Author: jhsu
Depending on Your Heart
Staking my life on faith, I win over illness and perceive its deeper message.
Author: jhsu
Staking my life on faith, I win over illness and perceive its deeper message.
Author: jhsu
The Soka Gakkai recently launched “Transforming Human History,” a campaign to encourage engagement and inspire confidence that change is possible. It covers three areas that will determine the future for life on our planet: nuclear weapons abolition, education for all and climate action. These issues are the focus of Ikeda Sensei’s 2022 peace proposal. The
Author: jhsu
Many hear about and accept this sutra, but when great obstacles arise, just as they were told would happen, few remember it and bear it firmly in mind. To accept is easy; to continue is difficult. But Buddhahood lies in continuing faith. “The Difficulty of Sustaining Faith,”The Writings of Nichiren Daishonin, vol. 1, p.
Author: jhsu
by Adin Strauss SGI-USA General Director I am convinced that 2023 will be a very special year for kosen-rufu in America, and I am certain that Many Treasures members will be a crucial part of that. Dare I say it—thank you so very much in advance for all you will be doing! But before we
Author: jhsu
Long ago in China, there lived a skilled calligrapher named Wu-lung, who refused to transcribe any Buddhist scriptures. On his deathbed, he expressed his final wish to his son, I-lung: “You have inherited talent in the art of calligraphy. But you must never transcribe the Buddhist sutras. In particular, do not transcribe the Lotus Sutra!”
Author: jhsu
The following is Ikeda Sensei’s guidance from The New Human Revolution, vol. 11,revised edition, pp. 107–08. 1) Chant Nam-myoho-renge-kyo “Chanting transforms suffering into joy and joy into supreme joy. This is why it is important to single-mindedly chant Nam-myoho-renge-kyo no matter what, whether we are happy or sad, in good times or in bad. This
Author: jhsu
Apostle Islands National Lakeshore, located on the northern tip of Wisconsin, includes 21 islands and 12 miles of mainland coast. It is home to the largest collection of historic lighthouses in the nation. Each island has its own character and features the natural beauty of sea caves, sandstone cliffs and pristine beaches. For many, the
Author: jhsu
11th Soka Gakkai Headquarters Leaders Meeting
Author: jhsu
This episode covers the topic of appreciation, which is central to Buddhism in so many ways and yet easier to talk about than truly practice, especially when it comes to the tough circumstances in our lives. Doris Edwards, of Philadelphia, who has been chanting Nam-myoho-renge-kyo for many years, discusses the Buddhist perspective on appreciation and
Author: jhsu
Soka Heritage Hall, which chronicles the history of Soka University of America (SUA) and the heritage and founders of Soka education, opened on campus this October. “Visitors to the hall will embark on a journey of SUA’s heritage and the vision of the founders of Soka education, Tsunesaburo Makiguchi, Josei Toda and Daisaku Ikeda,” SUA
Author: jhsu
Buddhist encounters lead to New York and the realization that I hold the key to the Buddha land.
Author: jhsu
Not all prayers are answered right away. And while we may find ourselves momentarily discouraged, Ikeda Sensei reminds us in part 1 of this feature (see Nov. 18, 2022, World Tribune, pp. 6–7) that as long as we persevere, our prayers will be answered in a form greater than we expected. He also tells us
Author: jhsu
by Enoa Reid Aiea, Hawaii There are times when you have to speak up. You have to stand up for yourself, for what’s right; but it can feel like hell. That’s how it was for me. I’m a chill dude, and I keep to myself. So, when it was time for me to speak up
Author: jhsu
Next year, 2023, will mark the 10th anniversary of the completion of the Hall of the Great Vow for Kosen-rufu. Upon its completion, Ikeda Sensei penned the following poem: Mentor and disciples have created this triumphant citadel of the great vow. (Dec. 6, 2013, World Tribune, p. 5) Keeping this milestone in mind, the Soka
Author: jhsu
A passage in the Six Paramitas Sutra says to become the master of your mind rather than let your mind master you. “Letter to the Brothers,”The Writings of Nichiren Daishonin, vol. 1, p. 502 The Ikegami brothers, Munenaka and Munenaga, received this letter from Nichiren Daishonin in 1276 at a critical juncture in their lives.
Author: jhsu
The following is based on Ikeda Sensei’s 1996 lecture at Teachers College, Columbia University, titled “Thoughts on Education for Global Citizenship” and his 2013 peace proposal. Sensei outlines the essential elements of global citizenship and guidelines for constructing a civilization founded upon respect for the dignity of life. 1) Wisdom • To perceive the interconnectedness
Author: jhsu
Glacier Bay National Park in Alaska, part of a World Heritage Site, covers 3.3 million acres of glaciers, snow-capped mountains and emerald green forests. It is home to more than 50 named glaciers and a wide variety of wildlife, including brown and black bears, mountain goats, moose, whales, seals and more than 200 species of
Author: jhsu
Just an hour drive from Las Vegas lies the Valley of Fire State Park in Overton, Nevada, a world-renowned geologic wonderland. When the sun sets each evening, over 40,000 acres of bright red Aztec sandstone glow in the warm light, making the entire valley look like it was set on fire. In 1935, the area
Author: jhsu
The following essay by Ikeda Sensei was originally published in the Oct. 26, 2022, issue of the Soka Gakkai’s daily newspaper, Seikyo Shimbun. Our movement for kosen-rufu is about building a culture of peace. As part of that endeavor, we hold a wide range of exhibitions around the world. Twenty years have passed since the
Author: jhsu
In episode 89, Dave Drake, of New York, shares his journey with seeking the approval of others, both in his personal life and as a musician. This episode is filled with practical insights about how to apply the practice of chanting Nam-myoho-renge-kyo to transform the desire for approval into a life state of humility, appreciation,