Author: lucy
Advancing Together Wisely, Harmoniously and Joyfully
Ikeda Sensei’s 2020 New Year’s Message
Author: lucy
Ikeda Sensei’s 2020 New Year’s Message
Author: lucy
“The youth division is the fresh driving force for kosen-rufu in Japan and the world. In that sense, the youth members, running in the forefront of our movement, are the mentors, and the men’s and women’s division members, who are entrusting them with the future, are the disciples.” —SGI President Ikeda SGI President Ikeda once
Author: lucy
A: People may associate being capable with having special abilities or talents. From the perspective of Buddhism, everyone is capable. That is, our Buddhist practice enables anyone and everyone to bring forth and develop their inherent qualities to enhance their lives and to elevate those around them, as well as all of humanity. Capable individuals
Author: lucy
by SGI Vice President Hiromasa Ikeda
Author: lucy
Chapter Summary On May 3, 1967, a headquarters general meeting, marking Shin’ichi Yamamoto’s seventh anniversary as third Soka Gakkai president was held at the Nihon University Auditorium. In a penetrating analysis of current social conditions, he addressed the issue of human alienation, declaring that Nichiren Buddhism has the power to open the way to a
Author: lucy
Chapter Summary After returning to Japan from his trip to the U.S. and Europe, without much rest, Shin’ichi quickly set out to encourage members living in Osaka, Shiga and other prefectures in Japan. On June 23, he traveled to Matsushiro in Nagano Prefecture. For two years since 1965, an earthquake swarm (a group of frequent,
Author: lucy
Chapter Summary On September 1, the newly completed Soka Culture Center opened in Shinanomachi, Tokyo. This was followed by the grand opening of the Kansai Culture Center in Tennoji Ward, Osaka. These centers served as symbols of the Soka Gakkai, an organization dedicated to promoting peace and culture worldwide based on Nichiren Buddhism. During this
Author: lucy
Chapter Summary A poem by Shin’ichi titled “On Our Departure Toward a Glorious Future” set the tone for 1968, the Soka Gakkai’s Year of Victory. On April 8, the long-anticipated first entrance ceremony for Soka Junior High School and Soka High School was held at its campus in Kodaira, Tokyo. Preceding its opening, Shin’ichi, as
Author: lucy
To My Friends of Each Division Engaged in Our Shared Struggle [48]
Author: lucy
Deeply committed to the education and development of children and youth, SGI President Ikeda, as the third Soka Gakkai president, established the high school division in June 1964, the junior high school division in January 1965, and the boys and girls division in September 1965—which together comprise the future division. The present generation of future
Author: lucy
Part 3: Kosen-rufu and World Peace—The Future Division: The Key to the Ongoing Development of Kosen-rufu
Author: lucy
My wish is that all my disciples make a great vow. We are very fortunate to be alive after the widespread epidemics that occurred last year and the year before. But now with the impending Mongol invasion it appears that few will survive. In the end, no one can escape death. The sufferings at that
Author: lucy
In 2020, the Year of Advancement and Capable People, the SGI will celebrate three historic milestones: May 3 marks 60 years since Daisaku Ikeda was inaugurated as the third Soka Gakkai president at the age of 32; October 2 is the 60th anniversary of President Ikeda’s arrival in Hawaii to launch his first journey outside
Author: lucy
This monthly encouragement by SGI President Daisaku Ikeda was originally published in the December 2019 issue of the Daibyakurenge, the Soka Gakkai’s monthly study journal. This year [2019] again, the Soka family has striven tirelessly for kosen-rufu and triumphed. When I read the writings of Nichiren Daishonin, I can almost hear him praising each of
Author: lucy
This installment, published in the October 16, 2019, issue of the Seikyo Shimbun, focuses on passages from Nichiren Daishonin’s writings that SGI President Ikeda discusses in volume 12 of The New Human Revolution. Passage 1 “As I have said before, be millions of times more careful than ever.” (“The Hero of the World,” The Writings
Author: lucy
Kimiko PriceWAIPAHU, HAWAII Living Buddhism: Thank you, Kimiko, for sharing your experience with us. Kimiko Price: Thank you for this opportunity. I also want to thank everyone in the SGI-USA for their tremendous support over the years. How did you begin your Buddhist practice? Kimiko: My childhood years were the darkest times of my life.
Author: lucy
The Ikeda Wisdom Academy is an SGI-USA youth division movement to engage youth leaders in advanced study. This month, academy members will study chapter 7 of The Heritage of the Ultimate Law of Life: SGI President Ikeda’s Lecture Series. While the Ikeda Wisdom Academy is a youth leaders study program, all SGI-USA members are invited
Author: lucy
The holiday season is a great opportunity for self-reflection, appreciation and growth.
Author: lucy
In 1928, founding Soka Gakkai President Tsunesaburo Makiguchi was motivated by a fellow educator to further his understanding of Nichiren Daishonin’s teaching. While familiar with Nichiren and Nam-myoho-renge-kyo, this encounter inspired him to learn more about the Daishonin’s philosophy. In particular, he studied Nichiren’s treatise “On Establishing the Correct Teaching for the Peace of the
Author: lucy
The following is SGI President Ikeda’s dedication to the new World Seikyo Center, which completed construction on Sept. 8 and opened on Nov. 18 in Tokyo. This is the official building of the Seikyo Shimbun, the Soka Gakkai’s daily newspaper. Kosen-rufu is a struggle of words. The Soka Gakkai’s development hinges on the power of