On Jan. 26, 2025, SGI-USA training course participants took part in a Q&A session with SGI General Director Yoshiki Tanigawa in Tumon, Guam.
Q. This week, we’ve discussed the state of the world when the SGI was founded in 1975 (amid heightened Cold War tensions). In our Buddhist practice, we focus on making many causes to advance kosen-rufu, but the situation seems to have gotten worse. How can we achieve our goal of kosen-rufu?
A. Nichiren Buddhism teaches us that when you make good causes for kosen-rufu, you make progress. And when you make bad, or evil, causes, you suffer. But if we were simply to look at cause and effect in that way, it would mean that we would only experience the effects of past causes. Nichiren Buddhism teaches that we can transform our karma.
As you engage in kosen-rufu activities to transform the karma of humanity, many of you may wonder why you still witness suffering in society.
At the beginning of “On Establishing the Correct Teaching for the Peace of the Land,” Nichiren Daishonin writes:
In recent years, there have been unusual disturbances in the heavens, strange occurrences on earth, famine and pestilence, all affecting every corner of the empire and spreading throughout the land. Oxen and horses lie dead in the streets, and the bones of the stricken crowd the highways. Over half the population has already been carried off by death, and there is hardly a single person who does not grieve. (The Writings of Nichiren Daishonin, vol. 1, p. 6)
When he stood up to lead all people to enlightenment, his world was also mired in crisis. However, he states:
When great evil occurs, great good follows. Since great slander already exists in our land, the great correct Law will spread without fail. What could any of you have to lament? (“Great Evil and Great Good,” WND-1, 1119)
Nichiren asked: What would any of you have to lament? He continues:
Even if you are not the Venerable Mahakashyapa, you should all perform a dance. Even if you are not Shariputra, you should leap up and dance. When Bodhisattva Superior Practices emerged from the earth, did he not emerge dancing? (WND-1, 1119)
The reason these bodhisattvas emerged dancing is because, in the Latter Day of the Law, they know the way to lead all people to enlightenment. If you continue to dedicate your lives to spreading the Mystic law, you will lead all people to happiness. When you do so, you will establish peace in the land. Because they were so overjoyed by this, they emerged from the earth dancing.
No matter how much the world is struggling, there is no need for you to lament. There is no doubt you will be able to disperse any darkness or discouragement.
Nichiren also writes:
Great evil portends the arrival of great good. If all of Jambudvipa were to be thrown into chaos, there could be no doubt that [this sutra would] “be widely propagated throughout Jambudvipa.” (“The Kalpa of Decrease,” WND-1, 1122)
When we see people suffering, it’s easy to lose hope. But actually, the most important struggle we undertake is against our own powerlessness.
The Soka Gakkai International was founded 50 years ago. The great significance of that milestone is that, what started with only 51 countries and territories has now spread to 192 around the world.
In the “Vow” chapter of volume 30 of The New Human Revolution, Ikeda Sensei said we must not give up:
Nothing can be achieved by giving up. Peace is a struggle against resignation. (NHR-30, 664)
Sensei shared at the SGI’s founding 50 years ago:
I hope that you will dedicate your noble lives to sowing the seeds of peace of the Mystic Law throughout the entire world. (NHR-21, 33)
I hope we will all take this to heart and continue to do so.
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