Author: mbieg
Key Passages From The Record of the Orally Transmitted Teachings (Part 2)
Part 2: ‘Introduction’ Chapter of the Lotus Sutra—Burn With the Great Vow for Kosen-rufu! Problems and Struggles Are a Source of Growth
Author: mbieg
Part 2: ‘Introduction’ Chapter of the Lotus Sutra—Burn With the Great Vow for Kosen-rufu! Problems and Struggles Are a Source of Growth
Author: mbieg
October 2023
Author: mbieg
October 2023
Author: mbieg
Academy members should:• be district through national youth leaders.• have their own copy of The Wisdom of the Lotus Sutra, vol. 2.• read the assigned material prior to each meeting. OCTOBER SYLLABUS The Wisdom of the Lotus Sutra, vol. 2, pp. 3–43 Part One: “Simile and Parable” Chapter• Simile and Parable: Compassion and Wisdom Distilled
Author: mbieg
Installment 10: The Tatsunokuchi Persecution—Part 2
Author: mbieg
On July 16, 1945, the atomic age came into being when scientists detonated the first atomic bomb in the New Mexico desert. J. Robert Oppenheimer, the director of the Manhattan Project, would later recall in a magazine profile the reactions of those present: some laughed, some cried, most were silent. In his own mind ran
Author: mbieg
Over my 56 years of Buddhist practice, I’ve overcome family discord, troubles at work and illness, based on my vow to strive for kosen-rufu in America with my mentor, Ikeda Sensei. I’m Rod Burke from San Luis Obispo, California.
Author: mbieg
“Realize that the time will come when the truth will be revealed that both the person and the Law are unaging and eternal. There cannot be the slightest doubt about the sutra’s promise of ‘peace and security in their present existence.’” (“On Practicing the Buddha’s Teachings,” The Writings of Nichiren Daishonin, vol. 1, p. 392)
Author: mbieg
The previous SGI-USA Las Vegas center didn’t provide enough space for the growing membership. As members formed a committee to search for a new castle of kosen-rufu, there were many false starts and dead ends. But the members weren’t defeated. They refreshed and deepened their resolve each time and took action by conducting chanting sessions
Author: mbieg
“Exert yourself in the two ways of practice and study” (“The True Aspect of All Phenomena,” The Writings of Nichiren Daishonin, vol. 1, p. 386)—this is one of the eternal guidelines of the Soka Gakkai. How highly Nichiren Daishonin, the Buddha of the Latter Day of the Law, would praise the noble efforts of all
Author: mbieg
The following excerpts are from Ikeda Sensei’s first of four lectures on Nichiren Daishonin’s treatise “The Selection of the Time.” See the January–February 2011 Living Buddhism for the full lecture, starting on p. 72. Introduction My mentor, second Soka Gakkai President Josei Toda, stood up alone amid the confusion of postwar Japan to rebuild the
Author: mbieg
Background Nichiren Daishonin wrote this treatise in 1275 from Minobu and entrusted it to a believer named Yui who lived in Nishiyama of Suruga Province. Considered one of his 10 major works, it takes the form of a dialogue between himself and a hypothetical questioner. In the title, the word time refers to the Latter
Author: mbieg
All of us at times in our journey of life may experience painful challenges with no end in sight, as though trapped in a long, dark tunnel. When that happens, our faith in the Mystic Law illuminates the way forward ever more brightly with the light of hope and renewal. After caring for her ailing,
Author: mbieg
Ikeda Sensei visited the former SGI-USA Boston Center in 1991—a much smaller center on Harcourt Street—and noticed a large clock in the main Gohonzon room. He encouraged the members to develop the fortune to have a big community center befitting the clock. Three decades later, that clock is now displayed prominently in the main Gohonzon
Author: mbieg
“Neither the pure land nor hell exists outside oneself; both lie only within one’s own heart. Awakened to this, one is called a Buddha; deluded about it, one is called an ordinary person. The Lotus Sutra reveals this truth, and one who embraces the Lotus Sutra will realize that hell is itself the Land of
Author: mbieg
Gaining and losing all, I discover the foundations of a winning life. I’m Sherman Hom from Prescott, Arizona.
Author: mbieg
Marking the 30th anniversary of Ikeda Sensei’s September 1993 Harvard lecture, “Mahayana Buddhism and Twenty-First-Century Civilization.”
Author: mbieg
Living Buddhism interviewed Virginia Benson, first director of the Ikeda Center for Peace, Learning, and Dialogue, about attending Ikeda Sensei’s second Harvard University lecture, “Mahayana Buddhism and Twenty-First Civilization,” in September 1993, and why his message is even more applicable today. Living Buddhism: Thank you for speaking with us about Ikeda Sensei’s second visit to
Author: mbieg
Living Buddhism spoke with Karen Ross, associate professor in the Department of Conflict Resolution, Human Security and Global Governance at the University of Massachusetts Boston. Dr. Ross’s research has focused on peace building, social activism and education. For the last 15 years, she has worked on issues related to the Israeli- Palestinian conflict, peace education,
Author: mbieg
The Atomic Age was born 78 years ago, on July 16, 1945, when the United States government conducted an atomic bomb test in Los Alamos, New Mexico. The first large-scale use of nuclear technology, it became the precursor to the bombings in Hiroshima and Nagasaki. Eight decades later, we continue to live in this age,