeting, the First Okinawa Chapter Leaders Meeting took place in the Mentor-Disciple Hall at the Soka Gakkai Headquarters. 

Okinawa members strongly hoped that President Yamamoto would visit them again. During his Okinawa guidance tour in February 1974, Shin’ichi also visited the remote islands of Ishigaki and Miyako to encourage the members there. More than four years had passed since then.

Fukuyasu Takami, the Okinawa Prefecture leader, discussed this with the other Okinawa leaders. One said: “From his inauguration up through 1974, President Yamamoto has visited Okinawa seven times. At first, he came every year, but on average he’s come about once every two years. Since our membership has increased in the last four years, we should request that he make his eighth visit soon.”

Takami folded his arms, nodded, and said softly: “Of course, we would like him to visit. We would very much like him to visit . …”

Then, he fell silent. A long pause followed.

Eventually, he resumed in a quiet tone.

“I was just thinking, we say that we want President Yamamoto to visit Okinawa, but is it enough for us to simply wait for him? I think not. President Yamamoto has come here seven times because he cherishes Okinawa. But we’ve somehow taken this for granted, expecting him to come to us.

“There are many countries in the world that President Yamamoto has never visited. Members there may well wish for him to come, but before they ask, they travel to Japan themselves, seeking Nichiren Buddhism and President Yamamoto’s guidance. I’ve heard that members in Africa and Latin America spend years cutting back to save money for the trip and take 10 or 20 days off from work. That seeking spirit is the essence of faith and the true way of disciples, isn’t it?”

Takami’s words grew more impassioned.

“Actually, I’m reflecting deeply on my own attitude. I realize I have lost my seeking spirit and become dependent on President Yamamoto.”

Fixing their eyes on Takami, the other Okinawa leaders nodded.

Tamako Uema, the women’s leader, said: “You’re absolutely right. We should go to him. Why don’t we ask if at least some representatives can have a meeting at the Soka Gakkai Headquarters? 

“Of course, there is no guarantee we would be able to see him, considering his busy schedule. But most important, I think, is having a strong spirit to seek our mentor. When we have that attitude, we will be able to understand President Yamamoto’s heart and absorb everything.”  

“Yes, yes,” Takami said, vowing to himself: “Nichiren Daishonin writes, ‘One who, on hearing the teachings of the Lotus Sutra, makes even greater efforts in faith is a true seeker of the way’ (“Hell Is the Land of Tranquil Light,” WND-1, 457). President Yamamoto has traveled to Okinawa many times, pouring his heart and soul into offering us guidance. But instead of striving harder in faith and burning with ever-greater seeking spirit, we just sit here waiting for him to return. We must get rid of that lazy attitude!” 

Out loud he said with resolve: “Let’s gather at the Soka Gakkai Headquarters! And let’s make a fresh start for Okinawa!”

Everyone’s eyes sparkled.

Takami contacted the Headquarters and arranged for the First Okinawa Chapter Leaders Meeting to be held there before the general meeting for the Outlying Islands Department. Chapter leaders of the second phase of kosen-rufu[4] and youth representatives would attend. 

Shin’ichi sent them a message: “Please take utmost care. I’m eagerly looking forward to seeing everyone.”

Members who would attend the Outlying Islands Department meeting gathered in Naha and joined up with those going to the Okinawa chapter leaders meeting. They all flew together to Tokyo in the morning. Some outlying islands members had traveled by boat to either Ishigaki or Miyako Island first and then flew to Naha, where they had stayed overnight.

Arriving at Tokyo’s Haneda Airport, they boarded five chartered buses, which delivered them to the Soka Gakkai Headquarters shortly after noon. 

As they entered the gate to the Soka Gakkai Headquarters carrying their bags, leaders lined up on either side, including vice presidents Susumu Aota and Hisaya Yamamichi, welcomed them with hearty applause.

“Hello! Thank you for coming!” 

Their warm greetings dispelled the travelers’ fatigue.

The chapter leaders meeting got underway in the Mentor-Disciple Hall. As they prayed solemnly before the Soka Gakkai Joju Gohonzon,[5] which bears the inscription “For the Fulfillment of the Great Vow for Kosen-rufu through the Compassionate Propagation of the Great Law,” everyone vowed to achieve kosen-rufu in Okinawa. 

Yumie Fujiya, the Soka Gakkai women’s leader, and vice presidents Hisao Seki and Eisuke Akizuki thanked everyone for making the long journey and congratulated them on their fresh start. 

Shin’ichi was at the nearby Soka Women’s Center, which had just opened in June. He had arrived in advance because he wanted to take commemorative photos there with the Okinawa members after their meeting.

When the meeting closed, the leader responsible asked everyone to go to the Soka Women’s Center. The elegant two-story building, with a tan brick tile facade and turquoise roof, was just a few minutes’ walk from the Headquarters. 

When the members entered, Shin’ichi greeted them with a big smile.

“Thank you for making the long trip here! I’ve been waiting for you. You have all stood up and worked very hard for kosen-rufu to realize peace in Okinawa. You are Bodhisattvas of the Earth with a noble mission and great champions of kosen-rufu. I greet you with the same respect I would greet the Buddha. This is the proper way to behave, as a human being and as a Buddhist.”

Looking at each member from Okinawa, Shin’ichi continued: “I am overjoyed you took the initiative to come to the Headquarters. We cannot create happiness with a passive attitude, waiting for others to do things for us. With that attitude, if no one helps us, we will end up feeling sorry for ourselves and grow to hate and resent others. This is a cause of unhappiness. 

 “Nichiren Buddhism is a philosophy of self-reliance, not dependence on others. It empowers us to stand up on our own and open a new way forward. Doesn’t it teach that by changing ourselves, we can change our environment and our society?

