Author: jhsu
Material for Discussion Meetings (July)
July 2024
Author: jhsu
July 2024
Author: jhsu
Members:• should be district through national youth leaders. • have their own copy of The Wisdom of the Lotus Sutra, vol. 3. • read the assigned material prior to each meeting. Syllabus:The Wisdom of the Lotus Sutra, vol. 3, pp. 127–64 Part Three: “Encouraging Devotion” Chapter• A Disciple Battles the Three Powerful Enemies Supplementary Materials:• The Lotus Sutra and
Author: jhsu
Installment 16: The Sado Exile—Part 4
Author: jhsu
On June 13, 1996, Ikeda Sensei spoke at Columbia University, the “premier institute for graduate study in education in the United States,” outlining the shared qualities of bodhisattvas and global citizens and how humanistic education is the key to fostering such people. Founding Soka Gakkai Presidents Tsunesaburo Makiguchi and Josei Toda never set foot outside
Author: jhsu
Young people’s take on why they engage in the important practice of Buddhist dialogue.
Author: jhsu
Chronicling Sensei’s visit to Honolulu in 1975.
Author: jhsu
It is not certain that, because one is ill, one will die. And could not this illness of your husband’s be the Buddha’s design, because the Vimalakirti and Nirvana sutras both teach that sick people will surely attain Buddhahood? Illness gives rise to the resolve to attain the way. —“The Good Medicine for All Ills,”
Author: jhsu
This section features Ikeda Sensei’s seminal guidance to the members of the United States. The following is an abridgement of his speech given at the SGI Joint Training Session, held at Soka University Los Angeles in Calabasas, California, on February 18, 1990. The full speech can be found in My Dear Friends in America, fourth
Author: jhsu
As I work to safeguard the dignity of human life, I awaken to the dignity of my own. I’m Garrett Welch from Denver.
Author: jhsu
Ikeda Sensei: I would like to ask the men’s and women’s division members to support the members of the young men’s, young women’s and student divisions, so that they can carry out their activities freely and joyfully. No matter how the organization seems to be developing now, if youth aren’t being fostered … we cannot
Author: jhsu
Part 11: ‘The Life Span of the Thus Come One’ Chapter—Part 1 of 3 Sowing the Seeds of Buddhahood—The Sacred Work of the Buddha to Bring Happiness to All People
Author: jhsu
This section features Ikeda Sensei’s seminal guidance to the members of the United States. The following is an abridgement of his speech given at the 11th SGI General Meeting, held at the World Peace Ikeda Auditorium in Santa Monica, California, on February 17, 1990. It can be found in My Dear Friends in America, fourth
Author: jhsu
Ikeda Sensei: All our future division members are Bodhisattvas of the Earth with “great good fortune from past existences” (The Lotus Sutra and Its Opening and Closing Sutras, p. 356). They have the power to help others awaken to their Buddhahood. “Former Affairs of King Wonderful Adornment,” the 27th chapter of the Lotus Sutra, relates
Author: jhsu
How wondrous it is that, around two hundred years and more into the Latter Day of the Law, I was the first to reveal as the banner of propagation of the Lotus Sutra this great mandala [the Gohonzon] that even those such as [the learned Indian Buddhist monks] Nagarjuna and Vasubandhu [and the Great Teachers
Author: jhsu
Confronting seemingly insurmountable health challenges, I awaken to my mission to encourage others. I’m Wonsin Fisher from St. Louis.
Author: jhsu
Chronicling Ikeda Sensei’s visit to Denver in June 1996.
Author: jhsu
On raising the generation that will carry our mentor’s spirit into the 22nd century and beyond.
Author: jhsu
by Naoko Leslie SGI-USA Women’s Leader Just a month after his inauguration as the second Soka Gakkai president, Josei Toda established the women’s division to initiate the kosen-rufu movement. Seventy-three years have passed since then (June 10, 1951). Carrying on his mentor’s determination to rid misery from the face of this planet, Ikeda Sensei continued
Author: jhsu
Speaking at Harvard University two years after his 1991 lecture there, Ikeda Sensei explores how the Mahayana Buddhist view of life and death holds the key to a 21st century that embraces the interconnectedness of all life.
Author: jhsu
Members: • should be district through national youth leaders. • have their own copy of The Wisdom of the Lotus Sutra, vol. 3. • read the assigned material prior to each meeting. Syllabus: The Wisdom of the Lotus Sutra, vol. 3, pp. 93–126 Part Two: “Devadatta” Chapter • The Dragon Girl’s Enlightenment Is a Grand Declaration