Author: echoi
The One That Truly Matters
Hunting for a job and home, I find the meaning of victory.
Author: echoi
Hunting for a job and home, I find the meaning of victory.
Author: echoi
Learning from the passion of the SGI-USA youth.
Author: echoi
The World Tribune sat down with Joshua Thomas and Clark Harrell, young men who practice Buddhism in Portland and Seattle, respectively, to speak about a recent dialogue they had that is creating ripples in their community. World Tribune: Thank you, Joshua and Clark, for speaking with us. We heard about a wonderful dialogue you had.
Author: echoi
In a discussion with young people, Ikeda Sensei underscores the importance of polishing our character through the mutual support and inspiration that come from engaging with many people. Though you may dislike organizations, is remaining alone really freedom? Can you guarantee that you won’t lose sight of yourself if you’re on your own? That’s hard
Author: echoi
To illustrate the rarity of encountering the Lotus Sutra, Shakyamuni likened it to a one-eyed turtle finding, in the vastness of the ocean, a floating sandalwood log with a suitable hollow to warm its belly and coolits back. Nichiren Daishonin noted that “it is rarer still to find the hollow of the Mystic Law of
Author: echoi
This series highlights how Buddhism can enhance daily living. As Nichiren Daishonin says: “When the skies are clear, the ground is illuminated. Similarly, when one knows the Lotus Sutra, one understands the meaning of all worldly affairs.” Few of us are immune to holding grudges. A grudge might start as irritation with someone’s behavior and
Author: echoi
The following speech by Ikeda Sensei was given at a representative conference in Tokyo, on May 3, 2009. It can be found in The Wisdom for Creating Happiness and Peace, revised edition, part 3, pp. 288–92. On becoming second Soka Gakkai president, Josei Toda declared: “I will through my own efforts reach the membership goal
Author: echoi
Toward a Hope-filled Future With the Daishonin’s Writings
Author: echoi
Toward a Hope-filled Future With the Daishonin’s Writings
Author: echoi
LOS ANGELES—On Feb. 1, his 87th birthday, Garrett Morris, television icon and trailblazer in the entertainment industry, received a star on the Hollywood Walk of Fame. Mr. Morris was one of the original cast members of Saturday Night Live, and its first Black cast member. He also held starring or recurring roles in the television
Author: echoi
The SGI-USA will hold its first introductory exam of 2024 on April 13–14. This exam is for all new members, and everyone who has not taken or passed the Introductory Exam in previous years. Guests are more than welcome to take the exam as well! This will be the first exam on a new introductory
Author: echoi
Leading with a prayer for a youthful Maine, I double my business and my passion to match.
Author: echoi
Recounting Ikeda Sensei’s contributions to global peace, Soka Gakkai President Minoru Harada calls on us to carry on our mentor’s work.
Author: echoi
This series highlights how Buddhism can enhance daily living. As Nichiren Daishonin says: “When the skies are clear, the ground is illuminated. Similarly, when one knows the Lotus Sutra, one understands the meaning of all worldly affairs.” For centuries, people have obsessed over the latest fashion trends. Yet the pressure to conform to the beauty
Author: echoi
WESTON, Fla.—When the new Ikeda Hall exhibition “Daisaku Ikeda and America” opened on Jan. 20 at the Florida Nature and Culture Center (FNCC) in Weston, Florida, the members saw this significant element in the 60-year advancement of the SGI-USA: themselves. The exhibition takes viewers through six decades of the kosen-rufu movement in the U.S. in
Author: echoi
This year, SGI-USA youth will hold chapter-level March Youth Peace Festivals with the determination to create peace in their local communities. The World Tribune is featuring chapter youth leaders and how they are applying Ikeda Sensei’s guidance to win where they are. Ikeda Sensei’s Guidance: Prayer is the courage to persevere. It is the struggle
Author: echoi
In The New Human Revolution, vol. 12, pp. 30–32, responding to a question from a leader, Ikeda Sensei elucidates essential points for fostering youth. He addresses the topic from various angles and ultimately concludes: “What matters is that we look after the youth as if they were our younger siblings. Young people will not develop
Author: echoi
The Rocky Mountains are the largest mountain system in North America and, in the parts north of the U.S. border, home to several Canadian national parks: Banff, Jasper, Kootenay and Yoho. The vast Canadian Rockies are studded with mountain peaks, glaciers, lakes, waterfalls, canyons and limestone caves, forming striking mountain landscapes. It is also the
Author: echoi
Toward a Hope-filled Future With the Daishonin’s Writings
Author: echoi
The following essay by Ikeda Sensei was originally published in the Sept. 30, 1998, issue of the Soka Gakkai’s daily newspaper, Seikyo Shimbun. Women who are fighting for something they believe in are beautiful. Their dedication to the happiness of their friends and fellow members shines with purity and warmth. Their lives exude compassion, optimism