Category: Frontline News
Flip the Script
At the CEC, the body discusses ways to reimagine the district discussion meeting and make it more engaging to youth.
Category: Frontline News
At the CEC, the body discusses ways to reimagine the district discussion meeting and make it more engaging to youth.
Category: Frontline News
“One actual discussion meeting is far more effective in turning the wheels of kosen-rufu than a million fine-sounding words of theory.” —Ikeda Sensei (Jan. 17, 2025, World Tribune, p. 3) Across the globe, districts are experimenting with new approaches, drawing on the creativity and wisdom of youth to ensure discussion meetings are even fresher and
Category: Frontline News
The May Commemorative Contribution Activity embodies our vow to practice and spread the Mystic Law, expressing gratitude for the profound benefits we have received through Buddhist practice. Beyond personal appreciation, it serves as a means to financially sustain and expand the kosen-rufu movement, ensuring that future generations have access to the transformative teachings of Nichiren
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Youth territory leaders share their personal reasons for advancing full throttle toward the March youth-led discussion meetings.
Category: Frontline News
Q. Who is eligible to take it? A. This exam—available in English and Spanish—is open to new members as well as those who have not taken or passed the Introductory Exam in previous years. Guests are also more than welcome to take the exam! To find out who is eligible in your local organization, district–national
Category: Frontline News
The SGI-USA Many Treasures Group is soaring higher in 2025 with a new national leadership team. The group, for members 65 years and older, was established by Ikeda Sensei in 1988. Their name comes from Many Treasures Buddha who is seated beside Shakyamuni Buddha in the treasure tower and lends credence to truth of Shakyamuni’s
Category: Frontline News
This year, the SGI-USA is committed to expanding our kosen-rufu movement by focusing on deepening friendships, strengthening community and fostering successors. As part of this effort, the Soka Victory District initiative is being reintroduced to celebrate the growth and success of the districts in this milestone year, in which we commemorate the 50th anniversary of
Category: Frontline News
March is a time to find new ways to revolutionize our discussion meetings.
Category: Frontline News
by Amelia Gonzalez Tesch, Kenichi Hackman and Shota OkajimaSGI-USA Youth Leaders Thank you for all your support of the youth division thus far in 2025, The Year of Soaring Higher Toward a Youthful Soka Gakkai Worldwide. As you may already know, our primary focus this year is strengthening our discussion meetings by making a concentrated
Category: Frontline News
The Soka Gakkai International 50th Anniversary Commemorative Meeting, held on Guam, underscores the people’s network of human harmony.
Category: Frontline News
SGI-USA representatives take part in 13th annual Latte Peace Festival on Jan. 25, 2025 at Tamuning Municipal Park in Guam. The community event, co-founded by the SGI-USA, aims to inspire action for global peace. Latte stones (pronounced lah-tee) are remnants of ancient CHamoru culture in Guam and symbolize the people’s strength, identity and resilience. Awards
Category: Frontline News
by Naoko Leslie SGI-USA Women’s Leader Happy February 27, SGI-USA Women’s Division Day! In this exciting Year of Soaring Higher Toward a Youthful Soka Gakkai Worldwide, as SGI-USA, we are focusing on our discussion meetings where we can joyfully gather and encourage one another as fellow members and friends! We will especially focus our efforts on
Category: Frontline News
On Feb. 1, 2025, the SGI-USA will hold the Ikeda Wisdom Academy exam for the sixth class. The exam will be on volumes 1–3 of The Wisdom of the Lotus Sutra and will be offered in English only. Here is everything you need to know. ELIGIBILITY The exam is for: district through national youth leaders;
Category: Frontline News
Nichiren Daishonin proclaims in a famous passage: “I, Nichiren, have inscribed my life in sumi ink, so believe in the Gohonzon with your whole heart” (“Reply to Kyo’o,” The Writings of Nichiren Daishonin, vol. 1, p. 412). Honzon is a Japanese word meaning “object of fundamental respect or devotion.” The prefix go means “worthy of
Category: Frontline News
On Dec. 1, 2024, the SGI-USA kicked off toward 2025—the Year of Soaring Higher Toward a Youthful Soka Gakkai Worldwide—with the following national and territory-level youth leadership appointments. National Appointments Shota OkajimaSGI-USA Youth Leader Kenichi HackmanSGI-USA Young Men’s Leader Grady TeschSGI-USA Young Men’sVice Leader Territory Appointments Minami OkajimaEast TerritoryYoung Women’s Leader Cam MoroseEast TerritoryYoung Men’s
Category: Frontline News
Marking the first anniversary of Ikeda Sensei’s passing, representative SGI leaders from around the world renew their vow to create peace.
Category: Frontline News
The SGI-USA will hold its first Intermediate Exam of 2024 from Dec. 7–8. The exam will be on the second half of The Basics of Nichiren Buddhism and will be offered in English only. Here is everything you need to know. ELIGIBILITY This exam is for anyone who has passed the Introductory Exam. To take
Category: Frontline News
On our efforts as a Soka community to take the initiative to know and cherish each young person.
Category: Frontline News
Sign up through your member portal at portal.sgi-usa.org. Jan 10–13 SoCal-Pacific Territory Leaders (District–Territory) Jan 24–27 East Territory Leaders (Chapter–Territory) Jan 31–Feb 3 West Territory Leaders(District–Territory) Feb 21–24 Central Territory Leaders (District–Territory) Feb 28–Mar 3 Transforming Karma #1 Mar 14–17 Korean Language Group Mar 21–24 Women’s Division #1(Ages 45 and Younger) Apr 4–7 Many Treasures
Category: Frontline News
The 2024 documentary Join or Die opens with a man sharing why he signed up for a fraternal society in Waxahachie, Texas, two decades earlier, shortly after his brother had died. “I was needing some brotherhood in my life,” he says. “When I came here, I knew I had found myself a spot where I