Category: Experience
Never Retreating a Single Step
How our family defied all odds to accomplish our dream of owning a home.
Category: Experience
How our family defied all odds to accomplish our dream of owning a home.
Category: Experience
How I transformed all of my childhood suffering into joy and created a harmonious family. I’m Rena Takushi, from Honolulu.
Category: Experience
by Byeong Hwa Yun Minneapolis Faith is—to fear nothing, to stand unswayed, the power to surmount any obstacle. Faith is the source from which all solutions flow. Faith is the engine that propels us in the thrilling voyage of life, a life victorious and transcendent. (Ikeda Sensei, Nov. 6, World Tribune insert, p. C) In
Category: Experience
Teruko Dent creates a happy family through her Buddhist practice despite facing tremendous challenges.
Category: Experience
How I gained the courage to face my fears.
Category: Experience
By challenging injustice at work, I uncovered my limitless power as a bodhisattva.
Category: Experience
How I used my mentor’s guidance to conquer my weaknesses and achieve an undeniable victory in my career. I’m Mayur Gupta, from New York.
Category: Experience
How we transformed our family conflict by practicing for self and others.
Category: Experience
My Buddhist practice has empowered me to develop a heart of compassion.
Category: Experience
“Faith first” is the blueprint for victory.
Category: Experience
How I’m changing the world by winning right where I am.
Category: Experience
On October 4, the SGI-USA held virtual general meetings across the country to commemorate 60 years since Ikeda Sensei’s first visit to the United States, which marked his maiden voyage to spread Nichiren Buddhism throughout the world. Living Buddhism met with Reiko Aragon, of Denver, who shared her experience at one of the October 4
Category: Experience
by Valerie Giterson-Pantophlet St. Maarten If a woman makes offerings to the Lotus Sutra now in the last five-hundred-year period, this bodhisattva’s benefits will all be bequeathed to her without exception, just as a wealthy man transfers his entire fortune to his only son. (“The ‘Entrustment’ and Other Chapters,” The Writings of Nichiren Daishonin, vol.
Category: Experience
On his fourth trip to San Francisco, Ikeda Sensei visits Kay Rood and her family at their home, Oct. 6, 1980.
Category: Experience
Category: Experience
Category: Experience
Category: Experience
Category: Experience
Category: Experience