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Starting Each Day With Fresh, Vibrant Prayer
Words of Encouragement From Ikeda Sensei
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Words of Encouragement From Ikeda Sensei
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Share a dose of encouragement with your guest from Buddhability’s accessible articles on such topics as “How to Get Through Pandemic Fatigue,” “6 Questions to Ask Yourself If You Want to Feel Happier” and “How Can Buddhism Help Us Accept Ourselves?” Readers will leave with key takeaways and action points to challenge. Visit buddhability.org.
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SGI-USA member Tricia Elam Walker, of Maryland, won the 2021 Ezra Jack Keats Book Award for her children’s book Nana Akua Goes to School, which teaches that differences can be wonderful and celebrated. This is a national literary award that honors early career authors and illustrators for their achievements. Ms. Walker is a district women’s
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A: In The New Human Revolution, vol. 6, Ikeda Sensei recounts his trip to Egypt in 1962. While at a museum, he strikes up a conversation on Buddhism with a stranger (through the assistance of an interpreter). A Soka Gakkai youth leader, who had accompanied Sensei and witnessed the interaction, was inspired by his ability
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What the world urgently needs now is an age of wisdom. No matter how much information or knowledge we may have, it does not necessarily produce value or bring happiness. The power of wisdom effectively puts that knowledge and information to use, puts it into action. Second Soka Gakkai President Josei Toda once told the
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Uniting Around the Hope Campaign As the world continues to face unprecedented challenges, including the COVID-19 pandemic, the SGI-USA introduced the united daily action plan for 2021: the HOPE Campaign. (Learn more, Feb. 5, 2021, World Tribune, p. 8.) Sharing Buddhability With Youth Guests How do you share Buddhism with the least religious generation in
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April 24, 1979—On this day, Daisaku Ikeda, having served for 19 years as third Soka Gakkai president, announced that he would step down. He had sought for some time to entrust the presidency and the Soka Gakkai’s management to able successors. This decision came at a crucial time and served to protect the Soka Gakkai
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Despite the problems in today’s world, SGI-USA members have continued, without skipping a beat, to share Buddhism for the peace and harmony of society. Since the start of this year, our Soka movement has been soaring to new heights—most recently, with more than 10,000 youth participating in meetings commemorating March 16, Kosen-rufu Day. This is
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Shijo Kingo
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HBO’s new documentary film Tina is a powerful homage to Tina Turner’s rise as the “Queen of Rock ’n’ Roll.” In this unvarnished account, the 81-year-old music icon speaks about her early fame, harrowing struggles and rise as a global icon and international symbol of courage, resilience and hope. Learn how her Buddhist practice of
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How I turned my painful experiences into the fuel for change.
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In making tough decisions in life, it often comes down to choosing between taking the easy way out or finding the courage to do what’s right, no matter how hard that may be. The story of Nichiren Daishonin first proclaiming his teaching offers insights into how we all can win over ourselves and find true
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Words of Encouragement From Ikeda Sensei
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The following was translated from the March 23, 2021, issue of the Soka Gakkai’s daily newspaper, the Seikyo Shimbun. This year again, a wave of cherry blossoms has begun to make its northward journey from Okinawa, Hiroshima and other areas. A glorious springtime abloom with cherry blossoms has arrived. Nichiren Daishonin loved and celebrated cherry
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Shakyamuni’s disciple Ananda once asked if advancing with good friends is half the way to enlightenment. Shakyamuni responded that this was not the correct way of thinking. It is not half the Buddha way, he said, but all the Buddha way. Ikeda Sensei explains: Advancing and striving together with good friends is not half but
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March 28—Motivated by a desire to learn more about pursuing higher education at Soka University of America, over 1,000 elementary and junior high school division members, as well as their families and supporters, joined a virtual nationwide webinar hosted by the SGI-USA future division. Ikeda Sensei established SUA’s undergraduate program in 2001 in Aliso Viejo,
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My Buddhist practice has taught me that no matter what happens, I can always choose to begin again.
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A report on the March Youth General Meetings.
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The life of each of us is like a canvas. What kind of picture do we paint there? We don’t have to be a celebrity or a genius. What’s important is to fill our canvas in our own style and to our own satisfaction, depicting the brilliant drama of a life devoted to our own
Author: admin
It’s human to want things. We look and work for what we think will bring us joy or make life easier and better. We also find satisfaction in achieving, learning or mastering something that holds value for us. The desire to improve our circumstances is what motivated many of us to take up the practice