Author: echoi
Turning to Fortune
Losing all to fire, I rebuild, turning misfortune into fortune.
Author: echoi
Losing all to fire, I rebuild, turning misfortune into fortune.
Author: echoi
Stories of friendship, community and successors amid the Los Angeles fires
Author: echoi
In volume 28 of The New Human Revolution, which chronicles the Soka Gakkai’s history, Ikeda Sensei writes of a fire that struck Izu Oshima Island, Japan, and the members’ efforts to rebuild their lives and spread hope in their communities. Sensei appears in the novel as Shin’ichi Yamamoto. On Jan. 11, 1965, a major fire
Author: echoi
This new study series aims to answer questions about the basics of the SGI’s practice of Nichiren Buddhism. The short answer is that meditation and chanting Nam-myoho-renge-kyo both encourage self-reflection, but they have different goals and effects on our lives. Research shows that, when done in moderation, meditation can help calm the mind, reduce stress
Author: echoi
How one young man’s sincere actions gave his community and country hope amid devastation.
Author: echoi
This February, in celebrating the women of Soka, the following titles will be on sale for a limited time. To the Mothers of Kosen-rufu A small but poignant collection of poetry honoring the women who raise their own families and those who raise the future leaders for peace in their SGI families. $12.00 $5.99 The
Author: echoi
The following essay by Ikeda Sensei was translated from the Dec. 11, 2009, issue of the Soka Gakkai’s daily newspaper, Seikyo Shimbun, originally published in the May 2016 Living Buddhism. Youand I,joyful comradesfrom time without beginning,victorious champions. In his novel Elective Affinities written 200 years ago (in 1809), German author Johann Wolfgang von Goethe (1749–1832)
Author: echoi
On Feb. 1, 2025, the SGI-USA will hold the Ikeda Wisdom Academy exam for the sixth class. The exam will be on volumes 1–3 of The Wisdom of the Lotus Sutra and will be offered in English only. Here is everything you need to know. ELIGIBILITY The exam is for: district through national youth leaders;
Author: echoi
Supporting friends, I heal old wounds—my father’s and my own.
Author: echoi
With the SGI-USA’s focus on friendship, community and raising successors, the World Tribune sat down with Renee Benson, the Louisiana-Mississippi Region women’s leader, to hear about their united effort as a Soka community to support youth. World Tribune: Thank you for speaking with us, Renee, on behalf of the members of Louisiana-Mississippi Region. To start,
Author: echoi
Q: I’m not sure about my goals for this year, and I’ve yet to achieve some goals from last year. Where should I start? A: An arrow will not hit the target unless we take proper aim. The same is true of chanting. Our prayers come to fruition when we set clear goals, and strive
Author: echoi
On Jan. 26, 1975, a great wave of peace surged outward from the lush isles of Guam into the world. On that day, 158 representatives from 51 countries and territories gathered for the First World Peace Conference. It was here that the Soka Gakkai International was founded as the international body comprising Soka Gakkai organizations
Author: echoi
How a nation’s food became a gateway to cultural understanding and diplomacy.
Author: echoi
Check out these recent Buddhability video podcast episodes to inspire you toward your new year’s resolutions! Rewriting the Story I Tell Myself About Who I Am and Who I Can Be We all have inner narratives about what is possible for our lives. In this episode, Jackie Alexander, of Chicago, shares how she overcame limiting
Author: echoi
From the Los Angeles fires, the members determine to go deeper in creating genuine bonds of friendship and community, and in raising successors to our Soka movement.
Author: echoi
The following essay by Ikeda Sensei was translated from the Oct. 25, 2008, issue of the Soka Gakkai’s daily newspaper, Seikyo Shimbun. Part one of this essay can be found in the Dec. 13, 2024, World Tribune, pp. 2–3. Proudly singing a paean of happinessand peace—my life is filledwith tremendous joy. Our communications technology is
Author: echoi
In this episode, Buddhability reflects back on 2024 and the lessons they learned from their guests. Click here to listen to the full episode. January 10, 2025 World Tribune, p. 4
Author: echoi
Nichiren Daishonin proclaims in a famous passage: “I, Nichiren, have inscribed my life in sumi ink, so believe in the Gohonzon with your whole heart” (“Reply to Kyo’o,” The Writings of Nichiren Daishonin, vol. 1, p. 412). Honzon is a Japanese word meaning “object of fundamental respect or devotion.” The prefix go means “worthy of
Author: echoi
by Hinesville District, Hinesville, Ga.Saori Karasawa, Women’s LeaderAngel Le Bron, Men’s LeaderCharles Donald, Young Men’s LeaderAnnick Le Bron, Chapter Women’s Vice Leader Starting 2024, Hinesville District was hit with many obstacles. We struggled for the first six months, but we didn’t give up and were more determined than ever to be victorious—we had made a
Author: echoi
Deciding to win as an artist for change, I take one step with a hundred friends toward victory.