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Women's Division Column

Our Attitude Determines the Outcome

Photo by Pobytov / Getty Images.

Shin’ichi Yamamoto next discussed what is necessary to live a correct way of life, a strong life, and build happiness:

“The important thing is to maintain faith in the Gohonzon throughout your life and to always practice with the Soka Gakkai, the harmonious community of practitioners of Nichiren Buddhism. People cannot exist in a vacuum. Alone, people tend to become weak. That is why, to construct a life of indestructible happiness, we need good-hearted fellow members and an organization to help us deepen and persevere in our faith.

“From that point of view, it becomes clear just how wonderful it is to practice within the Soka Gakkai, the organization that has inherited and is carrying on Nichiren’s spirit. Nevertheless, there are some people who are always ready to complain and grumble about something, saying things like ‘Soka Gakkai activities are too demanding’ or ‘I don’t like so-and-so.’ Of course, no one in Matsushiro is like that!”

The audience burst into laughter.

“Actually, such complaints and faultfinding end up erasing whatever benefits and good fortune you have acquired in the course of your practice. They also rob you of joy and cause you to feel miserable, ultimately rendering you the creator of your own unhappiness. On the other hand, a positive, appreciative attitude makes your joy multiply and leads to personal fulfillment and happiness.

“Where there is joy, strength increases and energy grows. Victory in life and in kosen-rufu is found in such joyful advance. In other words, the results we gain from chanting to the Gohonzon and engaging in Soka Gakkai activities will be completely different depending upon whether our attitude is positive or negative. 

“I hope that all of you will devote yourselves to your practice with appreciation and joy, so that you may continue to accumulate great good fortune.”

March 14, 2025 World Tribune, p. 10

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