Category: Frontline News
Fortifying the Foundations of Society
Raising future leaders with the readiness to protect others.
Category: Frontline News
Raising future leaders with the readiness to protect others.
Category: Frontline News
To our wonderful SGI-USA members, This week marks the conclusion of the ninth May Commemorative Contribution activity since I undertook the privilege of serving our members as the SGI-USA General Director. Each time, I am ceaselessly amazed by our members’ selflessness, steadfastness and warm hearts—even in these times that continue to be uncertain, economically and
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On raising the generation that will carry our mentor’s spirit into the 22nd century and beyond.
Category: Frontline News
Why youth are engaging in the May Commemorative Contribution activity.
Category: Frontline News
by Erica KondoAssistant Chief Financial Officer On behalf of the SGI-USA, I would like to express our deepest gratitude for your ever-increasing “earnest resolve” and sincere financial contributions to support our movement for peace in the U.S., Guam and the Caribbean. In 2023, members’ financial contributions accounted for over 86% of the SGI-USA’s yearly operating
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In the DC Universe, the iconic “S shield” worn by Superman, Supergirl and other members of the House of El represents the Kryptonian symbol for “hope.” In the SGI-USA, the recently introduced “S pin” honors another type of hero: those who compassionately introduce, or “shakubuku” another person to start their Buddhist practice and join the
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Students reaffirm Ikeda Sensei’s principles for peace 50 years after his UCLA lecture.
Category: Frontline News
In April, the SGI-USA launched new leadership features in the Member Resources Portal for district through national leaders that will make it easier to see your organization’s status and where it’s headed. With the portal menu now separated into Personal and Organizational sections, leaders have access to features such as personalized intuitive dashboards and key
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An opportunity for our retired men’s division members to protect our kosen-rufu movement.
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Duy Dao grew up in Vietnam, where he recalls his parents and most people being generally Buddhist. When he joined the SGI last year in Los Angeles, he took the Introductory Exam soon after. Studying for it, Dao said, enabled him to grasp Buddhism in a new light. “The idea that the Buddha nature is
Category: Frontline News
A roundtable discussion on the real benefits of participating in the May Commemorative Contribution Activity.
Category: Frontline News
The May Commemorative Contribution activity is an expression of our vow to practice and spread the Mystic Law and our gratitude for the benefit we have gained from doing so. It allows us to financially protect and extend our kosen-rufu movement far beyond our lifetimes. This year’s activity, themed “Advancing Toward 2030 With Joy and
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“In the seven years leading to our centennial [in 2030], let us tap even greater wisdom to help people form a connection with Nichiren Buddhism. Let us awaken even greater numbers of people around the world to their Buddha nature. And let us joyfully and courageously bring many new friends to join us in the
Category: Frontline News
Transforming our communities from within
Category: Frontline News
Try your hand at five sample questions from the upcoming introductory exam material. 1. Nam-myoho-renge-kyo is the heart and essence of the Buddha, which is expressed in wise and compassionate actions to lead all people to enlightenment. In this phrase, nam means to __________.(HINT: See The Basics of Nichiren Buddhism, p. 19)a) completely cut all ties
Category: Frontline News
Words cannot quite express how deeply we appreciate each of you for your unwavering support of kosen-rufu. Every year when this time comes around, we reflect on how our lives have been transformed through encountering Nichiren Buddhism with the SGI, and we make a fresh determination to advance our movement and its aim to bring
Category: Frontline News
Message from SGI-USA General Director Adin Strauss In Buddhism, we have three treasures that we revere as central to our practice: the Buddha, the Law and the sangha. The third of these, the sangha, corresponds to the Buddhist Order or community of believers—our Soka community. This year marks my 40th year of practice. Through thick
Category: Frontline News
The SGI-USA Introductory Exam will be held on April 13 and 14. Preparing for and taking the exam is an opportunity for members and guests to study Nichiren Buddhism, a vital element of Buddhist practice, and deepen their understanding of its philosophy and history. Regarding SGI study exams, Ikeda Sensei writes: How highly Nichiren Daishonin,
Category: Frontline News
Meet some of the youth leading the charge toward the chapter-led March Youth Peace Festivals.
Category: Frontline News
by SGI-USA youth leaders Amelia Gonzalez Tesch and Shota Okajima On March 30, we celebrate the 70th anniversary of Ikeda Sensei’s appointment as youth division chief of staff. Although he was just 26, it marked the time when he took on a more central role in the Soka Gakkai’s development. In his diary, he wrote