Author: mbieg
A Hope-Inspiring Life Philosophy for the Real World
Ikeda Sensei’s Lecture Series [90]
Author: mbieg
Ikeda Sensei’s Lecture Series [90]
Author: mbieg
The following excerpt is from part 3 of Ikeda Sensei’s three-part lecture on Nichiren Daishonin’s “Letter from Sado.” It can be found in Teachings for Victory, vol. 1, pp. 54–56. There is very little writing paper here in the province of Sado, and to write to you individually would take too long. Nevertheless, if even
Author: mbieg
Background At the time Nichiren wrote “Letter from Sado,” in March 1272, persecutions targeting his disciples in Kamakura were intensifying, and a growing number of people were abandoning their faith. Despite his own dire circumstances, Nichiren wrote this letter to encourage others. He urged them to summon up the heart of a lion king like
Author: mbieg
The following are from Ikeda Sensei’s April and May 1951 diary entries, prior to his mentor, Josei Toda, being inaugurated as second Soka Gakkai president. Until then, Sensei had struggled alongside Mr. Toda to resolve his financial struggles so that he could focus all his energies on the Soka Gakkai’s growth as its president. These
Author: mbieg
Engaging in Dialogues of Hope to Bring Happiness and Peace to All People
Author: mbieg
July 2023
Author: mbieg
July 2023
Author: mbieg
Academy members should:• be district through national youth leaders.• have their own copy of The Wisdom of the Lotus Sutra, vol. 1.• read the assigned material prior to each meeting. JULY SYLLABUS The Wisdom of the Lotus Sutra, vol. 1, pp. 139–64 Part Three: “Expedient Means” Chapter• The Revelation of the Single Buddha Vehicle: Opening
Author: mbieg
Installment 7: The Komatsubara Persecution
Author: mbieg
November 1941—Founding Soka Gakkai President Tsunesaburo Makiguchi is met by several officers of Japan’s special higher police at the Soka Kyoiku Gakkai’s Kyushu General Meeting. One blocks his path, shouting: “Isn’t it strange how the nation is praying to the Sun Goddess and you won’t even accept the talisman? You’re no patriot!” Composed, Mr. Makiguchi
Author: mbieg
by Daisaku Ikeda The Ukraine crisis, which in addition to bringing devastation to the people of that country has had severe impacts on a global scale—even giving rise to the specter of nuclear weapons use—has entered its second year. Against this backdrop and amid urgent calls for resolution, the G7 Summit of leading industrial nations
Author: mbieg
Though illness stirs up long-held doubts, it prompts the courage to align my life and career with my mission as a Bodhisattva of the Earth. I’m Harold Rubinfeld from Lancaster, California.
Author: mbieg
“Buddhism teaches that, when the Buddha nature manifests itself from within, it will receive protection from without.” (“The Three Kinds of Treasure,” The Writings of Nichiren Daishonin, vol. 1, p. 848) Ikeda Sensei’s Guidance Nichiren Daishonin explains … the “Buddha nature manifesting itself from within and bringing forth protection from without.” In other words, when
Author: mbieg
When the time came to open a new center in Phoenix, the search for a location led to a property in a residential neighborhood on East Myrtle Avenue. People in the community pass through the eastern edge of the property to hike, bike or ride horses in the Phoenix Mountains Preserve. However, when vacating it
Author: mbieg
In 1981, which the Soka Gakkai designated as the Year of Youth, I traveled throughout Japan and the world, presenting many poems to our youthful Bodhisattvas of the Earth. I fondly recall writing these lines for my young friends in America: Faith is the engine that propels usin the thrilling voyage of life,a life victorious
Author: mbieg
The following is excerpted from Great Buddhist Stories, pp. 8–9. Nichiren Daishonin told his disciples about an amazing waterfall in China, called the Dragon Gate. It’s extremely high, and the water rushes down faster than an arrow. At the bottom of the falls, carp live in a pool. It is said that if a carp
Author: mbieg
The following excerpts are from Ikeda Sensei’s lecture on “The Dragon Gate,” which can be found in Learning From the Writings: The Hope-filled Teachings of Nichiren Daishonin, pp. 113–29. The youth are the “pillar” that will shoulder world peace. The youth are the “eyes” that will open the future of humanity. The youth are the
Author: mbieg
Background Written on November 6, 1279, this letter was addressed to Nanjo Tokimitsu, a key disciple in Suruga Province. Like his late father, Tokimitsu looked up to Nichiren as his mentor and strove in faith under Nikko Shonin’s instruction. When he received this letter, he had already become a young leader among the believers in
Author: mbieg
Originally published in the May 2023 Daibyakurenge, the Soka Gakkai’s monthly study journal. All of you, my treasured fellow members, engage in dialogue throughout the four seasons to realize Nichiren Daishonin’s ideal of “establishing the correct teaching for the peace of the land.” You embody the principle that “where there is unseen virtue, there will
Author: mbieg
On April 14, 2013, at the groundbreaking ceremony for the SGI-USA Atlanta Buddhist Center, Dr. Lawrence E. Carter, dean of the Martin Luther King Jr. International Chapel at Morehouse College in Atlanta, affirmed the SGI’s mission for peace, saying: In the city with the brand of human rights and nonviolence, we must remember today the