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My Disciples, Win With the Heart of a Lion King!
Ikeda Wisdom Academy—Advanced Study for SGI-USA Youth Division
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Ikeda Wisdom Academy—Advanced Study for SGI-USA Youth Division
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District Study for March
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This monthly encouragement by Ikeda Sensei was originally published in the February 2021 issue of the Daibyakurenge, the Soka Gakkai’s monthly study journal. We are the conductors of our own lives. We hold the baton, directing the flow of our precious life’s music through the days and years of our existence in this world. Nichiren
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The American author Pearl S. Buck said that finding joy in work “is to discover the fountain of youth.” To be sure, we spend the majority of our waking day—and waking life—at work. According to one study, that adds up to an average of 90,000 hours, or a third of our lives, at work. Even
Author: admin
Learning From The New Human Revolution
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How I learned the invincible spirit of Soka. I’m Keiko Brunson, from Denver.
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Illustrations by Leo Matsuda
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The following is the conclusion of an essay by Ikeda Sensei, which originally ran in the Jan. 19 issue of the Seikyo Shimbun, the Soka Gakkai’s daily newspaper. Part one appears in the Feb. 12 World Tribune. What is the greatest power in the world? An answer was offered by the American journalist and physician
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by Swati Basu San Francisco When I lost my job in June 2020, I was forced to think outside the box amid the COVID-19 situation. I always had the dream of opening my own small business that would allow me to apply my skills and creativity. In the pandemic, I had rekindled my passion for
Author: admin
Our History: Feb. 27, 1990
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By practicing Buddhism for myself and others, I’ve advanced my dream of realizing a harmonious family.
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The First SGI Online Study Lecture
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Ikeda Sensei penned the following poem on Jan. 2, 2012, his 84th birthday. It originally appeared in the Feb. 3, 2012, World Tribune. Hope is life’s treasure. Those who always have hope are happy. One can have all the wealth, power and fame in the world, but if one loses hope, one will falter and
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President Harada’s speech recounting Sensei’s encouragement to members in the Tohoku region following the 1972 flooding in Akita.
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Nichiren Daishonin taught that, based on faith in the Lotus Sutra and the Mystic Law, all people equally have the ability to bring forth their innate enlightenment and achieve the same life state as the Buddha. The Soka Gakkai emerged in modern times to spread those teachings as a practical means for all people to
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A: Just as trees bloom in their own distinct way, we should strive to live in the way that is most natural for us. This is the purpose of our Buddhist practice. Nichiren Daishonin also stressed that our essential identity is “something that was not worked for, that was not improved upon, but that exists
Author: admin
ALISO VIEJO, Calif., Jan. 22—Is it possible to melt the icy walls of distrust between people? “Honoring Martin Luther King Jr.—A Conversation” was a timely and important event that reinforced Dr. King’s bold vision of human harmony and the steps we must take to achieve it. Held in commemoration of Martin Luther King Jr. Day,
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On Jan. 26, Daisaku Ikeda, president of the Soka Gakkai International (SGI) issued his 39th annual peace proposal titled “Value Creation in a Time of Crisis.” Find the full proposal here. Find the synopsis here.
Author: admin
Words of Encouragement From Ikeda Sensei
Author: admin
Don’t miss out on this book-bundle deal of The Teachings for Victory volumes 1–2 for $15.90 $12.95 at bookstore.sgi-usa.org. The Teachings for Victory contains Ikeda Sensei’s lectures on Nichiren Daishonin’s key writings that will enable you to bring forth immense wisdom, compassion and courage to realize victory in every aspect of your life. Both books