Author: jhsu
On the Passing of Ikeda Sensei
Ikeda Sensei stands among the greatest leaders in the history of Buddhism. He carried on the spirit of the oneness of mentor and disciple, realizing the great undertaking of worldwide kosen-rufu.
Author: jhsu
Ikeda Sensei stands among the greatest leaders in the history of Buddhism. He carried on the spirit of the oneness of mentor and disciple, realizing the great undertaking of worldwide kosen-rufu.
Author: jhsu
Moving Forward With Ikeda Sensei’s Encouragement in Our Hearts
Author: jhsu
Following Ikeda Sensei’s passing on Nov. 15, 2023, a Soka Gakkai memorial service honoring his life and unparalleled contributions to kosen-rufu was held on Nov. 23 at the Toda Memorial Auditorium in Sugamo, Tokyo. The service was broadcast live to some 1,000 Soka Gakkai centers across Japan and included remarks by Senior Vice President Hiromasa
Author: jhsu
11/18/24 80 Years Since Founding President Tsunesaburo Makiguchi Died for His Beliefs 1/26/25 50th Anniversary of the Founding of the SGI 9/8/27 70th Anniversary of Josei Toda’s Declaration for the Abolition of Nuclear Weapons 3/16/28 70th Anniversary of Kosen-rufu Day 8/6/28 10th Anniversary of the Completion of The New Human Revolution 5/3/30 70th Anniversary of
Author: jhsu
Parte 4: El capítulo «Medios hábiles» ‒Parte 2 de 2 Desarrollar la convicción de que «¡Yo corporifico la Ley Mística!»
Author: jhsu
Ascending a New Summit of Kosen-rufu Together
Author: jhsu
Toward a Hope-filled Future With the Daishonin’s Writings
Author: jhsu
Toward a Hope-filled Future With the Daishonin’s Writings
Author: jhsu
Feeling like an outsider growing up, Patrick Kim began painting to express what he couldn’t say. Wanting to do the same for others, Patrick creates artwork that gives a platform to stories that are often overlooked. Patrick explains the joy he feels from making others happy, a joy that “cannot be compared.” Watch the latest
Author: jhsu
NEW YORK—The “Automated by Design” exhibition was launched on Oct. 13 to deepen understanding around autonomous weapons systems and the wider issue of digital dehumanization stemming from artificial intelligence (AI). The event—co-organized by Stop Killer Robots (SKR), Amnesty International and the SGI—brought together diplomats, U.N. officials and representatives of civil society organizations and took place
Author: jhsu
Translating into action the SGI’s 2024 Theme: The Year of Fresh Departure for a Youthful Soka Gakkai Worldwide.
Author: jhsu
The Redwood Coast Region men’s and women’s division leaders, Gary Arkoff and Mina Rhoden, tell the World Tribune how they supported the growth of the youth division in their region and reopened their Buddhist center. World Tribune: Thank you both for telling us about your journey to foster the youth in Redwood Coast and reopen
Author: jhsu
by Saori HisayamaCullman, Ala. I was a young women’s division member in Tokyo when my sister, who lives in Colorado, introduced me to a man she met there. We got married, and I moved to the U.S. in 2010. Originally, we stayed in Colorado, but soon after my husband got a new job and we
Author: jhsu
This series highlights how Buddhism can enhance daily living. As Nichiren Daishonin says: “When the skies are clear, the ground is illuminated. Similarly, when one knows the Lotus Sutra, one understands the meaning of all worldly affairs.” Did you know weekly religious service participation may significantly improve your health? Many long-term studies link regular participation
Author: jhsu
The July 14–Nov. 3 issues of the World Tribune highlighted the first 535 SGI-USA districts to welcome new youth in 2023. Here are the next 36. Central Territory Chicago Zone Lakefront District Naperville East District Mideast Zone Great Lakes South District Ozark West District Rocky Mountain Zone Olympus District Holly Hills District Southwest Salt Lake
Author: jhsu
The city of Potosí is located at an altitude of more than 13,000 feet, making it one of the world’s highest. Founded in the mid-16th century when silver was discovered in the Potosí Mountain, it soon became the largest city in the New World and the world’s largest industrial complex for its silver mining industry.
Author: jhsu
by Bhavini Gupta Duvall, Wash. Born and raised in a large family in Delhi, I’d not taken so much as a meal alone until I moved to America, where suddenly, most all my meals were had alone. I spoke to my husband for the first time in April 2019 over the phone, and that winter,
Author: jhsu
Ikeda Sensei sent the following message to the 16th Soka Gakkai Headquarters Leaders Meeting Toward Our Centennial, which was held at the Hall of the Great Vow for Kosen-rufu on Nov. 1, 2023. The meeting celebrated Soka Gakkai Founding Day (Nov. 18), the 10th anniversary of the Hall of the Great Vow for Kosen-rufu and
Author: jhsu
COLUMBIA, South Carolina—Guests filled the auditorium of the SGI-USA South Carolina Buddhist Center, each having read the introductory booklet A Winning Life. While they came with questions about the spirit and purpose of Nichiren Buddhism and the Soka Gakkai, they weren’t studying for a religious class. They were chaplains of the U.S. Army. SGI-USA’s Columbia
Author: jhsu
Discovering a friend in a childhood rival, I grasp in the depths of my soul that people can change for the better.