Author: lucy
Initiating a Great Wave of Personal Encouragement
Let’s welcome 50,000 members and guests to our February district discussion meetings through doing home visits and sharing Buddhism!
Author: lucy
Let’s welcome 50,000 members and guests to our February district discussion meetings through doing home visits and sharing Buddhism!
Author: lucy
Gratitude means feeling thankful or returning the kindness or generosity received from others. As we practice Nichiren Buddhism, we come to understand the principle that all life and phenomena in the universe are eternal and interconnected. Nichiren Daishonin teaches that throughout our many past existences, we have formed connections with, and thus owe gratitude to,
Author: lucy
by Debbie Uehara Las Vegas Four years ago, I learned that my daughter, Britan, was struggling with a heroin addiction. My once high-achieving daughter became a college dropout, jobless and chose to live on the streets with her abusive boyfriend. Britan was assaulted and robbed many times, and was in and out of the emergency
Author: lucy
by Kay Yoshikawa Correspondent This year marks the 74th anniversary of the end of World War II. During that global conflict, the Chamorros—indigenous people of the Mariana Islands—suffered unspeakable atrocities committed on the beautiful island of Guam. It was here that Daisaku Ikeda established the Soka Gakkai International on Jan. 26, 1975, for the sake
Author: lucy
SGI President Ikeda stresses urgent action toward disarmament and calls on young people to resist feelings of resignation and “meet the severe challenges of our age as agents of proactive and contagious change.” TOKYO, Jan. 26—Daisaku Ikeda, Buddhist philosopher and president of the Soka Gakkai International (SGI), issued his 37th annual peace proposal, “Toward a
Author: lucy
The following are excerpts from SGI President Ikeda’s speech at a Soka Gakkai New Year’s leaders meeting held in January 1993. These excerpts were featured in a video of the speech, which was shown during the 40th Soka Gakkai Headquarters Leaders Meeting of the New Era of Worldwide Kosen-rufu, held in Tokyo, on Jan. 12,
Author: lucy
A new chapter of history has opened. The sun of Nichiren Buddhism has risen brightly in the skies of the 21st century, and the banner of Soka humanism waves in 192 countries and territories around the globe. Nichiren Daishonin writes: “Can there be any doubt that … [the Law] will be spread far and wide
Author: lucy
by Maya Gunaseharan Laguna Hills, Calif. When my sister confronted me six years ago about how I wasn’t facing the turmoil that existed at home, I promised her that I would fight for the happiness of our family. In my heart, though, I didn’t know how it could be done. Our family environment was negative
Author: lucy
Nichiren Buddhism teaches that Buddhahood—a truly free, unfettered state of life overflowing with boundless joy and compassion for all people—is gained by deepening our commitment to the happiness of self and others. The SGI is an organization made up of individuals striving to establish this state of life and united in creating a harmonious community
Author: lucy
With “home visits” and “personal encouragement” as the bywords for the SGI-USA in 2019, this new World Tribune series features SGI-USA leaders who discuss their personal experiences of being home visited, home visiting others and the lessons they’ve learned. by Naoko LeslieSGI-USA Women’s Leader Recently I visited a district women’s leader, who also invited her
Author: lucy
The following article is the second in a five-part series describing the events leading up to April 24, 1979, when Daisaku Ikeda stepped down as third Soka Gakkai president to protect the members from the perverse machinations of the Nichiren Shoshu priesthood, which sought to wrest control of the lay organization. This incident came to
Author: lucy
On September 23, 2018, the SGI-USA youth introduced their “Lions of Justice Youth Vow,” creating a set of five benchmarks to define a new era of hope and respect for all in the U.S. The first vow—to “View the people of the world, beyond all borders, including refugees, as family, equally worthy of respect”—is no
Author: lucy
A: We should never feel that we need to have all the answers. And if we get caught up in worrying about sounding clever or making a good impression, we can easily lose sight of the purpose of encouragement in Buddhism. SGI President Ikeda says: “The source of all development in the realm of kosen-rufu
Author: lucy
This guidance is from section 24.2 of “The Wisdom for Creating Happiness and Peace” series, published in the August 2017 Living Buddhism, pp. 60-61. Bighearted people are happy. Our Buddhist practice enables us to become such individuals. I hope all of you will become people who are generous and broad-minded. The vast ocean has boundless
Author: lucy
Angelina SáenzLos Angeles Living Buddhism: Thank you, Angelina, for sharing your story with us. How did you start your Buddhist practice? Angelina Sáenz: I had a rough upbringing stained by gang violence, financial strain and family discord. In 1988, when I was 16, my family found a rundown place to live in Hollywood after being homeless
Author: lucy
The Ikeda Wisdom Academy, comprising district through national youth leaders, was founded on January 26, 2013, and named by SGI President Daisaku Ikeda. The academy motto, “Protecting the Mentor and the Teachings,” underscores its mission to raise capable leaders for kosen-rufu who have a correct understanding of the lineage of Buddhist humanism, who are committed
Author: lucy
“The severe food shortage [after World War II] in Japan had made many people’s hearts grow callous. Consequently, this woman’s simple kindness left a deep impression on Shin’ichi.”, —SGI President Ikeda Daisaku Ikeda was 17 years old when World War II ended, leaving Japan in ruins. Tokyo, in particular, had been subjected to nearly one
Author: lucy
This monthly encouragement by SGI President Daisaku Ikeda was originally published in the January 2019 issue of the Daibyakurenge, the Soka Gakkai’s monthly study journal. The dawn of a new year marks the start of a fresh drama of human revolution. If everyone were to support and encourage one another throughout the year in the
Author: lucy
Discussion meetings are the most important of Soka Gakkai activities. Founding Soka Gakkai President Tsunesaburo Makiguchi has said that the primary elements of a discussion meeting’s success are 1) experiences that show actual proof of the teaching and 2) particpants who are seeking to be convinced of the validity of the teaching, meaning to bring
Author: lucy
To My Beloved Youth—Part 5 [37]