“You have all now stood up with that awareness and launched into action. This means that the second phase of kosen-rufu in Okinawa has truly begun. I wholeheartedly celebrate the bright and glorious future that lies ahead for Okinawa. Congratulations! Now, let’s take some pictures to commemorate this occasion. That’s why I asked you here.”

The members divided into four groups for photos. Shin’ichi joined the two groups of women first and then the two groups of men. 

Afterward, he said: “You’ll all be attending the Outlying Islands Department general meeting tonight, won’t you?”

“Yes!” everyone responded cheerfully. 

“I’ll be there, too, so I’ll see you again then.”

Cheers and happy smiles filled the room. 

Shin’ichi left the Soka Women’s Center on foot. Outlying island members were walking around the Headquarters area, and he greeted and welcomed each one he met.

“Thank you for coming from so far away!” “I’ll be at the meeting.” “Hello. What’s your name?”—a brief encounter, a single word of encouragement can become a lifelong source of inspiration. To offer encouragement is to bring light to someone’s heart.

Before the meeting, Shin’ichi met with some women’s division representatives from the outlying islands.

In addition to its four main islands—Hokkaido, Honshu, Shikoku and Kyushu— Japan had close to 7,000 islands, including Okinawa. Of these, approximately 400 were inhabited. 

Shin’ichi shared his thoughts about the outlying islands: “Japan comprises many islands. The country’s development and wealth should not be measured by the prosperity of its big cities but by the happiness and well-being of those living on its remote islands. Whether through public policy or cultural and educational initiatives, I believe it is very important to protect and enhance the livelihoods of people on the remote islands.”

After World War II, Japan experienced remarkable development, especially in major cities, but its remote islands were left far behind. In 1953, the government passed the Remote Islands Development Act to promote the development of outlying islands and improve residents’ quality of life.  

The act focused on building ports and roads, schools and medical clinics and installing electricity and simple water-supply systems. Enacted to remain in effect for 10 years, it had been amended and extended several times. 

As Japan entered its period of high economic growth [from the mid-1950s through the early 1970s], increased demand for labor on the mainland led to people leaving the islands for jobs in the cities. The depopulation resulted in a marked decline in such industries as fishing and agriculture. In many cases, local areas could not afford to operate the schools and clinics that had been built there. Though the islands now had ports, roads, electricity and water, little had been done to substantially boost local industries. In the end, the islands were forced to rely on public works projects. 

The government’s remote island policy focused only on achieving a superficial parity of living standards with the main islands. It lacked a long-term vision and understanding from the perspective of the residents themselves.

Of course, building infrastructure is vital. At the same time, an important role of government is to promote key industries that will enable the islands to become self-reliant by making the most of their unique characteristics. 

During his meeting with the women’s division representatives, Shin’ichi listened carefully to their reports.  

On many of the islands, it was difficult to make ends meet. A steady stream of people left to find work in the big cities. Despite such challenges, Soka Gakkai members devoted themselves to their Buddhist practice, wishing for people’s happiness and their islands’ prosperity. 

Shin’ichi began to speak with a powerful voice: “I am well aware of how hard you have all worked to open the way for kosen-rufu, through sweat and tears. I receive many letters from members living on remote islands. And when I am visiting areas around Japan for meetings, I always try to meet and speak as much as possible with those who have traveled there from outlying islands.

“It is not by chance that you live where you do. You have emerged on your respective islands as Bodhisattvas of the Earth, emissaries of the Buddha whom Nichiren Daishonin has entrusted with realizing kosen-rufu on your island. Children of the Buddha, dispatched by the Buddha, will never be defeated. They will never be unhappy.

“So no matter how hard things are, I ask you to grit your teeth, be strong, be brave, have a big heart and persevere. I regard as true champions, true victors, those who have steadily won people’s trust and paved the way for kosen-rufu on remote islands despite facing opposition to their faith. Their faith is stronger than that of any leader, and they are the great heroes of the Soka Gakkai.

“My reason for attending tonight’s meeting is to praise and commend all of you. That’s my job as president.”

Carrying out kosen-rufu on a remote island is no easy feat. Each island has its own customs, practices and traditions, which have shaped people’s thinking about religion. When people start to join the Soka Gakkai, island residents meet for the first time our vibrant, dynamic religion, which aims to realize happiness for self and others and to improve society. Naturally, this religion doesn’t fit preconceived notions, and misunderstandings and prejudices arise.


  1. Leo Tolstoy, What I Believe, translated by Constantine Popoff (London: Elibron Classics, 2005), p. 156. ↩︎
  2. See Voltaire, Siècle de Louis XIV (The Age of Louis XIV), in Œuvres complètes de Voltaire (Complete Works of Voltaire), vol. 20 (Paris: P. Dupont, Libraire-Éditeur, 1823), p. 503.  ↩︎
  3. Rebun and Rishiri Islands are two small islands off Hokkaido’s northernmost point. ↩︎
  4. In January 1978, the Soka Gakkai launched a new chapter system in Japan for the second phase of kosen-rufu. ↩︎
  5. In addition to the words “For the Fulfillment of the Great Vow for Kosen-rufu through the Compassionate Propagation of the Great Law,” this Gohonzon also bears the inscription “To Be Permanently Enshrined in the Soka Gakkai” (Jpn Soka Gakkai Joju). As a result, it is commonly called the Soka Gakkai Joju Gohonzon. It is now enshrined in the Hall of the Great Vow for Kosen-rufu in Shinanomachi, Tokyo. ↩︎

Nichiren Daishonin—His Lifelong Vow and Great Compassion

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