Category: Experience
Based On a Vow
Gaining and losing all, I discover the foundations of a winning life. I’m Sherman Hom from Prescott, Arizona.
Category: Experience
Gaining and losing all, I discover the foundations of a winning life. I’m Sherman Hom from Prescott, Arizona.
Category: Experience
Taking home the Soka Gakkai spirit, my kids show me the power of prayer.
Category: Experience
Finding Buddhism in my 60s, I awaken to my mission to demonstrate what’s possible in life’s golden years.
Category: Experience
In Buddhism, I discover a long-sought path to empowerment.
Category: Experience
From a state of confidence, endings appear as the means for fresh growth. I’m Sylvia Dare from Galloway, New Jersey.
Category: Experience
Chanting to see my mother’s humanity, I unlock my own.
Category: Experience
Returning to a forgotten lake, I find more than memories—love and a sense of mission.
Category: Experience
Praying for my daughter’s life, I grasp my mentor’s heart and vow to impart hope to youth.
Category: Experience
Though illness stirs up long-held doubts, it prompts the courage to align my life and career with my mission as a Bodhisattva of the Earth. I’m Harold Rubinfeld from Lancaster, California.
Category: Experience
Determined to turn the grief of untimely death into the joy of renewed life, I affirm that victory in Buddhism is guaranteed.
Category: Experience
Living with an incurable neurological disease, I show up as a positive force.
Category: Experience
To lead with integrity, I summon the courage to seek my mentor’s heart.
Category: Experience
As an educator, I transformed a chaotic classroom, as a son, I learned to love my mother, and as an individual, I learned to believe in myself. I’m Lance Powell from Atlanta.
Category: Experience
Fighting toward my dream of becoming an educator, I come to understand my mother as a great teacher.
Category: Experience
Basing everything on prayer, family reveals to me that my life itself is the treasure tower.
Category: Experience
Visiting my mother near the end of her life, I reveal the mother I want to be for my children.
Category: Experience
Seeking meaning at a time of crisis, I discover in jazz a fighting spirit, and follow it to its source. I’m Grady Tesch from New York.
Category: Experience
Supported by my parents and embraced by friends in faith, I take a stand for my life and help others do the same.
Category: Experience
Making our home a bastion of kosen-rufu, I wage a battle to bring hope to the members of New Mexico.
Category: Experience
Fighting for his freedom behind bars, my father prompts me to seek out indestructible happiness.