Author: jhsu
Every Iota
I arrived in New York with a dream. The city forged my faith and showed me what I’m made of.
Author: jhsu
I arrived in New York with a dream. The city forged my faith and showed me what I’m made of.
Author: jhsu
A report on the North America Study Conference.
Author: jhsu
The World Tribune interviewed women’s division member Susan Moromisato, of Garfield, New Jersey, about her experiences as a youth supporting behind the scenes. Susan graduated from the Byakuren Group, a young women’s division training group that supports various activities with the spirit to protect and serve the members on behalf of Ikeda Sensei. World Tribune:
Author: jhsu
This series highlights how Buddhism can enhance daily living. As Nichiren Daishonin says: “When the skies are clear, the ground is illuminated. Similarly, when one knows the Lotus Sutra, one understands the meaning of all worldly affairs.” The greater the resistance waves meet, the stronger they grow”—Ikeda Sensei has long cherished these words, having written
Author: jhsu
The July 14–Sept. 8 issues of the World Tribune highlighted the first 400 SGI-USA districts to welcome new youth in 2023. Here are the next 50. Central Territory Mideast Zone West Ann Arbor District Midwest Zone Quad Cities District Como-Phalen Lakes District Nebraska Plains District Rocky Mountain Zone Castle Rock District Tower District Parker District
Author: jhsu
The medieval town of Carcassonne, located in the Occitania region of France, was originally a Gaulish settlement that the Romans transformed into a fortified town in the third century. It is most famous for its nearly two miles of walls interspersed with 52 towers that surround the area, making it the largest walled city in
Author: jhsu
Thoughts on The New Human Revolution
Author: jhsu
Toward a Hope-filled Future With the Daishonin’s Writings
Author: jhsu
9/8 Anniversary of the Declaration for the Abolition of Nuclear Weapons In 1957, second Soka Gakkai President Josei Toda made this declaration at the Mitsuzawa Stadium in Yokohama, Japan. He entrusted his successors in the youth division to spread throughout the world the belief that nuclear weapons are an absolute evil. This declaration became the
Author: jhsu
What does it take to be authentic? How do you make progress even when you can’t see eye to eye? How do small goals add up to big dreams? These are some of the topics that the Buddhability podcast took on shortly after it debuted in October 2020. Hosted by journalist and SGI-USA member Jihii
Author: jhsu
This episode is for anyone dealing with work stress or challenging professional situations. What does Buddhism say about work and stressful transitions in life? Click here to listen.
Author: jhsu
Basing ourselves on a vow for the happiness of the people, my wife and I forge a bond transcending time and space, and even death.
Author: jhsu
A report on the North America Study Conference.
Author: jhsu
The July 14–Sept. 1 issues of the World Tribune highlighted the first 350 SGI-USA districts to welcome new youth in 2023. Here are the next 50. Central Territory Chicago Zone Middleton District Uptown Milwaukee District Central Evanston District Mideast Zone Fort Wayne District Clifton Hill District Bloomington South District Columbus Int’l Airport District Troy District
Author: jhsu
This series highlights how Buddhism can enhance daily living. As Nichiren Daishonin says: “When the skies are clear, the ground is illuminated. Similarly, when one knows the Lotus Sutra, one understands the meaning of all worldly affairs.” This summer, the movie Barbie broke box office records. Released the same day as another blockbuster, Oppenheimer, the
Author: jhsu
The following excerpts are from Ikeda Sensei’s guidance in The Third Stage of Life, where he speaks about how we can live our lives to the fullest. Trials Enrich Our Life If we triumph at a crucial moment, then in accord with the Buddhist principle of consistency from beginning to end, we will enter a
Author: jhsu
The World Tribune sat down with Dr. Ira Helfand at the Florida Nature Culture Center in Weston, Florida, where he lectured in late July on nuclear abolition at the SGI-USA Student Division Conference. Dr. Helfand is a member of the International Steering Group of the International Campaign to Abolish Nuclear Weapons (ICAN) and is a
Author: jhsu
The Hiroshima Peace Memorial, also known as the Genbaku Dome, was almost completely destroyed by the heat waves and blast wind of the atomic bomb dropped on Aug. 6, 1945. It was one of the only structures left standing near the hypocenter of the explosion. An exact figure of casualties of the bomb is unknowable,
Author: jhsu
Located in Northern New Mexico, Taos Pueblo is thought to be the oldest continuously inhabited community in the United States. Parts of the adobe settlement have been dated back more than a thousand years. The Taos people still use the adobe structures for religious ceremonies and rites, with about 150 people living in the Pueblo
Author: jhsu
The July 14–Aug. 18, issues of the World Tribune highlighted the first 300 SGI-USA districts to welcome new youth in 2023. Here are the next 50. Central Territory Chicago Zone Uptown District Midwest Zone West County District Richfield-Bloomington District South Central Zone Riverside District Bossier District Southwest Zone East Mesa District Northeast District West Chandler