Author: jhsu
6 Keys to Having Genuine Dialogue
What we might consider a conversation and a dialogue are poles apart.
Author: jhsu
What we might consider a conversation and a dialogue are poles apart.
Author: jhsu
5/3 Soka Gakkai Day In 1951, Josei Toda is inaugurated as second Soka Gakkai president and declares his lifetime membership goal of 750,000 households. On May 3, 1960, 32-year-old Daisaku Ikeda is inaugurated as third Soka Gakkai president, vowing to advance kosen-rufu. (See The Human Revolution, “Blazing Sun” and “New Dawn” chapters.) Soka Gakkai Mother’s
Author: jhsu
These are excerpts from Ikeda Sensei’s speech at the 88th Soka Gakkai Headquarters Leaders Meeting, which was held at the Chubu Culture Center in Nagoya, on May 17, 1995. Video footage of the speech was broadcast during the most recent Soka Gakkai headquarters leaders meeting, on April 16, 2022. This was translated from the April
Author: jhsu
Words of Encouragement From Ikeda Sensei
Author: jhsu
Words of Encouragement From Ikeda Sensei
Author: jhsu
The World Tribune has launched its revamped website, worldtribune.org, plus a newmobile app that enables subscribers to read and listen to their SGI-USA publications on the go. The new site includes sections for the weekly newspaper World Tribune and monthly study magazine Living Buddhism as well as expanded resources. Subscribers can enjoy one-stop shops
Author: jhsu
The new English-language website “SGI—Action for Peace” will be launched on May 10 to share the activities of the SGI as an NGO affiliated with the United Nations. This website sgi-peace.org will both replace the current site for the SGI Office for U.N. Affairs and include information about activities by constituent organizations around the world
Author: jhsu
In this episode, we talk identity and relationships with Briana Boche, of Seattle, who shares her story of chanting Nam-myoho-renge-kyo and how she developed confidence in the practice of human revolution, that is, the process of continually revealing our courage, wisdom and compassion for ourselves and others. We discuss with Briana how her Buddhist practice
Author: jhsu
By practicing Nichiren Buddhism with the SGI, I have gained a deeper sense of my mission as a “lawyer for life.”
Author: jhsu
SGI-USA member Kryssi Staikidis is a painter, professor and head of Art and Design Education at the Northern Illinois University School of Art and Design. In 2021, she was conferred the National Art Education Association’s June King McFee Award for her research and art, teaching practices that focus on community, inclusivity and social justice. World
Author: jhsu
Answer: One of the best things we can offer our children is our example of living a strong, victorious life, basing everything on our ever-deepening faith.
Author: jhsu
A: This is a courageous question. Matters of financial security and faith are ones that Ikeda Sensei himself has given painstaking thought. At the headquarters in May 1961, deeply pondering the future of kosen-rufu, Sensei’s thoughts turned to the question of funding. Numerous construction projects were underway and even more were on the horizon, all
Author: jhsu
Ikeda Sensei sent this message to the Ninth Soka Gakkai Headquarters Leaders Meeting Toward Our Centennial—commemorating May 3, Soka Gakkai Day and Soka Gakkai Mother’s Day—at the Toda Memorial Auditorium in Sugamo, Tokyo, on April 16, 2022. This message was originally published in the April 17, 2022, issue of the Soka Gakkai’s daily newspaper, Seikyo
Author: jhsu
The Ikeda Center’s recent release, Hope and Joy in Education: Engaging Daisaku Ikeda Across Curriculum and Context, was awarded the 2022 Outstanding Book Award by the Society of Professors of Education. Founded in 1902, the Society of Professors of Education is one of the oldest and most respected academic associations in the country, with its
Author: jhsu
Ikeda Sensei’s wide-ranging discussions with British historian Arnold J. Toynbee, published in book form as Choose Life, paved the way for his dialogues with other leading thinkers around the world. To watch a video on their encounters, visit daisakuikeda.org.
Author: jhsu
The World Tribune this month is launching its revamped website, worldtribune.org, plus a new mobile app that enables subscribers to read and listen to their SGI-USA publications on the go. Some of the exciting new changes: Website: The new site includes sections for the weekly newspaper World Tribune and monthly study magazine Living Buddhism as
Author: jhsu
Saving day by day for May Contribution, my husband and I embark on the business venture of our lives.
Author: jhsu
The power of relentless Buddhist practice amid difficulties.
Author: jhsu
Answer: Find one thing you can appreciate, take action to express appreciation for it, and repeat this each day. Every effort will help expand and enrich your heart.
Author: jhsu
by Erica Kondo Assistant Chief Financial Officer On behalf of the SGI-USA, I would like to sincerely thank you for your heartfelt financial offerings to support the organization. Because of your unwavering support, we have continued expanding our kosen-rufu movement in America, as well as in the Caribbean and Guam, amid the global pandemic. In