Category: Frontline News
Advancing One Step Forward Together—Raising Successors Through the July Youth Meetings
A report on the young men’s general meetings and young women’s national conference.
Category: Frontline News
A report on the young men’s general meetings and young women’s national conference.
Category: Frontline News
What does it mean to “Manifest Hope and Victory Toward 2030 With the ‘Vast Heart’ of Soka”? Professionals, students and retirees in the fields of education, academia, health care, law and medicine explored this theme together during the SGI-USA Culture Department Virtual Conference on July 10, 2021. Participants enjoyed a nationwide webinar followed by breakout
Category: Frontline News
SGI-USA members hold virtual celebrations in five U.S. cities to mark the 25th anniversary of Ikeda Sensei’s June–July 1996 visit to the U.S.
Category: Frontline News
“Everyone, please expect much of these young people. … They will carry out the battle for the Law. So long as we have these youths, the Soka Gakkai will be absolutely solid.” Second Soka Gakkai President Josei Toda uttered these words days after he established the young men’s and young women’s divisions (July 11 and
Category: Frontline News
Everything you need to know about the SGI-USA’s phased plan to safely reopen our Buddhist centers.
Category: Frontline News
Ikeda Sensei’s June 1981 visit to New York came at a critical juncture. Just two years before, he had stepped down as third Soka Gakkai president to shield the members from the perverse machinations of the Nichiren Shoshu priesthood, which had colluded with corrupt former Soka Gakkai leaders to wrest control of the lay organization.
Category: Frontline News
by Adin Strauss SGI-USA General Director Thank you, and thank you again for your unstinting support of our SGI-USA May Commemorative Contribution activity. The generosity shown by our wonderful members is humbling and amazing. Speaking on behalf of the entire national leadership team, we will exert ourselves all the more from this day forward to
Category: Frontline News
A report on the nationwide student division lecture.
Category: Frontline News
Mark your calendars for the nationwide SGI-USA Culture Department Virtual Conference on July 10, 2021 (1 p.m. PDT/3 p.m. CDT/4 p.m. EDT). Please register through the website. The two-hour gathering will focus on the theme “Manifest Hope & Victory Toward 2030 With the Vast Heart of Soka!” and include an introduction to Buddhism, faith experiences,
Category: Frontline News
by SGI-USA Future Division and Parents Group leaders Future division is synonymous with successorship. Our efforts to foster these young successors is, therefore, indispensable in spreading the Mystic Law for the peace of the land. At the March 2021 SGI-USA Central Executive Conference, we announced a future division and parents group initiative through the rest
Category: Frontline News
The SGI-USA continues to closely monitor CDC and local government guidelines amid the ongoing COVID-19 pandemic and is eager to reopen Buddhist centers across the country when deemed safe. In the meantime, in-person activities are still on hold, but we will keep you informed of updates and developments. Currently, the SGI-USA bookstores at centers in
Category: Frontline News
May Commemorative Contribution: April 24–June 6
Category: Frontline News
May Contribution: April 24-June 6
Category: Frontline News
Uniting Around the Hope Campaign As the world continues to face unprecedented challenges, including the COVID-19 pandemic, the SGI-USA introduced the united daily action plan for 2021: the HOPE Campaign. (Learn more, Feb. 5, 2021, World Tribune, p. 8.) Sharing Buddhability With Youth Guests How do you share Buddhism with the least religious generation in
Category: Frontline News
March 28—Motivated by a desire to learn more about pursuing higher education at Soka University of America, over 1,000 elementary and junior high school division members, as well as their families and supporters, joined a virtual nationwide webinar hosted by the SGI-USA future division. Ikeda Sensei established SUA’s undergraduate program in 2001 in Aliso Viejo,
Category: Frontline News
A report on the March Youth General Meetings.
Category: Frontline News
Nanami Vittor joins the Many Treasures Group (MTG) national team as the newly appointed SGI-USA vice women’s MTG leader. Mrs. Vittor lives in Ellicott City, Maryland, and also serves as the Mid-Atlantic Zone vice women’s leader. She started her Buddhist practice with the Soka Gakkai in 1967 in Japan and has since practiced in several
Category: Frontline News
A year ago, as the COVID-19 pandemic forced us to shelter in place, a slow and steady undercurrent began to take shape in our SGI community. Guests who were introduced to the practice began meeting regularly, sometimes even weekly, with local members to learn more about Buddhism and how to apply it to their lives.
Category: Frontline News
The May Commemorative Contribution activity (April 24–June 6) is an opportunity for us to renew our bodhisattva vow to advance our movement for peace in the same month that Ikeda Sensei was inaugurated the third Soka Gakkai president on May 3, 1960. As we continue our important work to support the practice and development of
Category: Frontline News
Perhaps because of our move to hold virtual meetings since the start of the coronavirus pandemic, there has been growing interest in finding online Buddhist groups, forums and websites that discuss Nichiren Buddhism and its practice. Many such groups start with good intentions, with some drifting off track over time. And still others are started