Author: kevinanderson
Author: kevinanderson
Author: kevinanderson
by Shreya Khuntia29 years oldWashington, D.C. I am an infectious disease epidemiologist, which is like a disease detective, and work at a health department that works closely with the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. Fighting on the front lines of the COVID-19 pandemic, I talk to a lot of people who have the coronavirus and try
Author: kevinanderson
Shijo Kingo was a skilled samurai and physician, and Nichiren Daishonin’s close disciple. Although a sincere practitioner, Kingo was known for his hot temper. But by following the guidance of his mentor, Nichiren, with dedication and discipline, he transformed his negative tendencies and overcame all adversity. Ikeda Sensei writes: “Just as Shijo Kingo was encouraged to
Author: kevinanderson
Author: kevinanderson
The World Tribune held a roundtable discussion with the SGI-USA youth leaders to address the recent incidents of racial violence and civil unrest that followed. Olivia Saito, Ryo Kuroki and Maya Gunaseharan respond to some of the questions that have been top of mind for many SGI-USA members. World Tribune: Thank you for speaking with
Author: kevinanderson
Author: kevinanderson
“Though we live in the impure land, our hearts reside in the pure land of Eagle Peak. Merely seeing each other’s face would in itself be insignificant. It is the heart that is important.” (“The Drum at the Gate of Thunder,” The Writings of Nichiren Daishonin, vol. 1, p. 949) July 3 is the Day of Mentor
Author: kevinanderson
The first thing is to pray. From the moment we begin to pray, things start moving. The darker the night, the closer the dawn. From the moment we chant [Nam-myoho-renge-kyo] with a deep and powerful resolve, the sun begins to rise in our hearts. Hope—prayer is the sun of hope. To chant each time we face
Author: kevinanderson
by Dion Moore26 years oldWashington, D.C. The first time I went to nursing school, I was just seeking a career to sustain myself. Because I was struggling financially and wasn’t serious, I flunked out. The second time, about one year later, I realized that the only way to graduate from my program was to understand my mission
Author: kevinanderson
by Dwayne WilsonSouthern California North Zone Men’s Leader When I saw the video of George Floyd’s murder, I was angry. As a Black man in America, I know what it feels like to be treated less than and have to deal with racial incidents. I’ve been stopped by the police for just walking down the street or
Author: kevinanderson
The newly designed SGI-USA online bookstore made its debut, offering expanded resources for members and those interested in learning more about Nichiren Buddhism. The user-friendly site, bookstore.sgi-usa.org, features such categories as “New Arrivals,” “Bestsellers,” “E-books,” “Children’s Focus” and “Study Basics.” New arrivals include Ikeda Sensei’s book The Wisdom for Creating Happiness and Peace, part 3, as well
Author: kevinanderson
Author: kevinanderson
Looking at what’s happening in our society today may stir up a vast spectrum of emotions—from pain, anger, disgust and confusion to righteousness, compassion, optimism and determination. Nichiren Buddhism teaches that rather than being swayed by the ups and downs of life, we can become strong, resilient individuals driven by the desire to improve our
Author: kevinanderson
by Naoko LeslieSGI-USA Women’s Leader As we continue to witness the horrendous news of racial discrimination, such as the brutal killing of George Floyd, it is clear that we must strengthen the forces of good and expand the ranks of capable people leading our kosen-rufu movement. On Feb. 11, 1990, Nelson Mandela, a champion of human rights,
Author: kevinanderson
The following are excerpts from Ikeda Sensei’s lecture on “Letter to Misawa” in Learning From the Writings: The Hope-filled Teachings of Nichiren Daishonin. When an ordinary person of the latter age is ready to attain Buddhahood, having realized the essence of all the sacred teachings of the Buddha’s lifetime and understood the heart of the
Author: kevinanderson
Author: kevinanderson
On his first visit to San Francisco in October 1960, while viewing the Golden Gate Bridge, Ikeda Sensei commented on the 27,572 separate strands of wire that hold it up, saying: The individual wires are not very thick, but when bunched together in great numbers, they display incredible strength. … In the Soka Gakkai, too, though
Author: kevinanderson
by Joyce Wang24 years oldCupertino, Calif. In my final semester of college in 2017, I had a full-blown manic episode. I had been introduced to Buddhism a couple weeks earlier by a fellow student, who told me that I could activate my Buddha nature by chanting Nam-myoho-renge-kyo. I remembered his words during my episode and began chanting.
Author: kevinanderson
Author: kevinanderson