Category: Experience
Reviving the Poet
Planting seeds of trust and hope, I step into my mission as a poet for kosen-rufu. I’m Mónica Lladó from Puerto Rico.
Category: Experience
Planting seeds of trust and hope, I step into my mission as a poet for kosen-rufu. I’m Mónica Lladó from Puerto Rico.
Category: Experience
Listening, I learn the way to rise above all suffering.
Category: Experience
My journey of inner transformation from a directionless teen to a teacher empowering youth. I’m Sam Saldivar from Fresno, California.
Category: Experience
Fighting for kosen-rufu, I find my voice and my calling.
Category: Experience
Amid a health scare, they learn that winning lies in encouraging others.
Category: Experience
Seeking my mission, I discover the way of life of a person of courage.
Category: Experience
As I work to safeguard the dignity of human life, I awaken to the dignity of my own. I’m Garrett Welch from Denver.
Category: Experience
Battling for hope, I revive old joys and tap new strength.
Category: Experience
In the face of loss, I teach my students, my nephews and myself that all hardship can be transformed into value.
Category: Experience
In the Soka Group, I lay the foundation for a winning life.
Category: Experience
Confronting seemingly insurmountable health challenges, I awaken to my mission to encourage others. I’m Wonsin Fisher from St. Louis.
Category: Experience
Walking the path of a contributive life, I fling wide the doors to my mission.
Category: Experience
Raising the next generation of young men’s leaders, I rediscover the roots of my faith.
Category: Experience
Striving to lead a contributive life, I reveal day by day a determined, poetic heart.
Category: Experience
Tackling my doubts with daimoku, I take the stage with a light heart.
Category: Experience
Facing my fears with earnest resolve, I take a hand outstretched in friendship and hold out mine to the youth. I’m Les Hayward from Seattle.
Category: Experience
Working with people, I learn to trust them and myself.
Category: Experience
Living for self and others, we lay the foundations of eternal good fortune.
Category: Experience
Engaging in dialogue for the peace of the land, my family triumphs over illness and fear. I’m Chika O’Berry from Ashburn, Va.
Category: Experience
Facing fears of fatherhood, I see my life anew.