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Each Instant Contains Incredible Possibilities
Concept #13: The Three Thousand Realms in a Single Moment of Life
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Concept #13: The Three Thousand Realms in a Single Moment of Life
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by Kyler Nicholas Special to the Tribune Detroit, Sept. 12, 2021—For the members of Detroit and its surrounding cities, it was a homecoming worth the wait. After a nearly 18-month hiatus from in-person SGI activities, 150 Michigan Region members attended the long-anticipated grand opening of the SGI-USA Detroit Buddhist Center, with an additional 200 joining
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Hurricane Ida hit Louisiana on Aug. 29, 2021, 16 years to the day after the landfall of the devastating Hurricane Katrina. SGI-USA Central Territory Leader James Herrmann spoke with the World Tribune about the incredible strength of the local members and the SGI-USA’s disaster relief efforts in New Orleans. World Tribune: Thank you for speaking
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The Harvest Moon, said to be the most beautiful of the year, fell on Sept. 20, less than two days before the autumn equinox. At this time of year, the moon for several evenings rises soon after sunset, and this celestial event is celebrated the world over with moon viewings, family feasts, gift giving and
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There is an anecdote about a son of the eminent Russian novelist Leo Tolstoy, Ilya, that goes like this: “One day, the boy was given a cup and saucer that he had wanted for a long time. Overjoyed, he wished to show it to everyone. He rushed around the house almost beside himself with excitement.
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by Marisa Marcenaro Gaylord, Mich. When I was a little girl, I heard Nam-myoho-renge-kyo for the first time while my mom was watching a movie about Tina Turner. Over the years, that phrase stuck with me. Somehow, I knew that it was important. At the end of 2019, while taking a group picture, rather than
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10/2 World Peace Day Oct. 2, 1960: Ikeda Sensei departed for his first overseas trip to realize the ideals of his mentor, second Soka Gakkai President Josei Toda. Later, this day became known as “World Peace Day.” (See The New Human Revolution, vol. 1, “Sunrise” chapter, and NHR-24, “Ode to Mothers” chapter) 10/4 The 50th
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by SGI Vice President Hiromasa Ikeda
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Chapter Summary After departing India, Shin’ichi Yamamoto arrived in Hong Kong on February 16, 1979. There, he participated in a conference with Southeast Asia members, a cultural festival and various other events before returning to Japan on February 20. Then, in early March, a Soka Gakkai vice president made careless remarks directed at the priesthood,
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Chapter Summary Having become honorary Soka Gakkai president, Shin’ichi Yamamoto dedicated himself to encouraging the members. And to open a path to world peace, he met with many diplomats and leading thinkers from numerous countries. In August 1979, Soka Gakkai International members from 41 countries and three territories traveled to Japan. As SGI president, Shin’ichi
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Chapter Summary On April 21, 1980, Shin’ichi Yamamoto arrived in China, his fifth visit to the country. After completing his nine-day trip, he flew into Nagasaki in southwest Japan on April 29 to visit the members there. He was determined to launch a fresh struggle to open a new way forward for kosen-rufu. He traveled
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Chapter Summary On May 16, 1981, Shin’ichi Yamamoto arrived in West Germany, having departed the Soviet Union earlier that day. Two days later, at the Frankfurt Community Center, he encouraged members at a meeting commemorating the 20th anniversary of kosen-rufu in Germany. On May 20, he made his first visit to Bulgaria. The next day,
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This installment, published in the June 16, 2021, Seikyo Shimbun, focuses on passages from Nichiren Daishonin’s writings that Ikeda Sensei discusses in volume 30 of The New Human Revolution. Passage 1 “Neither non-Buddhists nor the enemies of Buddhism can destroy the correct teaching of the Thus Come One, but the Buddha’s disciples definitely can. As
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This monthly encouragement by Ikeda Sensei was originally published in the September 2021 Daibyakurenge, the Soka Gakkai’s monthly study journal. Four decades have passed since I called out “Youth, scale the mountain of kosen-rufu of the 21st century!” in a poem of that same title I composed in Oita, Kyushu, a place so close to
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My practice has given me the courage and wisdom to build a victorious career. I’m Steve Saperstein from Boston.
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Ikeda Wisdom Academy—Advanced Study for SGI-USA Youth Division
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“Even if it seems that, because I was born in the ruler’s domain, I follow him in my actions, I will never follow him in my heart.” (“The Selection of the Time,” The Writings of Nichiren Daishonin, vol. 1, p. 579) Background Nichiren Daishonin used words and ideas in his struggle for justice and the
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Ikeda Sensei has had dialogues with leading figures throughout the world to advance peace. To date, more than 80 of his dialogues have been published in book form. This series highlights one dialogue a month. The following excerpts are from The Art of True Relations (pp. 159–64), a dialogue between Daisaku Ikeda and Sarah Wider,
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The oldest surviving love poem was recorded 4,000 years ago on a cuneiform tablet titled “The Love Song of Shu-Sin” (recited by a bride to her Sumerian king). Today, some of the most relatable love poems are conveyed through song. By one estimate, 100 million songs have been recorded about love, capturing from every angle
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