Author: ainoue
On the Cover—New England
Featuring members from New England.
Author: ainoue
Featuring members from New England.
Author: ainoue
“Each of you should summon up the courage of a lion king and never succumb to threats from anyone. The lion king fears no other beast, nor do its cubs. Slanderers are like barking foxes, but Nichiren’s followers are like roaring lions.” (“On Persecutions Befalling the Sage,” The Writings of Nichiren Daishonin,vol. 1, p. 997) Background
Author: ainoue
We’re trying to love ourselves, but our negative self-talk keeps getting in the way. It’s easy to get trapped into thinking that the negative voice in our head is the truth about who we are. But, we’re here to say, it’s not. Buddhism is a philosophy about uncovering the inherent goodness and value within each
Author: ainoue
Originally published in the April 2022 Daibyakurenge, the Soka Gakkai’s monthly study journal. In “The Parable of the Medicinal Herbs,” the fifth chapter of the Lotus Sutra, we find the beautiful expression “human flowers” (The Lotus Sutra and Its Opening and Closing Sutras, p. 142). I recall my conversation with South Africa’s great humanitarian leader
Author: ainoue
Illustrations by Leo Matsuda.
Author: ainoue
Ikeda Sensei’s Lecture Series [75]
Author: ainoue
Excerpts From Ikeda Sensei’s Annual Peace Proposals:
Creating a Sustainable Planet for Future Generations
Author: ainoue
April 2022
Author: ainoue
April 2022
Author: ainoue
Chapter 1 “On Practicing the Buddha’s Teachings”—Part 1 of 3 Nichiren Daishonin addressed “On Practicing the Buddha’s Teachings” to all his followers, urging them to courageously uphold and spread the Buddha’s teachings, taking on any opposition they are bound to face along the way. The title of this letter literally translates as “On Practicing as
Author: ainoue
Thoughts on Peace & Human Rights—Adolfo Pérez Esquivel and Daisaku Ikeda
Author: ainoue
“Winter always turns to spring.” “The wise will rejoice while the foolish will retreat.” “Prayers offered by a practitioner of the Lotus Sutra will be answered just as an echo answers a sound.” “Although I and my disciples may encounter various difficulties, if we do not harbor doubts in our hearts, we will as a
Author: ainoue
We of the Soka Gakkai will forever walk the great path of basing ourselves on the Gosho, the writings of Nichiren Daishonin. Nichiren Daishonin, the Buddha of the Latter Day of the Law, left these timeless, precious texts for humanity. Reading them, we will faithfully uphold and work to fulfill “the great vow for kosen-rufu
Author: ainoue
In this issue is Ikeda Sensei’s foreword to the newly revised edition of the Japanese version of the Nichiren Daishonin Gosho zenshu (The Complete Works of Nichiren Daishonin) which was released on November 18, 2021, celebrating the Soka Gakkai’s founding day and the 800th anniversary of Nichiren’s birth. Ikeda Sensei supervised the publication and contributed
Author: ainoue
My Buddhist wisdom has driven me to connect with my students, my music and my mission for kosen-rufu. I’m Suzanne Pittson from Dobbs Ferry, New York.
Author: ainoue
Featuring members from Hawaii.
Author: ainoue
“Whether you chant the Buddha’s name, recite the sutra, or merely offer flowers and incense, all your virtuous acts will implant benefits and roots of goodness in your life. With this conviction you should strive in faith.” (“On Attaining Buddhahood in This Lifetime,” The Writings of Nichiren Daishonin, vol. 1, p. 4) Background Practicing Nichiren Buddhism
Author: ainoue
Society tends to focus on our past deeds. In many ways, our past can either enhance or limit our present opportunities. It can be said, though, that our own overemphasis on our past can influence our happiness even more strongly than how others see us. For example, we might allow past failures to lead us
Author: ainoue
Originally published in the March 2022 Daibyakurenge, the Soka Gakkai’s monthly study journal. As human beings, we cannot be more than human beings, nor do we need to be. Nichiren Daishonin opened the way for all human beings, just as they are, to shine their brightest, with supreme nobility, dignity and humanity. Praising Sage Nichimyo,
Author: ainoue
Transforming Human History: The Light of Peace and Dignity by Daisaku IkedaPresident, Soka Gakkai InternationalJanuary 26, 2022 Even as we approach the second anniversary of the official declaration of the novel coronavirus (COVID-19) pandemic, variants continue to emerge, causing new waves of infection and creating challenging conditions in many countries. It is distressing to contemplate