Author: echoi
Discussion Meetings—Spreading the Light of Happiness and Peace
Toward a Hope-filled Future With the Daishonin’s Writings
Author: echoi
Toward a Hope-filled Future With the Daishonin’s Writings
Author: echoi
Long before members arrive at an activity, young men, donning red ties, prepare to open their Buddhist centers. They are members of the Gajokai, “protectors of the fortress group,” a young men’s training group established by Ikeda Sensei on Feb. 1, 1971, tasked with staffing and operating Soka Gakkai facilities. Underlying their responsibilities is a
Author: echoi
Bearing the courage of a friend in mind, I bring a zeal for kosen-rufu to Alabama.
Author: echoi
Recalling how their seniors in faith helped them overcome it all, women’s division members discuss how they are paying it forward to a new generation.
Author: echoi
Toward the March Youth Peace Festivals, the SGI-USA youth coined the motto “Advance With 10 Friends.” This was based on Ikeda Sensei’s guidance, “If each of you can cultivate 10 genuine friendships, then kosen-rufu will surely advance!” Focused on friendship and held at the chapter level, these peace festivals are about each member turning their
Author: echoi
This series highlights how Buddhism can enhance daily living. As Nichiren Daishonin says: “When the skies are clear, the ground is illuminated. Similarly, when one knows the Lotus Sutra, one understands the meaning of all worldly affairs.” I got you today.” Budding NBA superstar Jayson Tatum texted this to the phone of his idol Kobe
Author: echoi
World Tribune: Thank you, Brenda, for sharing your story with us. Can you start with a bit about your journey in faith? Brenda Mettle: My husband was the one who taught me how to chant Nam-myoho-renge-kyo in 1983. We had a young son and a baby on the way. While I was struggling with depression
Author: echoi
Located in Australia’s southeast Queensland and Northeast New South Wales, the Gondwana Rainforests are like a time capsule of Earth’s evolutionary history, packed with biological diversity. Within the forests are plant and animal species still closely related to their ancient ancestors. The world’s oldest-known species of conifer tree, which thrived during the Jurassic period, still
Author: echoi
This series highlights how Buddhism can enhance daily living. As Nichiren Daishonin says: “When the skies are clear, the ground is illuminated. Similarly, when one knows the Lotus Sutra, one understands the meaning of all worldly affairs.” Would you like a bit more stress today? Probably not. But it turns out not all stress is
Author: echoi
Known as “the land of fire and ice,” the Vatnajökull National Park is a vast volcanic region spread across nearly 3.5 million acres, covering 14% of Iceland’s territory. The park is located on the Mid-Atlantic Ridge, which separates the North American and Eurasion tectonic plates. This creates the conditions for its 10 central volcanoes, two
Author: echoi
The following essay by Ikeda Sensei was originally published in the June 8, 2015, issue of the Soka Gakkai’s daily newspaper, Seikyo Shimbun. The sunis synonymouswith the women of Soka.May you shine ever more brightlywith happiness and peace. What distinguishes someone as a truly cultured person, a person of outstanding character? The Swiss philosopher Carl
Author: echoi
The February Campaign In February 1952, 24-year-old Daisaku Ikeda led Kamata Chapter in achieving the unprecedented monthly propagation result of 201 new households. This victory adorned second Soka Gakkai President Josei Toda’s birth month with a significant milestone in propagation. (See The Human Revolution, “Dashing Forward” chapter and The New Human Revolution, vol. 3, “Light
Author: echoi
Buddhability launched a new monthly series breaking down Buddhist concepts that have been touched on in an interview. This episode talks about why Buddhist practice is neither simple altruism nor focused solely on ourselves. Click here to listen. February 2, 2024, World Tribune, p.4
Author: echoi
Michigan is on a winning streak. The University of Michigan clinched the 2023 college football championship, while the Detroit Lions won its first playoff game in 32 years. For local SGI-USA members, add to that excitement the purchase of the SGI-USA Detroit Buddhist Center, which will now serve as a permanent castle of kosen-rufu in
Author: echoi
Centering my prayer on my children, I open my life to the future of my dreams.
Author: echoi
A prayer directed toward victory for ourselves and our communities.
Author: echoi
The following is a report on the 1st Soka Headquarters Leaders Meeting Toward Our Centennial Marking the Fresh Departure for a Youthful Soka Gakkai Worldwide, held on Jan. 7, 2024. It was adapted from the Jan. 8, 2024, issue of the Soka Gakkai’s daily newspaper, Seikyo Shimbun. The Year of Fresh Departure for a Youthful
Author: echoi
The following is an excerpted version of Soka Gakkai President Minoru Harada’s speech at the 1st Soka Gakkai Headquarters Leaders Meeting Toward Our Centennial Marking the Fresh Departure for a Youthful Soka Gakkai Worldwide, held at the Toda Memorial Auditorium in Sugamo, Tokyo, Jan. 7, 2024. It was translated from the Jan. 14, 2024, issue
Author: echoi
A far-reaching vision for world peace.