Category: Frontline News
“Like a mother and daughter holding hands as they produce an infinite number of new stars.”
—SGI President Ikeda
Category: Frontline News
—SGI President Ikeda
Category: Frontline News
Every year on Feb. 27, the women of America celebrate SGI-USA Women’s Day and the birthday of SGI Honorary Women’s Leader Kaneko Ikeda. Together, they renew their vow with their mentor, SGI President Ikeda, to “become the happiest people in the world” (My Dear Friends in America, third edition, p. 92). On Feb. 27, 1990,
Category: Frontline News
The Ikeda Wisdom Academy, comprising district through national youth leaders, was founded on January 26, 2013, and named by SGI President Daisaku Ikeda. The academy motto, “Protecting the Mentor and the Teachings,” underscores its mission to raise capable leaders for kosen-rufu who have a correct understanding of the lineage of Buddhist humanism, who are committed
Category: Frontline News
Discussion meetings are the most important of Soka Gakkai activities. Founding Soka Gakkai President Tsunesaburo Makiguchi has said that the primary elements of a discussion meeting’s success are 1) experiences that show actual proof of the teaching and 2) particpants who are seeking to be convinced of the validity of the teaching, meaning to bring
Category: Frontline News
As the SGI-USA starts a new era that is laser-focused on developing the district through personal encouragement and home visits, the World Tribune sat down with the SGI-USA leaders to discuss their personal experiences of being home visited, home visiting others and the lessons they’ve learned. World Tribune: Can you share a memorable home visit
Category: Frontline News
Ushering in the Year of Soka Victory, SGI-USA General Director Adin Strauss announced new national and territory leadership. They are:
Category: Frontline News
On Jan. 27, youth leaders across the country will take the SGI-USA Ikeda Wisdom Academy Exam III, covering The Opening of the Eyes: SGI President Ikeda’s Lecture Series. The exam will mark the completion of the second class of the Ikeda Wisdom Academy, an advanced study program for district through national youth leaders, which was
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Category: Frontline News
Kayo Corps In 2019, the young women of SGI-USA will focus on Kayo Corps—a training group dedicated to deepening bonds of friendship, strengthening members’ foundation in faith through practice and study, and raising capable leaders for kosen-rufu. Select young women will be inducted into the group, in which they will commit to a six- or
Category: Frontline News
Members and guests celebrated the grand opening of the SGI-USA San Antonio Buddhist Center on Dec. 9, 2018. Centrally located in downtown San Antonio, the new center will be the focal point for the advancement of kosen-rufu in South Texas for years to come. To reach the new facility: 2727 NW Loop 410, Suite 101,
Category: Frontline News
The SGI-USA capped off the Year of Brilliant Achievement with another historic victory. On Dec. 15–16, 2018, 1,629 SGI-USA members and guests participated in the first online Introductory Exam. Not only was the average passing rate 80 percent, but also a palpable joy filled each exam location. Participants were enthusiastically welcomed and assisted by volunteer
Category: Frontline News
Toward the 60th anniversary of the SGI-USA in 2020, the SGI-USA begins a new era of developing the districts. Studying The New Human Revolution Starting from its January 2019 issue, Living Buddhism began carrying a four-part study guide on one volume per month of The New Human Revolution. The following is a suggested framework for
Category: Frontline News
In volume one of The New Human Revolution, SGI President Ikeda writes in the epilogue: “Without the disciple’s efforts to make it a reality, the mentor’s grand vision will remain an empty dream. The true value of the principles set forth by the mentor are only revealed when they are applied and developed.” Starting this
Category: Frontline News
by Adin Strauss, Naoko Leslie, Kevin Moncrief, David Witkowski, Olivia Saito and Ryo Kuroki Happy New Year! Thank you very much for your tireless efforts last year to make 2018 the Year of Brilliant Achievement! Thanks to each of you, we were able to respond to our mentor, SGI President Ikeda, with repeated victories, gathering
Category: Frontline News
Members celebrated the grand opening of the SGI-USA Chandler Buddhist Center on Dec. 2 in Arizona. Chandler Vice Mayor Rene Lopez attended the event on behalf of the city, declaring Dec. 2, 2018, Daisaku Ikeda Day for the SGI’s efforts to promote inclusion and respect for different cultures. To reach the facility:3002 North Arizona Ave.