Category: Experience
The Way to Win
Reminded of my mission, I overcome grief and loss by deciding to win for myself and others.
Category: Experience
Reminded of my mission, I overcome grief and loss by deciding to win for myself and others.
Category: Experience
Insisting on respect, I create friends and allies who fight for me as hard as I fight for them. I am Kathy Simons from Cambridge, Massachusetts.
Category: Experience
Fighting for my friends, I learn that a lion’s prayers are always answered.
Category: Experience
In the wake of my son’s passing, I rise above my pain and discover the beauty of life within.
Category: Experience
In the wake of the Eaton Fire, I recall a lesson learned in a vow to become a doctor.
Category: Experience
Encountering Buddhism after my father’s passing, I make the most of the promise I made him. I am Sumedh Kaul, of Boston.
Category: Experience
Planting seeds of peace in Guam, I unite my family and expand it, too.
Category: Experience
Losing all to fire, I rebuild, turning misfortune into fortune.
Category: Experience
My battles with illness taught me that chanting is the strongest medicine, because I am still here. I am Valerie Ewing, of Chicago.
Category: Experience
Supporting friends, I heal old wounds—my father’s and my own.
Category: Experience
Deciding to win as an artist for change, I take one step with a hundred friends toward victory.
Category: Experience
Seeking my mentor’s heart, I discover a fearless changemaker within my own.
Category: Experience
Opening up to my peers, I discover in myself a new kind of scientist—one who cares, above all, for people.
Category: Experience
How a prayer for peace was passed from one generation to the next. We are Robin and Robert Benvenuti from Detroit, Michigan.
Category: Experience
Searching for my father, I remember again and again a promise of hope.
Category: Experience
Relying on the heart, I forge from pain a deep respect for all people.
Category: Experience
Remembering our vow amid hardship, we transform karma and build eternal fortune. We are Akiko and Lee Look from Albany, California.
Category: Experience
Seeking safety, I find again true family.
Category: Experience
by Neeta JainSnoqualmie, Wash. “Look,” the father said, gingerly turning up his son’s feet, and I caught my breath at the sight of the blistering soles—second-degree burns. “He kicked off his shoes running around outside. I didn’t know he was hurt for most of the day, because he couldn’t tell me.” I thought of the
Category: Experience
Homing in on one fear, I unite my family.