Author: admin
Where Are They Now?
Soka University of America alumni profiles.
Author: admin
Soka University of America alumni profiles.
Author: admin
Q: I am often conflicted when our May Commemorative Contribution activity comes around. I have tremendous gratitude for having practiced within the SGI-USA for the last four decades. I have always given monthly contributions and really challenged myself in May to make a significant offering. Now in my late 70s and living alone on a
Author: admin
We’ve written about the many rewards we gain from practicing Nichiren Buddhism in recent issues (see April 9, 2021, World Tribune, p. 10, and March 12, 2021, issue, p. 9). This time, we take a look at the benefit of receiving protection. One might think: For a religion that doesn’t worship a god or gods,
Author: admin
Shijo Kingo
Author: admin
Soka University of America was recently awarded a $1 million John Stauffer matching endowment, which will fund student summer research programs in chemistry and biochemistry. This comes on the heels of SUA’s new life sciences concentration and its state-of-the-art Marie and Pierre Curie Hall (pictured above).
Author: admin
Words of Encouragement From Ikeda Sensei
Author: admin
Third Soka Gakkai Headquarters Leaders Meeting
Author: admin
The SGI-USA continues to closely monitor CDC and local government guidelines amid the ongoing COVID-19 pandemic and is eager to reopen Buddhist centers across the country when deemed safe. In the meantime, in-person activities are still on hold, but we will keep you informed of updates and developments. Currently, the SGI-USA bookstores at centers in
Author: admin
SUA celebrates its 20th anniversary on May 3! Ikeda Sensei established its undergraduate program in 2001 in Aliso Viejo, California, based on the Buddhist principles of peace, human rights and the dignity of life. Stay tuned for special coverage of the anniversary in an upcoming World Tribune issue.
Author: admin
by Mitch Bogen Special to the Tribune The Ikeda Center’s newest book, Hope and Joy in Education: Engaging Daisaku Ikeda Across Curriculum and Context, launched in virtual but grand style on April 15. Nearly 300 attendees from 20 countries heard editors Isabel Nuñez and Jason Goulah offer thoughts on their motivations and hopes for this
Author: admin
The American Educational Research Association honors his efforts in peace building, human rights and education.
Author: admin
How Buddhism gave us the tools to build a life of absolute happiness.
Author: admin
Our History: May 3, Soka Gakkai Day
Author: admin
May 3 is like New Year’s Day for Soka Gakkai members (see “Our History”). It is a day to refresh our resolve to contribute to the happiness of all humanity. Nichiren Daishonin established the simple yet profound practice of chanting Nam-myoho-renge-kyo, the essence of the Lotus Sutra, Shakyamuni Buddha’s highest teaching. This practice enables all
Author: admin
May Commemorative Contribution: April 24–June 6
Author: admin
The nation paid tribute to SGI-USA member and civil rights icon Alvin Sykes, who passed away on March 19, 2021. He was 64. Mr. Sykes, a self-taught legal defender, was best known for launching the Emmett Till Justice Campaign in January 2003 with Emmett’s mother, Mamie Till-Mobley, just days before her death. The campaign sought
Author: admin
by Daniel Asato Gonzalez Lafayette, LA. I’m a film student in my last semester of college, and I’ll be the first in my family to graduate with a bachelor’s degree. One of the things I’ve been challenging the most in our HOPE Campaign is study. Since I’m a student, the thought of doing more study
Author: admin
Buddhability in your life? The SGI-USA’s digital ecosystem, which introduces Buddhist principles to a new generation, is now on the social media platform TikTok. Viewers will enjoy short videos of Buddhist concepts, faith experiences, encouragement and more! Find us at @buddhability on TikTok, Instagram, Twitter and Facebook, or visit buddhability.org.
Author: admin
Words of Encouragement From Ikeda Sensei
Author: admin
Words of Encouragement From Ikeda Sensei