Author: jhsu
A New Kind of New Year’s Resolution
New year, new me, new world
Author: jhsu
New year, new me, new world
Author: jhsu
Taking the “Next Great Step Forward” with our mentor’s guidance.
Author: jhsu
This year, SGI-USA youth will hold chapter-level March Youth Peace Festivals with the determination to advance kosen-rufu in their local communities. The World Tribune is featuring chapter youth leaders and how they are applying Ikeda Sensei’s guidance to win where they are. Ikeda Sensei’s Guidance: What’s important … is that you resolve to become the
Author: jhsu
This series highlights how Buddhism can enhance daily living. As Nichiren Daishonin says: “When the skies are clear, the ground is illuminated. Similarly, when one knows the Lotus Sutra, one understands the meaning of all worldly affairs.” Pioneering researchers at Princeton University have successfully induced quantum entanglement between molecules for the first time. This development
Author: jhsu
The July 14–Dec. 1 issues of the World Tribune highlighted the first 571 SGI-USA districts to welcome new youth in 2023. Here are the remaining 88 of the year. Central Territory Chicago Zone Champaign District Rogers Park District Mid Southwest District University East District Mideast Zone Lionheart District Heights District Southeast Indianapolis District Midwest Zone
Author: jhsu
The walled city of Jaipur is the capital of the Indian state of Rajasthan. Founded in 1727, it is one of the first planned cities of modern India, based on the Vastu shastra, a Hindu “science of architecture” inspired by ancient texts. Markets, shops, residences and temples line the streets, which intersect in large public
Author: jhsu
On the morning of New Year’s Day, I prayed for the health, energetic endeavors and long life of all of you, my precious fellow members. I am determined to continue this solemn prayer as long as I live. When we reach the end of this year, let us once again sing a joyous song of
Author: jhsu
In a TIME magazine article, Herbie Hancock, renowned jazz musician and Buddhist practitioner of over five decades, remarked how his mentor in life, Ikeda Sensei, served as a beacon of hope, whose teachings and warm, humanistic way brought out the intrinsic value of every individual: He asserted that each person carries a mission integral to
Author: jhsu
by Mitch Bogen Special to the tribune In his Harvard lecture of 1993, “Mahayana Buddhism and Twenty-first-Century Civilization,” Daisaku Ikeda urged us to realize that “death should be acknowledged, along with life, as a blessing to be appreciated.” Cynthia B. Dillard embraced this challenge with courage and deep feeling. Dr. Dillard, Dean of the College
Author: jhsu
Ingraining Sensei’s “Clear Mirror” guidance, I see in my husband’s illness an opportunity for reflection.
Author: jhsu
A look at the three main qualities of a “correct and good teacher.”
Author: jhsu
with SGI-USA Youth Leaders Amelia Gonzalez Tesch and Shota Okajima World Tribune: How do the upcoming March Youth Peace Festivals play into 2024 as the Year of Fresh Departure for a Youthful Soka Gakkai Worldwide? Amelia Gonzalez Tesch: Each SGI-USA member can remain ever-youthful! And one of the best ways to do so is by
Author: jhsu
This series highlights how Buddhism can enhance daily living. As Nichiren Daishonin says: “When the skies are clear, the ground is illuminated. Similarly, when one knows the Lotus Sutra, one understands the meaning of all worldly affairs.” Sometimes, we might feel like, “I have all the time in the world,” while at other times we
Author: jhsu
Beginning this Year of Fresh Departure for a Youthful Soka Gakkai Worldwide, let’s study excerpts of Ikeda Sensei’s guidance from The Third Stage of Life on remaining ever-youthful throughout our life. True Victory Is Winning in the End My beloved mentor, Josei Toda, the second Soka Gakkai president, used to say that the last years
Author: jhsu
Official Soka Gakkai and SGI-USA Pages Below
Author: jhsu
Bryggen is a historic harbor district in Bergen, one of North Europe’s oldest port cities on Norway’s west coast. It was a trade hub of the Hanseatic League—a medieval commercial and defense guild that controlled maritime trade in the North and Baltic Seas from the 14th to the mid-16th century. The old wharf is characterized
Author: jhsu
En diciembre de 1955, el segundo presidente de la Soka Gakkai, Josei Toda, declaró su determinación de trabajar al máximo, el año siguiente, para asegurar que ni un solo miembro dejara de tener beneficios y pudiera decir al mundo: «¡Miren lo que hemos logrado!». En 1956, haciendo propio el ardiente juramento de nuestro mentor y
Author: jhsu
Parte 5: Los capítulos «Parábolas y semejanzas» y «Creencia y comprensión» La Ley Mística es el tesoro invalorable que poseen todas las personas
Author: jhsu
Thoughts on The New Human Revolution
Author: jhsu
Before his passing on Nov. 15, Ikeda Sensei composed the following poems to commemorate Nov. 18, 2023, the 93rd anniversary of the Soka Gakkai’s founding and the 10th anniversary of the opening of the Hall of the Great Vow for Kosen-rufu. The poems appeared in the Nov. 18, 2023, issue of the Soka Gakkai daily