Author: echoi
A Firm Foundation
In the Soka Group, I lay the foundation for a winning life.
Author: echoi
In the Soka Group, I lay the foundation for a winning life.
Author: echoi
A discussion with parents on fostering successors for peace.
Author: echoi
Raising future leaders with the readiness to protect others.
Author: echoi
To our wonderful SGI-USA members, This week marks the conclusion of the ninth May Commemorative Contribution activity since I undertook the privilege of serving our members as the SGI-USA General Director. Each time, I am ceaselessly amazed by our members’ selflessness, steadfastness and warm hearts—even in these times that continue to be uncertain, economically and
Author: echoi
The following message by Soka Gakkai President Minoru Harada was published in the June 2024 issue of the Soka Gakkai’s monthly study journal, Daibyakurenge. Nurturing our future division members is a most sacred endeavor that will shape the next generation. This month marks the 60th anniversary of the establishment of the high school division, on
Author: echoi
Located in northeastern Vietnam’s Gulf of Tonkin, Ha Long Bay and Cat Ba Archipelago comprise roughly 160,000 acres of lush emerald waters with over 1,600 islands and islets. The name Ha Long, meaning “descending dragon” in Vietnamese, derives from the legend that a family of dragons descended from heaven, spraying jewels to defend the people
Author: echoi
The following are excerpts from Ikeda Sensei’s essay originally published in the May 31, 2003, issue of the Soka Gakkai’s daily newspaper, Seikyo Shimbun. My dialogue with Arnold J. Toynbee (1889–1975), one of the 20th century’s great historians, began in the month of May and ended in the month of May. We spoke together for
Author: echoi
by Mitch BogenSpecial to the Tribune The Ikeda Center hosted a Dialogue Nights event on April 5 that had the highest attendance since the pandemic. Called “Navigating Relationships: Can I Really Be My True Self With Others?,” the event welcomed nearly 70 Boston-area university students and young professionals, the majority of whom were first-time attendees.
Author: echoi
When Ashley Park didn’t get into her first-choice colleges, she was stuck in New York City balancing a jam-packed schedule. Keeping in mind the Buddhist perspective that everything moves in the direction of our happiness when we chant Nam-myoho-renge-kyo, she used her Buddhist practice to transform her situation. This episode discusses her story and how
Author: echoi
Walking the path of a contributive life, I fling wide the doors to my mission.
Author: echoi
Why youth are engaging in the May Commemorative Contribution activity.
Author: echoi
The following is a summary of Soka Gakkai President Minoru Harada’s speech at the Second Soka Gakkai Headquarters Leaders Meeting Toward Our Centennial, held at the Kansai Toda Memorial Auditorium in Toyonaka City, Osaka, April 13, 2024. It was translated from the April 21, 2024, issue of the Soka Gakkai’s daily newspaper, Seikyo Shimbun. Congratulations
Author: echoi
A Compilation of Ikeda Sensei’s Series of Lectures on Nichiren Daishonin’s Writings
Author: echoi
This series highlights how Buddhism can enhance daily living. As Nichiren Daishonin says: “When the skies are clear, the ground is illuminated. Similarly, when one knows the Lotus Sutra, one understands the meaning of all worldly affairs.” Jazz is about being in the moment, at every moment,” writes legendary pianist Herbie Hancock. “It’s about trusting
Author: echoi
by Erica KondoAssistant Chief Financial Officer On behalf of the SGI-USA, I would like to express our deepest gratitude for your ever-increasing “earnest resolve” and sincere financial contributions to support our movement for peace in the U.S., Guam and the Caribbean. In 2023, members’ financial contributions accounted for over 86% of the SGI-USA’s yearly operating
Author: echoi
The Upper Middle Rhine Valley, popularly referred to as the Rhine Gorge, is a 40-mile stretch of land along one of Europe’s major rivers, the Rhine. The river and its gorge have functioned as an important trade route through central Europe since prehistoric times. As wealth flowed in with the river, merchant settlements and castles
Author: echoi
Commemorating the 10th anniversary of the song “Youth With a Noble Vow,” the World Tribune is reprinting the following essay by Ikeda Sensei originally published in the July 11, 2014, issue of the Soka Gakkai’s daily newspaper, Seikyo Shimbun. Looking back, I was a young man of 28 when I led the Osaka Campaign of
Author: echoi
It can be hard to embrace ourselves when society often makes us feel unworthy. This episode covers how chanting Nam-myoho-renge-kyo empowers us to appreciate and treasure every part of who we are. Joshua Thomas, of Portland, Oregon, shares how chanting Nam-myoho-renge-kyo helped him to live authentically, love his life and encourage others to do the
Author: echoi
In the DC Universe, the iconic “S shield” worn by Superman, Supergirl and other members of the House of El represents the Kryptonian symbol for “hope.” In the SGI-USA, the recently introduced “S pin” honors another type of hero: those who compassionately introduce, or “shakubuku” another person to start their Buddhist practice and join the
Author: echoi
Raising the next generation of young men’s leaders, I rediscover the roots of my faith.