Author: admin
The Promise of Dialogue
“To have faith in the promise of dialogue is to believe in the promise of humanity.”
Author: admin
“To have faith in the promise of dialogue is to believe in the promise of humanity.”
Author: admin
Words of Encouragement From Ikeda Sensei
Author: admin
New audiobooks out now.
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In the following excerpt from The New Human Revolution, vol. 11, Ikeda Sensei, who appears in the novel as Shin’ichi Yamamoto, encourages members in Peru about the significance of chanting Nam-myoho-renge-kyo. “I would like every single one of you to become great victors in life. “Today, therefore, I would like to talk with you a
Author: admin
A: Dear Bodhisattva Seeking, What an important question. I’m sure many others share the same concern. We no doubt face unprecedented times, and as we reflect on the past year and approach a new one, we may wonder how to be hopeful in spite of it all. Recently, the SGI announced its 2021 theme as
Author: admin
Buddhability has launched a weekly podcast series featuring such episodes as “Buddhism, Therapy and How People Actually Change” and “How to Make Progress, Even When You Can’t See Eye to Eye.” Buddhability is SGI-USA’s new digital ecosystem, spread across multiple social media channels, which introduces Buddhist principles to a new generation. Check out the podcast
Author: admin
Nov. 18—Marking the 90th anniversary of the Soka Gakkai’s founding, the new Soka Gakkai global website has launched at www.sokaglobal.org. This site replaces sgi.org and serves as a valuable online tool for worldwide kosen-rufu activities. Navigable in English, Spanish, Japanese and Chinese (traditional and simplified), the user-friendly website offers an integrated overview of Soka Gakkai
Author: admin
My Buddhist practice has empowered me to develop a heart of compassion.
Author: admin
Volume 6 of Learning From Nichiren’s Writings: The Teachings for Victory, Ikeda Sensei’s lecture series on Nichiren Daishonin’s writings, offers profound insights on notable writings such as “The Eight Winds,” “New Year’s Gosho” and “Letter to the Sage Nichinyo.” Through these lectures, Sensei brings the immense wisdom of Nichiren into focus for the present age.
Author: admin
The holiday season, when many deepen their spirit of generosity and giving, is a good time to reflect on an important element of Buddhist practice: “almsgiving,” or making offerings to support the spread of Buddhism. This is an act that makes possible the endeavor to lead all people to enlightenment and happiness while implanting abundant
Author: admin
Ikeda Sensei: To get right to the point, it boils down to making a decision to do your best in everything and then having the determination not to retreat a single step. In severe circumstances, people tend to give up all too easily. They are convinced that the situation is hopeless before even considering what
Author: admin
The Ikegami Brothers
Author: admin
A classic Japanese comedy tells the following story: Once there was a country village where no one had a mirror. In those days, mirrors were priceless. A man, returning from his trip to the capital, handed his wife a mirror as a souvenir. That was the first time for her to see a mirror. Looking
Author: admin
Want to teach your kids about Nichiren Daishonin’s writings? Valuable lessons from these seven books.
Author: admin
Words of Encouragement From Ikeda Sensei
Author: admin
Words of Encouragement From Ikeda Sensei
Author: admin
A Life Committed to Spreading Buddhism
Author: admin
Sho-but chi-e. Jinjin muryo. Go chi-e mon. Nange nannyu.
Author: admin
47th Soka Gakkai Headquarters Leaders Meetings
Author: admin
“Faith first” is the blueprint for victory.