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Creating Spiritual Safe Havens in Our Communities
Words of Encouragement From Ikeda Sensei
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Words of Encouragement From Ikeda Sensei
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2021 Message to the Women and Young Women From SGI Honorary Women’s Leader Kaneko Ikeda
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On Dec. 16, in a monumental change for the sport, Major League Baseball (MLB) announced it was elevating the 1920–48 Negro Leagues to major league status. The “long overdue recognition,” as MLB called it in a news release, will add the names of some 3,400 Negro Leaguers from seven distinct leagues in the 1920s, ’30s
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In spite of the COVID-19 pandemic halting activities in early 2020, members have continued to engage in one-to-one encouragement and help their friends start practicing Nichiren Buddhism. From the small western Pacific island of Guam—where Ikeda Sensei established the SGI in 1975—Marianas Region Young Men’s Leader Peter Patrick Salas and Leonard-John Ventura, a young man
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A. It is difficult to inspire oneself, especially in isolation. Therefore, we need to stay in close communication with our fellow members and continue to seek encouragement from Ikeda Sensei through our publications. Let’s see what Sensei says about our spirit and mission as Many Treasures Group members in The New Human Revolution: • •
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by Lee Malone Redlands, Calif. When I was growing up, my mother was extremely caring, and my father was an upstanding man who worked three jobs to support us. Despite being raised in a good, loving home, I still had a lot of fear in my heart and struggled with cowardice. I was introduced to
Author: admin
A: No one likes to be controlled by others, and it’s only natural to wish that we could do what we want without people bothering us all the time. I’m sure there are students who dream of what freedom they would enjoy if there were no rules, and if they had plenty of money and
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A certain Japanese businessman said to his friend: “You’re always complaining about having so many problems. I know a place where there are at least 10,000 people, but not one of them has even a single problem or worry. Should I take you there?” His friend said, “Yes, please do!” And guess where the businessman
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Starting in March, monthly SGI-USA district study meetings will focus on excerpted passages from the revised edition of The Wisdom for Creating Happiness and Peace, part 1. The material will be published monthly in Living Buddhism, beginning with the March 2021 issue. The Wisdom for Creating Happiness and Peace series consists of selected guidances from
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The following is part one of two of an essay by Ikeda Sensei, which was originally published in the Jan. 19 issue of the Seikyo Shimbun, the Soka Gakkai’s daily newspaper. Heavy snows have been falling in Japan since the beginning of the new year, especially in regions along the west coast. I would like
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The SGI-USA online bookstore now offers a highly discounted shipping rate for all media mail items (this applies to printed materials, such as books and pamphlets, and sound recordings, including CDs and DVDs). The estimated delivery time is 2–10 business days, or longer if there are USPS delays. Visit bookstore.sgi-usa.org.
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by Mitch Bogen Correspondent Cambridge, Mass.—The first “virtual” Ikeda Forum for Intercultural Dialogue demonstrated the very concept it explored: value creation. With an in-person gathering not possible, the Ikeda Center for Peace, Learning, and Dialogue took the Dec. 10 event online—the positive result being that more than 300 global citizens from 27 countries were able
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Greek philosopher Aristotle once said that for a person to be happy, they will need virtuous friends. Today, too, many are earnestly seeking a supportive community in which people of virtue offer mutual support and inspiration to one another. As Shakyamuni Buddha said, “Having good friends and advancing together with them is not half the
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How our family defied all odds to accomplish our dream of owning a home.
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The New Human Revolution
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The following report was adapted from sokaglobal.org. In his 39th annual peace proposal, SGI President Ikeda calls for increased global cooperation on the COVID-19 pandemic, the climate crisis and the elimination of nuclear weapons. TOKYO, Jan. 26—SGI President Ikeda released his 39th annual peace proposal, “Value Creation in a Time of Crisis,” marking the anniversary
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Iron, when heated in the flames and pounded, becomes a fine sword. (“Letter from Sado,” The Writings of Nichiren Daishonin, vol. 1, p. 303) Making a sword involves forging iron, and tempering and folding it repeatedly to eliminate internal voids, weaknesses and impurities, increasing its structural strength. In the same way, when we repeatedly challenge
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Invite a friend to believe in themself against all odds.
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1st Soka Gakkai Headquarters Leaders Meeting
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The Rev. James Lawson is an American Civil Rights leader and longtime ally of Martin Luther King Jr., who praised him as “the leading theorist and strategist of nonviolence in the world.” At age 92, the Rev. Lawson continues to give lectures and hold seminars on nonviolence. In the following interview, published in the Jan.