The SGI-USA Many Treasures Group is soaring higher in 2025 with a new national leadership team. The group, for members 65 years and older, was established by Ikeda Sensei in 1988. Their name comes from Many Treasures Buddha who is seated beside Shakyamuni Buddha in the treasure tower and lends credence to truth of Shakyamuni’s words. Sensei has written that the Many Treasures Group members perform the same function: “These are people who have dedicated their lives to the noble mission of proving the truth of the Mystic Law. Each of them is literally a treasure of the Soka Gakkai, of kosen-rufu and of society.
“I hope all members will live long lives. The longer we live, the greater the victory of kosen-rufu. Also, I hope members who are advanced in years, as Many Treasures Buddhas of kosen-rufu, will always be ready to warmly praise their juniors with a sense of “Excellent, excellent!” (The Wisdom of the Lotus Sutra, vol. 3, p. 21).
Quarterly National Many Treasures Group Virtual Meetings
• Sunday, March 30
• Sunday, June 29
• Sunday, Sept. 28
• Sunday, Dec. 14
All meetings take place at 3 p.m. PT / 5 p.m. CT / 6 p.m. ET.
Upcoming Many Treasures Group FNCC Conferences
• Many Treasures Group #1: April 4–7
• Many Treasures Group #2: Nov. 14–17
To register for a conference, log in to your member resources account at and select “My Conferences” and then “Conference Schedule.” Scroll down until you find your conference and select “Register.”

Matilda Buck
Women’s Advisor
Guy McCloskey
Men’s Advisor
Andrea Locke
Women’s Leader
Ethan Gelbaum
Men’s Leader

Dianne Jackson McLean
Vice Women’s Leader
Nanami Vittor
Vice Women’s Leader
Lee Malone
Vice Men’s Leader
Greg Martin
Vice Men’s Leader
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